One Earth Awakening

Hi to all!
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Author:  sunwisdom101 [ Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Hi to all!

Hello, I am sunwisdom101 and I am very new to this idea of Oneness but hope to begin exploring more aspects of spirituality through this forum! I am quite young and live as a college student in California, USA. I've recently had some very strange "spiritual" experiences in the hospital that led me on a quest to seek enlightenment. If anyone wishes to message me, please feel free! Glad to meet you all.

Author:  Jeannie Phillips [ Fri Aug 21, 2015 8:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi to all!

Welcome! I am sure that all the readers would be interested if you would like to share your 'spiritual experiences' here on the forum.


Author:  Meg [ Mon Aug 24, 2015 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hi to all!

Welcome, sunwisdom101! I am happy to meet you. The One Earth Awakening forum has a library of sacred and profound teachings, some of which you may resonate with. I've included a message from Julie as she introduces this forum and how it may be of assistance on one's journey. ~ Blessings, Meg

* * *

Dear Beloved Ones,

A new discussion forum called "One Earth Awakening’ is being made available now so that there can be a more open discussion of changes taking place in peoples’ lives today, and a recognition of the planetary nature of these changes produced by the greater presence of spiritual light.

The forum is also being offered to create a context for understanding the steps that need to be taken in order to deal with the many personal and planetary issues that human beings face today – steps that you, personally, may feel that you have not much influence over, but that will require your overriding concern and participation in the future.

I write to you, now, beloved ones, to let you know that for those experiencing symptoms of various kinds that seem to be physical or emotional but that may have an energetic base related to the above shifts, information and help will be offered within the forum for those who take part and ask questions.

Also, it cannot be overstated that there is great importance in identifying more closely with the vast network of light that is being formed through the conscious intention of many. This is a choice that each one must make, and taking part in 'One Earth Awakening' is a way of increasing your own commitment to the purposes of light.

I send blessings to all who have chosen to be here at this time of great change, and on behalf of the Realms of Light express the deepest gratitude.

With all love and blessings,


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