One Earth Awakening

"Foundational Truths" by Julie
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Author:  Meg [ Sun Aug 10, 2014 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  "Foundational Truths" by Julie

"During times of darkness, oppression, or when emotions have created a sense of anxiety or extreme fear, it is important to hold to foundational truths. These truths do not live in the mind. They live in the deeper strata of the heart and reside in one’s inner being. The mind can easily succumb to the pressure and intensity of emotions that are either innate to the personality structure, or are being colored and affected by energies that would take the embodied self further away from the light, toward increased separation from truth and hope. At such times, foundational truths of the heart must be reached for and clung to as one would cling to a life preserver or life raft on a stormy sea. For the energies of opposition cannot touch the deeper truths that reside in one’s being, since this being is the domain of the soul and is infused with the Divine energy that belongs to each created child of God."

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