One Earth Awakening

Learning Through Emotions
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Author:  Julie [ Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Learning Through Emotions

Learning Through Emotions

There is great learning that comes about through dealing with emotions at any level. However, in order to purify, one must learn to link the emotional life in its totality to the purposes of light so that one becomes a pure vessel. This does not mean an absence of emotions, but rather the elimination of those that cannot blend with love and light. Emotions that remain, then, are those that are derived from alignment with the soul such as peace, joy, love, compassion, kindness, tenderness, gratitude, to name just a few. In the deepest and truest sense, emotions are meant to serve God for they are energies that are part of God and can retain the purity of essence with which they were created.

In the area of emotions, learning can be accelerated when one consciously chooses a path of purification and learns to not identify with emotional currents that are just 'passing through.' The secret lies in the deeply felt perception that one is a soul, created by God, and that one's inner being remains one's true identity at all times.

In the presence of discordant emotions, one may affirm, with or without words: "I am not this feeling (anger, depression, envy, fear, frustration) passing through me. I am my inner being." Such identification can create a small space in which light can enter. As a result, witnessing rather than immersion in emotions can take place.

With all love and blessings - Julie


Feelings as waves or currents of energy.

Author:  Michaela [ Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Learning Through Emotions

Dearest Julie,
Thank you for this message. I am so grateful for all that has been possible in these years of being with you. I have learned so much about holding my difficult emotions and experiences in God's Love and Light. Not denying them, but not acting on them.

Bearing witness to what is passing through me with love, compassion, and forgiveness for myself. This has been central to my journey, learning to trust that these difficult emotions are not the true and real me, but are either a layer of me in need of healing or an energy passing through me that needs to be brought to God's Love. Again and again, I would learn to hold these emotions - sometimes over long periods of time and then I would have the moment of freedom from these feelings. I would feel the truth of my love, kindness, peace, joy....and it was a return to home.

As I began to have many experiences of this, I have come to deeply trust this path and feel such gratitude for all that has been possible. For as I have healed, I have been able to experience more and more of my true being and this has been a great blessing in my life. Thank you Julie and thank you to each of you joining in this discussion. I look forward to sharing more with each of you.
With love and blessings, Michaela

Author:  robert [ Sun Feb 03, 2013 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Learning Through Emotions

Dearest Julie,
Bless your upholding the light and the truth, pointing the way in so many ways. Again, I receive your words, and they penetrate through the surface where I am struggling to find God, and touch a deeper part of me that recognizes your words true and clear. The great beauty of "I am not what passes through me... I am my inner being". My inner being receives this, and smiles in recognition, even when my 'outer' being is in a state of not-knowing.
Thank you for these gifts, these blessings beyond measure.

Author:  Arcturus [ Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Learning Through Emotions

I was called to a one on one with God, today. Not a Conversations with God, kind of one on one. A rather intense, let me tell you, one on one. God, not of orthodox religion, God, but God, that is not known or acceptable to religion. That God~ Suffice to say, I came away from the dialogue, feeling MUCH better.

Discern what is real and not mortal, and see the difference.

I was grateful, for the fullness of what words can not give or portray. I felt the energy of the comfort and the strength of the very small voice that came in whispery thought form in reply to my loud, vocal conversation leaving the sense and the gentleness of reply.

Author:  Ariel*Blessings [ Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Learning Through Emotions

Dear Arcturus~
How amazing to feel God's presence in and around your own being. It sounds like this is the communion you are describing....indeed, words DO fall short! Yet your words are poetic, and full of vibration = like colors...and like tendrils of light wind that emanate from you and your message. I honor and thank you for sharing this most precious experience.

With Love~

Author:  Michaela [ Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Learning Through Emotions

Dear Arcturus,
Thank you for sharing this gift and blessing with us. To feel God's love and presence, to feel his guidance and love directly is a gift I cherish. I bow to your listening and being able to discern God's voice within and to have the wisdom and humility to receive his truth and guidance. I am grateful for the love, comfort and strength that this moment has given you.
With love and blessings, Michaela

Author:  abriete [ Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Learning Through Emotions

I understand how words cannot convey the feeling of comfort, light, and upliftment of your communion with God. I am truly grateful for your ability to experience this and pray that I too can experience this comfort.
With Love,

Author:  Arcturus [ Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Learning Through Emotions

Thank you for your loving, thoughtful affirmations and encouragements.

Words can not say what silence knows.

Like this morning, a lady came to my shop. In the interaction of buying and selling, she told me her son had died a month ago. He was 33. He was mentally retarded and they found out he had been living with only one kidney.

I told her my sister had...had....I told her I did not like to say DIED, because I don't believe in death. She lit up in acknowledgement, adding that the body goes but not the, not the, not the,.....well....she used the word, soul. I knew what she meant.

So I told her, that my sister is much nicer to me now, than ever. She lit up even more, as if a laugher, from deep within her, found an outlet.

She asked me what I meant.

If you were speaking of someone who suddenly walked into the room, I felt like my sister had suddenly become present and was gazing upon me with joyfully loving anticipation, waiting to hear what I would say.

I said, all the best of the essence of my sister, remains and all that limited her, is GONE!

Author:  dianabella [ Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Learning Through Emotions

Dear Arcturus,

So good to hear your words this morning. They bring me hope and joy. It sounds like you have touched down deeper into your soul and are living in a more sacred reality. I appreciate you sharing this experience with the world!


Author:  Arcturus [ Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Learning Through Emotions

Diana, thank you for sharing light to unveil a facet of Love, I did not see, but for you.

This is a recording from this morning :

I was sitting in the garden on the swing, and thinking that conversation can take the form of expressing offence, doubt, or making statements that invoke fear, uncertainty. These are like dungeons of the mind, and while sitting on the swing, a thought appeared in my mind, that painted a very horrible picture.

And so I have gotten off the swing and come into the God's Eye room, to lay this sight that appeared before my perception, before The Perceiver of all that is seen and unseen. I lay it down, before The Perceiver of all that is seen and unseen and say, okay, this is pretty horrible and I'd like to give this to you, because it is not something that I care to hold or see cultivate or be influenced or effected through this inner sight.

What can you tell me about the experience of this picture that is too horrible to clothe in words?

So the impression of sight looks and sees and says, I know the depths, I know the vortexes and I see all. The all-ness that I see, is not affected because the all-ness that I see, embraces too, what you have seen and experienced at one-ment, in expression. My at one-ment is with all, and not apart, with everything, and not isolation to any visual experiences or expressions, as occurring in mortal minds.

Okay....then the mortal-ness of my mind through which I experience the horrors of these fragments, please dissolve, remove, cleanse, and release to me how you see.

It is done.

(The "God's Eye Room" can be a room within, or a private place, in a garden, under a tree, on a rock or anywhere you can be alone to speak, pray or meditate.)

Author:  VijayaSantoshi [ Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Learning Through Emotions

Wow! Those were power-full vibrations you shared there, brother (Arcturus).... :)

Just as you said, in Silence, all is only from the Silence can you fully align with the heart and it's Truth. Which is always above and beyond the mind....

So, thankful to be able to share and receive such beauty-full insights from such radiant beings...

The way I think of God... is through the aspect of Divine Mother.. that is how I found Julie, through a translation She did of the Devi Prayer (Song to Divine Mother)

Found here on YT (if you haven't heard/seen it):

It is the most beauty-full song.... and one I used to play in meditation, before I even was aware that Julie had translated this..

I have always felt (as I've been able to feel this...) that the Divine Being of Purity, the Creator of the True Light, that walks with me and guides me from my heart.... was "The Mother"... the Shakti.... that moving force of Loving Awareness over all Creation...

It is wonder-full that She (and Father God) have so inspired Julie, and moved each of us to meet here (on these boards). So blessed, we all are! :))

May we all walk as the Gentle and Compassionate, but also Strong and Courageous Warriors of the Light, that we truly are...

So much Gratitude, Humbled.. Much Love and Many Blessings,


Author:  Meg [ Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Learning Through Emotions

Vijaya, when I first “found” Julie’s video’s I started crying with thankfulness..the love that emanates is a balm to All hearts. Often I now find myself humming some of the songs from the videos as I go through my day. :)

Arcturus, I echo, Ariel, Michaela, Abrieta, Diana & Vijaya ‘s words & thank you for sharing your beautiful sacred experiences.
Bringing what is perceived from darkness & unwanted energy, as an opportunity to grow in trust, in the way you described, is something I am currently learning. I always prayed when I met darkness but did not know there was more I could do until I read Julie’s book, “Embracing the Divine”.

Your meeting with the Lady in your shop was a gift to you both & by you sharing, a gift to us too. I so enjoy hearing how we are used in service to share the love that is so natural & given freely to us. It is in this way that we live & breath our devotion & purpose.
What a wonderful blessing to read & feel what is being shared! I have the biggest smile on my face & in my heart for the gentle beauty & fullness of God expressed here. Love & blessings to all.

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