"God is with you in this experience." Julie of Light Omega A hallmark of my sacred service work over the years has been enduring embodied experiences of deeply contractive and disabling fatigue.
In the early days of this energetic phenomenon, I sought through my extensive knowledge of herbs, nutrients, diet, detoxification, and exercise, regimes in which I might physically overcome the at times, crippling fatigue, which can come upon me as quickly as it suddenly leaves. I even tried creating more density in my body and explored traditional medical approaches which left me in the end, feeling hopeless and in need of further detoxification.
My mind has 'learned' over the years that there is indeed nothing it can ''do' to stop the energies which fill my energy body as well as my physical body, and yet my ego self - the driven self, continues to fight these experiences, time after time, in TIME.
Which is why the previous post is deeply moving and important to me - The Asana for Letting Go and Trusting in TIME.
When the experiences of fatigue and overwhelm begin penetrating my reality, the ego self will fill my mind with thoughts such as, "You should be ___________". Along with the thoughts of what I should be doing, comes separated emotional energies associated with shame, guilt, feelings of brokenness, judgement, self-recrimination as well as energies associated with depression, despair, failure, hopelessness and helplessness.
Twenty some years onward from when this phenomenon first originated, I continue to struggle as to how much my heart is willing to surrender and trust in any given moment in the presence of the incoming energies and the associated mental constructs of the should's, the separated energies of guilt and judgement, and the debilitating contractive energies of fatigue.
Even so, through the grace of the Purification Process, I have learned that these experiences are purifying in TIME, the separated aspects of my self. Each episode of severe and crippling at times fatigue, has led over the years to a greater 'knowing' of a process larger than my ego self's knowledge of 'how my life 'should be' in space- time. See: http://lightomega.org/Ind/Purification.html
Years of sometimes releasing, sometimes recycling energies of despair, hopelessness, and fear, (when I forget the truth of my embodied life), associated with not being able to 'do' or 'manifest' have in TIME, along with practicing the principles of the Purification Process, brought to my heart centered self, an inner knowing - in the presence of the ego's protests of a life of often severe restriction and limitation - that I am wait and trust until the energies pass.
This does not mean that my ego does not continue to protest and fight these experiences. Why even after twenty some years of going through this process of surrendering in the presence of severe limitation and contraction, my ego still fights with my heart, crying out "your embodied life is being wasted away", or "look, here I go again, fatigue so severe I cannot get up from my bed, for days, weeks, months" or mental messages such as "I am a failure, there is something wrong with me, I must get up and push myself to 'do', this must be done, that must be done", or "why can't I be like everyone else manifesting and expressing themselves in their lives?"
Dear Readers, if I have taken to heart one important lesson on my spiritual path it is that there is a power greater than my self and my ego self which I have freely and lovingly given my life to in service, and this power whom I choose to call God, is the power which empowers me, even in the presence of severely contractive and limiting energies. Even as it has taken my heart many years in the presence of at times, extreme suffering, to understand and then develop in TIME, an inner 'knowing' of the truth patiently and compassionately taught to me by my Beloved Teacher Julie, that "God is in this"."Trust God to get you through this."
"Remain faithful in the presence of helplessness."
"Believe that God is with you to help you through."
Beloved Julie of Light Omega Personal guidance circa 1990's I will imagine for the sake of sharing more deeply with you Dear Readers, someone asking the same question that plagued my own mind for years, "Johanna why would God be the cause of your suffering or fatigue or even allow it?" And my reply would be, "I have learned in TIME that God is not the source of my suffering or limitation, and I am learning as an inner knowing that God is 'with me' as I go through, in an embodied state, experiences of suffering and extreme limitation. As far as 'allowing' experiences associated with intensely contractive energies, I gave myself in service many years ago and through the evolution of time and the experiences themselves, that they are part of my service work."
These insights - inner knowings, continue to bring healing to my oft times weary heart which words cannot fully explain. A synopsis would include the question which has always haunted my heart "how could God allow suffering?"
My growing knowing informs me that living on a planet where free will is granted without God playing god and interfering in humanity's decisions, that we are called and given free will to self govern. Unfortunately, historically, the few with the most resources and often greatest ego's in a separated state, have chosen instead to play god and have undermined the God given free will lives of billions of embodied souls, causing unmitigated suffering and pain - often in the name of tribal superiority, politics, kingship, religious dogma, misogyny, prejudice, and now a paradigm of for-profit global control of the planet and the embodied souls living upon Her.
For myself Dear Readers, my hearts healing involves the gradual, in TIME awakening to 'knowing' that God is 'with' me, and that I am not alone in my suffering.
The God whom I choose to call my God, is not a cause of suffering, rather the God of my heart is a God of love, compassion, creation and expansion. The God of my soul, loves all souls and created this beautiful planet with a template for every form of manifestation and expansion in which an embodied soul could imagine waiting for them as they awakened to their free will powers to manifest and be.
The separated energies of suffering and severe limitation I experience are not from God, even as God is 'with me' in the presence of suffering, embodied, in TIME.
So as the years have passed by, and the energies continue to come in waves engulfing me into deep contractive states of debilitating fatigue, my heart holds on to the growing inner knowings which has evolved over and in TIME - "I am not alone, that God as I know God is 'with' me, and that what ever is happening to my abilities related to physically expressing myself through my sacred body, by the grace of all that is good and holy, I am, even in a state of immobility and severe fatigue, awakening to stronger inner knowings of my atonement with the One whom I choose to call God .
with love, Johanna
P.S. In the re-reading of this posting, I noticed how often I used descriptive words such as crippling, disabling, and extreme. The usage of these words for describing my physical experiences is not for sympathy Dear Readers, although your heart centered empathy is thankfully acknowledged, rather I left these words in after noticing how often I repeated them, as I am currently in another building wave of contractive fatigue and wanted to not censor out what the inner as well as physical experiences sounded and felt like.