There is only One Body and you are part of it. Therefore, everyone you meet is part of you. All compassion, all giving will come from this.Julie@JulieLightOmega Hello Dear Readers.
I woke up this morning as I have for so many mornings in recent months, with the sounds of screaming and crying in my heart.
Years of personal spiritual work through the Purification Process has helped me to determine when the energies are mine, i.e., fear or anxiety, and when the energies are planetary energies passing through my energy body as a part of the work my soul is here to do.
Yesterday was the first time in a long time where I just could not read the details of inflicted suffering. The article was about the US armed Saudi bombing of the MSF hospital in Yemen. A week or so ago it was a children's hospital in Syria. Wars rage on in the M.E. in the new for profit paradigm of mercenaries and private contractors for hire as billions of dollars worth of new armaments are being sold by the US arms merchants and as billions more are slated for Israel (raised recently from 3.1 billion a year to 4 billion a year for the next 10 years) all under the guise of keeping the United States 'safe' even as Palestinians languish and suffer horrifically under apartheid policies in the holy lands.
There is my soul who understands that these are the times that prophecy identified and warned of - the suffering, the burning and desecration of the Earth, and the horrors inflicted upon the masses.
Even so, the experiences of planetary suffering is so profound. I am aware of most suffering. Even if I do not read of the suffering, I often perceive the suffering within my soul, my heart being the amplifier.
The spiritual limbo I am experiencing has to do with holding the suffering in my heart without identifying with the suffering, AND bringing forth the Teachings and inner knowings given to me of what is to come for all. The Light is here, and even so, in the Presence of the Light, my heart continues to primarily perceive and hear, the cries of the suffering.
There are millions crying, millions who have lost their homes, who are under oppressive regimes, apartheid regimes, war zones - where children, schools, hospitals and places of safety for the 'civilians' are targets of collateral hubris. The nation of the free is becoming militarized with millions of dollars for armaments and militarized protections for the 'protectors' whilst schools, free lunches, food, affordable health care, and welfare benefits that uphold the fabric of a society of compassion are cut as people protest in the streets from years of suffering and racist 'free market neo-liberal' policies in which predators steal from the poor to enrich the coffers of the wealthy.
The spiritual limbo I am experiencing has to do with having the heart of a prophet and in the body of a human who is powerless to do more than publicly call out - "Look God, look what these souls are doing to the helpless, the suffering, the broken." "Look God, embodied souls are making money from imprisoning the least amongst them for profit." Look God, our leaders tell us their is no money to feed, help. educate or heal they poor, and yet these very same souls are awarding billions of dollars in contracts to privatized mercenaries of war and death!" "Look God, look at how Your Garden is being desecrated and destroyed in the name of profits and shares traded."
The spiritual limbo I am experiencing has to do with who I am and who I am meant to be and this time in between of waiting in trust for the Light. It seems so difficult at times to wait and trust in the Light as so many are suffering so horrifically on this blessed Planet. It seems so difficult at times to trust that all will be well - as it will for it has been decreed as so. It seems so difficult at times to not identify with the pain and suffering my soul absorbs and holds for transformation.
This is my spiritual limbo - waiting and longing for a deeper knowing of the Light in a time of darkness and not identifying with the darkness and sufferings - holding on to the truth which my souls carries, the truth of a embodied soul reality for all of God's children which is not rooted in for profit paradigms and the cults of death and war.
Some days, like today Dear Readers, it is a little more difficult for me to hold the sufferings and not identify with the cries, horrors, and sorrows.
This is my spiritual limbo - my humanity crying out in its smallness in the presence of incredible planetary suffering and pain, and my soul's longing to come forth as a daughter of the Light, a wayshower amongst many, embodying with humility the strengths which come forth from the Source of All That Is - goodness, benevolence, kindness, beauty, generosity, compassion, and most of all, Grace.
Thank you for listening, for reading, for the ways in which you bring the Light through your embodied selves each and every day.
with love, JohannaThe Purification Process On Spiritual Nourishment Spiritual nourishment comes from one's deeper self in connection with All-That-Is. It creates a sense of 'fullness' that lets the embodied self know that no matter what is going on, all is well. 10:28" (Aug. 7, 2016) LISTEN: LINK: All that has been separated shall know itself to be one with the Divine and one with its own Essence of love. A new sun is shining on Earth.