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 Post subject: Blue Skies Sprayed Grey
PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:56 am 

I wrote the following poem this morning, then after breakfast to celebrate the shining sun, I went to take a photo of the beautiful skies, this photo represents what I found instead. May all blessings be upon those beneath the heavens.

File comment: Educate yourself: Geoengineering, Solar Radiation Management, Chemical Trails - Chemtrails.
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Aeresol spraying covering the sun_ January_31_ 2016.jpg [ 8.83 KiB | Viewed 3222 times ]

I looked out my window this morning and saw the sun shining brightly, hurray!

In my heart I gave thanks and took a moment to pray.

"Please let the sun shine untouched with blue skies today,

let not the sun and skies be covered with aerosol grey."

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 Post subject: Giving Helplessness to God
PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:17 pm 

"...The absence of fear in relation to helplessness exists when one holds it in God. And holding it in God means that even though you, or I, or someone as a conscious being cannot do something about a particular circumstance, the idea on a deep level of knowing is held that the thing that's creating the helplessness is purposeful, is good, and is being held in a larger Consciousness than one's conscious mind can presently perceive. That adhere once to knowing that what you don't know God does know, is part of the direct and immediate perception of the human being's relationship to the Source of life.

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The ego which grew out of human experience on the physical plane over millennia,
the ego substituted itself for that direct perception of conscious relationship with Source, and began to try to manage things through the mind. And so the mind became overactive in many people and in many cases because fear developed that helplessness was not held in God, that there was nothing else holding one's helplessness except one's own capacity to deal with it.

And so dealing with it through mental control became the substitute for dealing with it through
trusting that God is holding all."

Giving Helplessness to God


Read: ... to-God.pdf

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 Post subject: The Portal to 5th Dimensional Awareness
PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 5:12 pm 

"…[F]ive-dimensional awareness is nothing less than the loss of the sense of separateness from others and from the universe in which we live. This loss of separateness takes place in the presence of expanding light and creates an experience of the Divine within all  - a perspective in which distinctions between self and other, between matter and spirit, and even between life and death can fade into the background. Within fifth-dimensional awareness, individualized consciousness still remains, but the sense of estrangement and isolation from life does not.

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Portal to the 5th Dimension_JohannaRaphael.jpg [ 60.54 KiB | Viewed 3211 times ]

...Fifth-dimensional consciousness is already present for some, and there are many others who are awakening to it even now while the greater shift has not yet occurred. Yet for most, the sense of separation between 'me' and 'you' and the need to protect 'me' from 'you' still predominates in an atmosphere where the experience of unity has not yet directly been felt.

Fifth-dimensional awareness will change this situation and the morality that accompanies it.

When all is seen to be connected with all, then a morality that is based not on self-preservation but on concern for the welfare of the whole will prevail. When there is no difference between 'your' interest and 'my' interest, then the foundation for peace can be laid within each individual consciousness.

The advent of this shift has already arrived, creating a foreshadowing of a way of being on the planet that is based in love, not self-protection - one that seeks to serve the good of all, rather than the desires of self. Such a movement has God at the center by whatever name God is called, for the movement itself does not belong to any nation, religious tradition, or group.

As we, collectively, move into fifth-dimensional awareness, the possibility for resolving the dire conflicts that have beset the world will, for the first time, become credible, and hope for a peaceful future will, for the first time, become a real hope, based in a foundation of truth.

Read the Entire Teaching by Julie:

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 Post subject: Energies and Consciousness ~ Energies Effecting Consciousnes
PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 5:25 pm 


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Energies and Consciousness_#1_Energy Effects Consciousness.jpg [ 113.34 KiB | Viewed 3199 times ]

The New Light Body

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:11 pm 
by Julie

There is a ‘sphere of mirages’ within the planes of darkness that many souls who seek guidance have contact with, and thus are brought into the plane of illusion, believing it to be truth.

Within this sphere, the illusions can be many.  They can affect the mind, representing themselves to be guidance coming from the realms of light or from God, when in fact they are coming from darkness-masquerading-as-light.  They can also affect the body, creating sensations and perceptions that are both physical and energetic.  Their purpose is to create mistrust in God or in those from the realms of light who are helping and guiding.  Their medium is through the mind or the body, and their effectiveness is such that they can create both large and small dramas that involve the embodied self in complex ways, sometimes for long periods of time.  Dramas of an inner kind can, for example, convey to the emotional/mental self that the force of light is battling encroaching darkness with the feeling being created that it cannot hold it back or prevent it from encroaching.  An entire battle between light and darkness can be constructed on a large scale or on a small scale, with the goal of creating fear that light is not strong enough and that darkness will win the battle or that the battle will go on indefinitely.  Within this battle, darkness-masquerading-as-light can play a significant role.
In addition, there are sensations like ‘shadows’ that appear and disappear within the plane of illusion, whose purpose is to create discomfort and the perception that they are real.  They are not real, but are perceivable as physical sensations.

All illusions are dispelled by recognizing that they are not real.  Recognition comes from knowing that God's light is stronger than darkness, that the feeling of unsafety, if it occurs, is produced by darkness or darkness-masquerading-as-light, and that all is held in God who is watching over everything and is aware of everything, creating the safety of ultimate truth.

The number of illusions within this sphere can be many and their construction elaborate.  One must be aware of the possibility, especially when mistrust in God, light, or in those who are helping is increasing, that one may have been touched by the sphere of illusion.  Also, when it feels like one is forever engaged with forces of darkness with  no way out. 
Help is always available in dealing with this sphere, through asking for guidance to separate truth from illusion, through aligning with light, and through knowing that the possibility exists, especially when fear or mistrust in Divine reality is present, that illusions that are overturning one's faith in spiritual reality are being cultivated.

This is an inner learning for many at this time.  Yet, it will become an outer learning for many in the future.  All of light is ready and available to steady those who are touched by or engaged with the 'sphere of illusion,' and all help will be given to those who ask.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:21 pm 
by Julie ... dance.html

There is a need today for discernment regarding the source of guidance that comes to the embodied self, for energies that can represent themselves as emanating from the light are not always coming from that source, and the effort to lead astray those who are devotedly and with great sincerity trying to follow a true path of service to God, remains strong.
Often, guidance that seems to come from the light but does not will create a feeling of apprehension or confusion.  It will arouse anxiety rather than calmness and peace. Yet even when anxiety is not present, one can tell the difference between what is false and what is true by the presence or absence of love.

Love does not declare, it invites and encourages.

Love does not intimidate, threaten, or judge.  It supports and nurtures.
Love does not suspend the rights of others to hold different points of view or to disagree with the guidance altogether.

Love does not appropriate to itself the rights of others, even when guidance seems most compelling.
Love is gentle, it emanates from the heart with gentleness and remains humble and respectful, observing the right of others to pursue a different path.
Love does not force anything upon others without their permission.  In its humility it requests an audience but does not demand it.  It respects the Divine and human right of each one to govern their own existence.  It does not trespass where it is not wanted.
There have been many, both past and present, who have, while in positions of spiritual leadership, pursued paths of service believing them to be authorized by the true light of God when in fact they were partly so authorized, and partly altered by mistaken judgments made on the basis of false guidance.
One must be very humble to recognize the path of truth.

One must be very respectful of the rights of others to recognize the path of truth.
One must hold love as an essential on all levels of being, the human as well as the Divine, in order to not justify trespassing on the rights of others because one believes oneself to be 'right' or 'righteous'.

These are the measures that call out to be recognized by those who seek to lead humanity in the direction of the one true God.  They call out to be recognized in loving humility toward all, recognizing that all are one, and that all are pursuing their own path to God to the best of their ability.  Therefore, overriding their freedom to do so, or forcing some edict, prescription, or advice upon others because it seems correct, can leave one vulnerable to false guidance, and remove one from the true path of light.  In this way both arrogance and self-righteousness can be recognized as temptations that lead one astray through the very belief that one is right.

 Light always serves all.

It remains wedded to love.

It is gentle and in service to the One.

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 Post subject: Energies and Consciousness - Perceptual Filters
PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:23 pm 

"...[W]e can know with our experience that in those moments when we have been most deeply immersed in something, especially something sublime, that all else disappeared and there was only THAT.  This is true of the eternal present.  It is all there is, and we have come to not see it because of the lenses we wear which act as filters of perception over our vision."

"...There is a change that is coming with regard to these filters of perception.  This change is not something that we initiate through our will or through our actions. It is a change initiated through Divine action that will progressively eliminate the perceptual filters so that we can perceive the timeless even while living within time."

BEYOND TIME - The Shift into Timelessness

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Energies and Consciousness_#2_Perceptual Filters.jpg [ 85.49 KiB | Viewed 3199 times ]

"...On the mental level, purification discloses the underlying attitudes by which each embodied soul lives. In the presence of greater light there is greater clarity. As a result, thought patterns become more apparent, and whereas before one may have believed one was perceiving ‘reality’ as it is, it soon becomes apparent that much of what one sees is perceived through 'perceptual filters' – lenses that shape reality according to our inner needs, fears, or desires.

These 'filters' were originally created by human beings long ago to serve the purposes of the ego in its protective function. As spiritual reintegration takes place, a true relationship with the Divine begins to replace this ego-function, and that which has served the individual as a mechanism of self-protection or defense is no longer needed or wanted. Sometimes, however, these habitual ego-mechanisms do not let go immediately, and patience is needed while the new ways of relating to God and life are emerging. "

I-Purification: The Expansion of Light ... ation.html

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Feb 03, 2016 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Walking with Johanna... A Spiritual Journey Home
PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:33 pm 

"...God's light spans all dimensions and levels of reality, moving through time and space as a current of radiance that affects both individual life and human history.  Where light is present on the earth, where consciousness is capable of holding light and the heart is capable of centering itself upon it, there the greater light may enter and make itself at home, illuminating with greater force all that it finds that matches or resonates with it.  Often, this produces the many kinds of spiritual awakening that take place, for light, upon entering awareness, wakes up those capacities and perceptions that have been dormant, bringing into consciousness sensitivities and clarity that existed before only in potential.  It is the illuminating power of light that creates true inspiration, both large and small, the perception of other worlds, the capacity to distinguish between moral truth and moral falsehood that represents itself as truth, and the illumination and enlargement of the heart so that it can love more, with greater strength and depth.  All of these effects are produced by the increased presence of light within the body, heart, and mind.

By contrast, where light encounters darkness within an individual, group, or society, it is part of its innate capacity and function to set it free – to release it so that it is no longer hidden or bound within the structure that it inhabits.  Darkness exists at many levels and can affect emotion, thought, motivation, physical functioning, and the  capacity to sense the reality of the spiritual worlds, including the reality of God.  Its primary function is to create a sense of separation between consciousness and the reality of the Divine through doubt, fear, and the instillation of counter-ideas about reality that create mistrust and disbelief concerning the goodness of God and God's purposes.

The freeing function of light is a powerful force for good.  When light encounters darkness, it attracts the darkness to itself, moving it out of its place of residence and hiding and exposing it to the light of day.  In this way, do individuals become aware of feelings they may have carried for a long time without every having been conscious of them.  In this way, too, do the crystallized forms of darkness that reside within the body, causing symptoms of varying kinds, become separated from the physical context in which they live.  These then begin to release as energies, instituting a healing process that could not have taken place without light's presence.

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The power of light is the strongest force in the Universe. 

It is the force of Divine intention and Breath - the same force that was present in the act of Creation.  Though the exposure of darkness to the human psyche or upon the planet may create an upsurge of difficulty as areas of negativity and separated consciousness become seen and known for what they truly are, in the end, the process heals because of the release that is taking place.  This is similar to the way in which a fever that liberates heat becomes part of the healing process, or the way in which other symptoms become active in the body as part of the freeing of formerly bound energies.

It is useful in all cases, whether in pursuit of a general strengthening of light or whether in need of healing and of greater assistance with removal of darkness, to call upon the light of God, for the calling upon it opens the door that allows it to enter.  In addition to words of affirmation such as "The light of God is with me, surrounding and upholding me," the greater purity and openness of the body to receive light, achieved through the process of purification, is a powerful force for stabilizing light within the physical dimension so that further healing and transformation can take place."

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:38 pm 

Awareness offers choice;
Choice offers the way of return.


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 Post subject: In the Moment ~ The Path of Return
PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:45 pm 

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 Post subject: THE DIVINE UNITY OF 'ONE' - A Teaching by Julie
PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:09 pm 

Before there were Creator and Creation there was only One.  One undivided Unity. One Consciousness that had no name. One uniform Being-ness with no divisions, no boundaries, no parts, nor functions.  Nothing outside of It nor inside of It.  Nothing preceding It nor to come after It.  For there was no 'outside' nor 'inside', no 'before' nor 'after'.  There was only Being.  There was only Divine Life. 


Out of this Life arose the mysterious impulse to create, the primordial push of divine Intentionality,  the sacred expression of unknown Desire which came from a place beyond need and desire.  For there were no needs, and nothing to desire.  An impulse,  pure and free, gave birth to itself to create a thing born of the Mind of God that could then be born into existence.  That could then be born as Existence.  This pure Idea-of-Creation preceded any action, any call, any pronouncement.  First the Desire or Intention, then the manifestation. 

Pure impulse to create came into being, an impulse to manifest the only thing that did not yet exist within the great Itself - multiplicity, individuality, distinction and difference,  individual form, the Many within the One - all this pushed forward, bringing into being everything that was, and is, and shall come to be - the impulse to produce multiplicity out of Unity.  The impulse to give birth.


Out of the primary creative matrix came the first duality, the first pair – Father-Mother God - the Father being that part of the One that was the primary Creator - the active impulse moving forward.  The Mother - that part of the One that received the impulse into Itself in order to become the Many, the womb of matter, of Mater (Mother).  Father--Mother God - the first pair arising out of the nameless Unity.  Both parts joined to each other.  Both parts necessary to Creation.


Father-Mother God said, together, "Let there be light," and there was light.  The active principle enunciating the edict.  The receptive principle carrying it forth, bringing existence into being.  "Let there be light", also known as the sacred "Aum", also known as the "Word", also known as the primordial letters and sounds of the Hebrew alphabet – each element bursting with the new, each giving rise to Creation.

Thus, Existence came into being, with varying levels of distinctness as individualized identity within the One.  Some were more One than Many.  Some more Many than One. Within the human creation that included both man and nature occurred the greatest degree of individualized existence.  Here, were all things that were different from everything else, that had their own names, that could become separate from each other if they chose to.  The original names containing the essence, the thing that each was created to be as a part of the One.  In the course of millions of years, these became many names and many things.  In the course of the rise and fall of civilizations and cultures, they adopted different faces and habits. But in the beginning, the names were what each was meant to be.

All of human creation has traveled the path shaped by the arrow of divine Intention to bring multiplicity out of Unity, to create individualized existence.  Yet, since all of Creation came forth from the undivided Unity, it remained That within its deepest being, always desiring a return to this, a return to the way home, the way to the Oneness that lived within its deepest core.  What became separated did not know about the path of return that already lived within it as its own Self.  Yet, it was always there, issuing forth its silent call.

Difficult to reconcile are the two currents manifested in all of human consciousness - the desire to follow the arrow of primary Intention and to bring forth the new; and the desire to return to the original undivided Unity.

The great religious divide has occurred along these lines.  On one side, those religions that defined and taught the way of return to the very beginning, to the place of One.  On the other, those religions that defined and taught the path of forward movement, of evolution, of becoming.  East and West, unity and duality, past and future, God as Consciousness and God as Creator. These are the choices that have infused mankind's spiritual and religious history.

Today, another choice appears. Another way of looking at things.   It is the path of reconciliation.  The path of unification of the two ways.  Through the human soul, it is possible for both ways to coexist - for human consciousness to hold the primary Unity and simultaneously to differentiate out of that Unity in order to further the arrow of Creation.  It is possible to do this because Matter (Mater-Mother) and Spirit (Father) are becoming unified on the human plane, never again to be separate from each other.

This human consciousness that can accomplish both is not a return to the Father or Mother, nor a return to the Nameless One.  Rather, it is an incorporation of both into Consciousness itself.  Being and Becoming, Unity and Multiplicity - the ultimate fulfillment of the Creative impulse.  It is the way of reconciling all aspects of differentness and bringing together Matter and Spirit into a seamless whole.

Such is the destiny of the human soul and of the human consciousness -  to complete the circle of Creation, creating a micro-Cosmos within each self that parallels the  macro-Cosmos of the manifested universe. 


the One shall live within the Many,

dwelling among them as the Presence of One,

and the Many shall live within the One,

knowing themselves to be part of the Oneness.

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 Post subject: Energies and Consciousness - Return to Source
PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:12 pm 

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Energies and Conciousness_#3_ The Path of Return.jpg [ 132.39 KiB | Viewed 3195 times ]

Last edited by Johanna on Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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