THE 'RAPTURE' AND THE EARTH'S 'DIMENSIONAL SHIFT'- Julie - There are two ways to look at the 'Rapture' - one as an act of God, through the Christ, that lifts the Christian faithful into heaven where they are seated at the right hand of God. The other, as an act of God, through the Christ-light, that mediates the earth's 'dimensional shift' into a higher plane of vibration, carrying the earth and its inhabitants into a new realm of spiritual consciousness. Both views are historical - one from a biblical Christian perspective, the other from the perspective of the Mayan Calendar, the Hopi prophesies, and the 'secrets' encoded within the Great Pyramid of Gizeh as well as the 'secret' of the Sphinx itself.* * * ** * To deepen our understanding of 'the Rapture', we need to take yet another step into a relatively unknown area of physics and metaphysics - one that has been explored by some and discounted by many. The background knowledge for gaining perspective in this area has to do with 'vibration'. An understanding of 'vibration' will enable us to link the ideas of 'Rapture' with those of 'Dimensional Shift'.1:
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'Frequency of vibration', when referring to sound, light, or electromagnetic waves, has to do with the number of repetitions of the wave that occur per unit of time, for example, the number of peaks per second. The greater the frequency of repetition, the higher, we say, is the vibration. Within the space-time continuum, our physiology allows us to hear sound within a particular range of frequencies, and to see light and color within a particular range of frequencies as well. There are frequencies of vibration that are both higher and lower than what we can see, hear, and feel, but they are generally not accessible to our three-dimensional awareness.
The premise of a spiritual universe which underlies the physical, is that the 'higher vibrations' (greater frequencies) of light in which the spiritual realms live and have their being, coexist along with the lower, but we are not aware of them. This is because that which vibrates at a lower rate cannot be aware of the higher unless a point of intersection occurs through something that might be described as an energetic 'funnel' or tube, by which the higher is made available to the lower and the lower made capable of rising into the higher. In an esoteric sense, this is the meaning of the six-pointed star that is the 'Star of David'. It is a representation of the joining of spirit and matter - the ascent of the lower triangle into the higher, and the descent of the higher realms of spirit into the lower.Such a joining has everything to do with the earth's 'dimensional shift' being prepared even now, and also relates to one of the fundamental ideas of the 'Rapture' in which individual souls are 'taken up'.
A 'dimensional shift' can take place for a person or for a planet. In some instances it is referred to as 'ascension' or an 'ascension process' - a term that I am uncomfortable with because, historically, it has referred to a spiritual elite and left out the rest of humanity. However, we can speak more plainly of a process that the earth is currently going through that is affecting all of humanity, and that will do so even more in the future. This process, sometimes referred to as the shift from three-dimensional to four-dimensional reality, has to do with the joining of the upper and lower realms through the increase of spiritual light on the earth. It is the embodiment, on earth, of the Star of David.
... This, then, is the meaning of a 'dimensional shift' to the fourth dimension. It is a shift engendered by the changing frequencies of light interacting with the physical plane, which changes our consciousness. Does it affect everyone in this positive way? No, it does not. For some are immersed to a greater degree in energies that seek the limitation of the expansion of light, and these individuals, during this time, may be more completely aligned with forces of hate and destruction that seek power over others - justifying this, through rationalizations that claim authorization by God. This, of course, is never true. Nevertheless, in the presence of these energies it seems, to some, to be true.
Understanding how the higher vibrations of light might affect humanity is important in order to picture what might happen if the heightening of spiritual vibration (the higher frequencies of light) were to be speeded up on the earth. Up until now, it has proceeded gradually, though not without dramatic effect as we have witnessed in the current conflict in Iraq, in Israel-Palestine, and in the intensification of acts of terrorism both at home and abroad. But what if a major shift in spiritual energy were to occur rather suddenly? What if the earth itself were to move more deeply into 'the photon belt' and were, in a moment, to suddenly be thrust past a threshold of light which the darkness could no longer penetrate? What would advance past this threshold, and what would remain behind?
This is the mystery of the 'Rapture' which, in the prophetic language of the Bible, has sought to capture this entire process in concrete, biblical terms. The 'Rapture' is not false. It is true. But it is true in an entirely different way than those who are current proponents of biblical interpretation are interpreting it. It is also not part of a 'pre-tribulation' scenario, but rather something that is linked to the entire process of purification of the earth that has been outlined above - a process that has consequences for both the expansion of light and for the expansion of darkness.
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The name 'Rapture' should probably be changed, for it suggests something that obliterates the full meaning of the 'dimensional shift' that is taking place and will take place. It also makes exclusive the Christ energies which help uplift all during this passage or shift. With due respect to its origins, the current biblical interpretation does keep the heart of God in the picture as opposed to making it an impersonal process related simply to energy and consciousness. Nevertheless, this interpretation makes it seem that only Christians in a particular relationship with Jesus can be 'uplifted' or 'taken up'. This cannot be true, for the light of the Christ is what uplifts, and it uplifts not only those who believe, but all beings who, in their hearts, bodies, and minds can hold the higher vibrations of light that are progressively affecting the earth.
Here is another great mystery - the mystery of inclusion, not of exclusion. For whereas the present understanding of 'the Rapture' suggests that only a group of select souls will be 'saved' to dwell with God and to avoid the trials of the Tribulation, it is more truthful to say that all who seek the light will receive the light and will become part of whatever 'dimensional shift' takes place.
Last edited by Johanna on Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.