Instead of making a new year's resolution this year which is often of the will, make a daily practice of surrendering your will to God's purposes. Let it begin today and be a prayer for every day. Let this be the year of NO RESOLUTIONS but only of being led by God.
There may be emotions and behaviors in need of healing. There may be things that need to change. Instead of "I will..." ask that divine Will guide the path of healing.
Facebook posting December 28, 2013
Ouch!!! I have already made my resolutions! LOL.
Honestly, the thought of
NO RESOLUTIONS makes me just want to make a resolution to not make any more resolutions!.
I am joking and very serious too.
Beloved Julie's new Teaching on
NO RESOLUTIONS - rather than garnering my 'will' to be more perfect in behavior and practices - scares me.
Why? Because I have lived a life where I was taught, "Yes, Grace will help and heal, but first I must do everything possible with my 'will', oft times suffering immensely for years, before Grace will step in and heal me".
This new Teaching of
NO RESOLUTIONS is radical in that what I feel is being asked of me is to not use my 'will' to bring about inner/outer changes, rather I am being asked to pray for Divine Will guide my healing path AND my life each day. Whatever unfolds
is the will of God.
My soul is being called to surrender and pray for God to 'guide my path of healing',
in the presence of that which (the 'I' in me) judges must change and to WAIT for the Will of God to manifest, again,
in the presence of, that which the will seeks to change.
It's the
in the presence of that which I judge needs to change which induces the fear in my consciousness. In t
he presence of, I do not need to
willfully 'do' anything. When my ego needs something to do, the 'I' of
InI can choose to let go and ask God to guide my path of healing...
It seems that my being scared comes from seeing that which is within me which the "I" in me perceives is not in right relationship with Divine Flow, God, and the fear of making choices in my life that I judge to be 'sinful' for a lack of a better word to describe the self judgement and the energies feeding into the judgement. Choosing to let go of my will driving the change and healing, my mind muses, may be a cause for self will run riot - failure and self indulgence.
Hmmm, allowing my will to participate in more loving spiritual practices such as humility, prayer and daily surrender to Divine Will for my path of healing, can bring about healing instead of willfully corralling my 'self' until my will beats down that which the "I" in me judges as 'wrong'?
If "I" - my will, chooses to follow this Teaching, then it will be a time to experience being 'with' that which I would rather change - to be 'with' any behavior or practice that my ego judges as 'bad', and choose instead, to compassionately surrender, trusting that whatever I engage with which I feel may not be in be in right relationship to my soul and God, will, if it is God's Will,
be healed.
A radical Teaching indeed, of letting go and trusting that God
will be there for me, to guide my path of healing. That God is 'with' me no matter what I am doing, feeling, or how I am behaving.. All I need "do" is let go (surrender) and pray for God's Will to manifest on my path of healing - however that looks…
Now I know why I loved my yearly resolutions. A radical Teaching indeed.