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Joined: Thu May 09, 2013 9:40 am
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 Post subject: 'Thy Will be done'
PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:00 am 
With the many changes that are taking place, it is understandable that focus is put on what we lack in our daily lives. Whether it is money, work, home, relationships etc, all lead to a feeling of anger, frustration and despair.

As thoughts are energy and energy is a living thing, dwelling on what we don’t have will manifest and grow. This can lead us on a downward spiral, creating confusion in the mind, and disharmony within the body.

The most positive and quickest action we can take is to give the problem or concern up to God. So, no matter how many times during the day negativity enters the thought process, say a prayer to God, ending with…... ‘Thy will be done’.

This action allows and recognises being present in the moment, and creates a space within the mind allowing those quiet words of guidance, and wisdom to enter.

See Stepping Stones – In the presence of God’s light by Julie

Notice the patterns of your thought today. When a negative pattern arises, whether familiar or unfamiliar, let go of it and give it to God so that you no longer have to be concerned with it. Give away all negative thoughts in this manner, surrounding them with light and sending them to God for healing. A helpful prayer in this regard, adapted from A Course In Miracles is:

I am a pure and blameless child of God.
I forgive myself my _____________ (anger, fear, despair, etc.)
and I ask for healing.

Use it at any moment when unwanted thoughts seem inescapable.

Blessings Jeannie

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 Post subject: Re: 'Thy Will be done'
PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:35 am 
Dearest Jeannie,
Thank you for your post. “Thy Will Be Done” resonates with the deepest love I can offer the Beloved as I surrender myself. It has been at the times that have been most frightening, most unknown to me that I have come to this awareness but now, I am aware how vital it is to my being to offer this with each breath. It has changed my life. Blessings, Meg

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 Post subject: Re: 'Thy Will be done'
PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 6:38 pm 
Dear Meg

The analogy of surrendering ‘My will’ (letting go of what we feel we lack or need), to ‘Thy will’ (allowing the God within to guide us to what our soul requires), is like taking that leap of faith into the unknown, or flying without wings.

Blessings Jeannie

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 Post subject: Re: 'Thy Will be done'
PostPosted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:51 pm 
Dear Jeannie,

I found the following so synchronistic with your post, Jeannie and thought you and those that visit this board would be interested in reading about Johanna’s personal experience as she practices daily surrender to God. “Thy Will be Done” ~Blessings, Meg

“Living in each “Open Moment” takes some time to adjust to. The most challenging aspect is allowing my self to “be” in the moment without an agenda. No ‘to do’ lists, just waiting for God to direct my next move.” ~Walking with Johanna.. A Spiritual Journey Home

Here on the One Earth Awakening forum: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=48&start=24

It is a joy to begin to share our experiences in our everyday as we learn to let go of old thoughts/patterns and open our hands to receive the new. It is through trusting, "Thy Will Be Done" that with each wobbly step forward we grow stronger. I'm so glad to share this journey with you, Jeannie and those walking with us.

All blessings,

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 Post subject: Re: 'Thy Will be done'
PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 5:53 pm 
Dear Meg

Continuing the thread…….

Am not given to using ‘my will’ at any time, but a few days ago that changed when going to bed sleep evaded me -I knew I had to write. I (‘my will’) decided “No”, because I would be tired in the morning, but God (‘Thy will’) is very patient, and after an hour or so found myself in front of the computer.

As it was so late, I (‘my will’) was becoming impatient, and it seemed the more impatient I became the more I (‘my will’) had to wait. I couldn’t understand why the words weren’t flowing as I was aware of them in the back of my mind. It was then I realised I had been focusing on what I wanted, (‘my will’). When I turned my attention to God (‘Thy will’), I was able to write the words for the post, ‘Thy will be done’.

Blessings Jeannie

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 Post subject: Re: 'Thy Will be done'
PostPosted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:37 pm 
I smiled as I read your experience with your “smaller / larger self”. It sounded very familiar, Jeannie! Its awe inspiring to see just how patiently God works with /through us.

I’ve found as I allow myself to go deeper & deeper into my heart, to be with God, it has become impossible not to desire to manifest love that is the fabric of my soul; it started the moment I breathed, “Thy Will Be Done.”
In that one breath, I felt my ego submit to God’s light and my I was free! I have since learned that it is in the everyday, in all the smaller moments,that nothing is small. Everything has meaning, and everything is sacred. So again and again and again, I surrender.

There are those times when I stumble. When muscles of self discipline, grown weak without regular use have failed and lazy habits carried forward from lifetimes, prevailed. The difference now is that I cannot hide this & disguise it as something else. I am witness to the Truth that was laid bare in front of me when I surrendered. So, I must practice surrender. The more I do, the more opportunities to practice are provided.

Here is one of Julie’s prayers that is so simple, so beautiful and that immediately resonated with me when I first read it. I’d like to share with you:

Prayer for Surrender

“God, I am yours. Make me an instrument of your love. Help me to overcome the limitations of my smaller self that I may always seek to do your will. Heal me through love and dwell within me so that through my oneness with you, I may bring hope and healing to all your children. Amen.”

All blessings to those on the path to wholeness with the One heart that holds us all,


Prayer may be found at: ... render.htm

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