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 Post subject: Alignment Is A Choice Of Who We Want To Be
PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 12:14 pm 
Alignment Is A Choice Of Who We Want To Be

"In the language of light, and with the understanding that life is filled with the mystery of seen and unseen worlds, ‘alignment’ is a practice which allows us to participate in the greater life of the spiritual universe by reaching toward the higher dimensions of light and by bringing light through from these dimensions into the physical reality in which we live. As we do this, we become more able to commune with God’s love, light, and truth, and more able to experience ourselves in the larger context of the soul. Alignment creates a bridge between the purely spiritual part of our being and the physical. What is transmitted in the way of light along this bridge depends upon how clear we are in our energy, how much we have become able to free ourselves of both inner and outer darkness, and how open and desiring we are to become an instrument of divine Will and Intention.

Alignment is a choice GurujiMa November 21,  2021 .jpg
Alignment is a choice GurujiMa November 21, 2021 .jpg [ 58.87 KiB | Viewed 1840 times ]

...The practice of alignment is less a technique than a way of being; less a tool, than a form of prayer. In essence, it asks God and the higher realms to bring us into accordance with higher Will and sacred Intention so that we can serve the purpose of our soul and of Divine intentionality — the purpose for which we came to the Earth. Each breath that we take can be the expression of this prayer — “God, make me an instrument of Thy will.” Each breath can also be in service to the Earth so that we become able, as children of God, to bring to others and to the planet, that which will help it heal and that which will bring it more fully into the realms of love and light."

Becoming Light — The Sacred Practice of Alignment
GurujiMa ... awareness/

At the beginning of each day we have the opportunity to set our sails in the direction we wish to go in. We set our vibrational sails in terms of the integration of what our inner life is going to be in relation to whatever activities of the day we’ll be carrying out. And this is the importance of ‘alignment.’ Of course, you can do it and practice it any time of day, but that particular intentionality of you wanting to move through life, through the outer world of activity in tune with, integrated with the deeper spiritual part of yourself, that’s the practice of ‘alignment.’

The Practice of Alignment: Transmutation of Emotions, No. 6 ... etting-go/

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 Post subject: Anchoring In Light In Challenging Times
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 9:00 am 
Anchoring In Light In Challenging Times

"Trust God to get you through this."

"Remain faithful in the presence of helplessness."

Guidance from GurujiMa
circa 1990's

Hello Dear Readers,

Have you found embodied life to be challenging recently?

It has been for me. Energies of contraction and limitation, planetary suffering, current events involving suffering, currents of energies releasing and being expressed along the spectrum of rage and outraging. These energies as well as current events have been difficult for my heart to hold.

Even so, there have been moments of peace and yes, even joy. For these moments I am very grateful.

On Friday November 26th the Morning Meditations resume. Personally, I find the Meditations are a Light-line, uplifting my weary heart and filling it with Light and Love filled energies, assisting movement forward in time.

with love,

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 Post subject: Light Omega Newsletter -   NOVEMBER 22, 2021
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 9:27 am 
Light Omega Newsletter
NOVEMBER 22, 2021

Living as a Soul

Dear Beloved Ones,
Our life on Earth is a gift given in which to explore our identity and the nature of our relationship to the universe we live in. Many of us settle for far less exploration than we might, due to the comfort of the familiar. And yet we are each explorers, here to discover the realms of spirit that live within us. One of these realms we call ‘soul,’ and we are at this time in the Earth’s history learning how to perceive this part of ourselves and how to act from it. ‘Living as a soul’ was not a concept that most could hold in earlier times. Yet, today there are many who are longing for this possibility.

May you be blessed with the understanding that the possible can become real. May all beings be blessed with this knowledge. — GurujiMa




Awakening to Your Multidimensional Reality

The willingness to embrace other realities that are not part of the physical sense-perception is what brings to us a capacity for wonder, because wonder in itself is based on the experience of something amazing, something we can’t fully explain.

Watch this talk online. ... l-reality/




Service and Sacrifice

True sacrifice involves the capacity to identify with the needs of all rather than with the needs of self. In its deepest root, it is upheld by the conviction that only God is real and that all is God.

Read more... ... ul-choice/




Identity — Who Are You Really?

You are Consciousness operating through your daily life in all moments, in all times. You are the one Being seeing Itself and all of Creation through your eyes. You are the one Being manifesting in time and space. You are a stream flowing from the Source of life, and each gesture you make is part of that stream flowing through you AS you.

Listen to meditation online. ... awareness/




“Honoring All Beings Day” (Thanksgiving)
Thursday, November 25, 2021
10:30am - 12:30pm EST
Online & Village of Light Ashram

On this day, we honor all beings by acknowledging the sorrows of our collective past in relation to First Nations peoples, and by striving to create a new future, based on the reality that these peoples have held for us for eons - awareness of the  sacredness of all of life.

Please join us in person or online for this special honoring of all beings. Today, we will celebrate in innocence the sacredness of each life. We will share stories and honor each other as companions on the human journey. We will strive to embody what the indigenous peoples of the Earth have been trying to teach us. 

Mitakuye Oyasin, beloved ones. May the sorrows of the past be absorbed into the brightness of the future. GurujiMa

Join the live stream. ... nksgiving/

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 Post subject: Honoring All Beings Day - November 25, 2021
PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:14 am 

Happy Honoring All Beings Day

Let us honor the three parts of this Day together -

A Day of Giving Thanks

A Day of Mourning

A Day of Creating the Future for All Beings

May your day be blessed.


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 Post subject: In The Sacred Moment - Experiences of Grief
PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 10:31 am 
In The Sacred Moment - Experiences of Grief

“…Grief is a healing emotion, and it is softer than rage yet not without a call to action, whether inner or outer. Grief allows us to identify with the suffering of others while at the same time allowing us to transform the pain of life into something else. Grief can move of its own accord not into helplessness or passivity as many fear. It can also move into a desire for outer change in order to spare others the pain that we presently feel. In a word, grief is transformative. It allows us to feel deeply;..”

The Healing Power of Grief: A Response to the Death of George Floyd
GurujiMa ... -of-grief/

Hello Dear Readers,

In a recent post* I wrote about the challenging energies and how it may be impacting LightWorkers and those in service who are sensitive energetically. On Thanksgiving Day I realized the post was incomplete.

The post was missing the energies of grief. Five million beloved souls worldwide have left us (Covid).. Refugees are dying as they seek to find freedom and life of hope. In Afghanistan millions are starving. In the United States of America we have lost 791,514* of our beloved brothers and sisters to Covid deaths.

I realized that my personal grief, the loss of my Mother and Brother this year, was being magnified in its resonance with a collective grief. So many are going thru experiences of grief, myself included.

Prayers of healing for the suffering.

with love Dear Readers,

2004 Victorian Angels Calendar Image TLC Designs.jpg
2004 Victorian Angels Calendar Image TLC Designs.jpg [ 47.2 KiB | Viewed 1824 times ]

There is no remedy for the sadness of loss which is an intimate part of love. And yet loss and sorrow can be accompanied by joy, for the heart is large enough to hold both.

Beloved Ones, the passage into death is not one to be feared, but one that signals the completion of one phase of life so that another can begin.
For in truth, there is no such thing as death, only ongoing life for souls in an ever-expanding process of exploration and learning. The journey is infinite, as are the capacities of each and every soul.

Nevertheless, the emotions created by the loss or anticipated loss of a beloved one are painful to the ones who remain behind, even when there has been a long process of anticipating such an event, and even when the loved one is elderly or quite ill. Even then, the ties of connection can remain strong and the difficulty in letting go can remain equally strong.

What needs to be understood is that these ties of attachment are more than just emotions felt for a period of time. Often, there are karmic ties of long standing that have created deep energetic connections which can be felt within the body. For this reason it is both physically and emotionally true that the loved one feels like a part of oneself. The energetic ties create a sense of relationship over years and over lifetimes. They create a sense of sharing a life with another, even if that other is far away. When the other departs or is on the brink of departing, it can feel as if a piece of oneself is departing as well. In fact, this is literally the case, for following the transition from the physical plane, and sometimes even before it occurs, the energetic ties to those departing begin to be severed, not totally, but enough so that there is an experience of the separation that can be felt in a physical-energetic way. At times, following the death of a loved one, this rupture can feel quite severe, as if there were a forcible ripping away of part of oneself. These are the energetic ties that are leaving along with the physical body of the one who has departed. They are not the ties of love which are able to remain.

How then, given the degree of loss and attachment that can be felt toward those who are loved, is it possible to let go with grace? The answer cannot be a general one, for each individual heart is different, and each one loves in their own unique way. And yet there are components that are similar. The first lies in the willingness to deeply feel the loss, sadness, or grief that may be involved, knowing that there is much of life and learning that is incorporated into the letting go process itself. This process involves teachings that are profoundly intimate that can open the heart to greater life and greater love.

At the same time it is important to entrust the departing one to God and to the future unfoldment of their own journey, as well as to trust the continuation of one’s own journey. This assurance of goodness in the presence of death is a foundation for being able to let go with grace, and the absence of this assurance, more than anything else, allows the emotions of despair and loss to become paramount without the softening feeling that arises from trust in the future.

It is also important to understand that the nature and timing of death is part of the life-plan of each soul, built into the blueprint for each incarnation as much as any other feature is built in. This does not mean that the plan is immutable, for there are still choices that remain to each soul regarding timing and regarding the manner of death. There are also new decisions that can sometimes be made, especially when a strong period of spiritual growth has taken place and new factors enter the picture. Yet, for many, the time of transition has been chosen by the soul in accompaniment with Divine will and wisdom prior to arriving on the earth, and despite the suffering that may be involved, the process itself is a significant part of life — as great a teacher as any other aspect of life. In fact, the passage through death is often of greater significance, both in the dying process itself and in the final moments of breath. Often, a soul learns during these final moments more than may have been possible during an entire lifetime.

There is no remedy for the sadness of loss which is an intimate part of love. And yet loss and sorrow can be accompanied by joy, for the heart is large enough to hold both. If all of life is a saying “hello” to circumstances, people, and events that cross one’s path, then all of life is also and simultaneously a saying “goodbye” to those same circumstances, people, and events so that something new can take their place. Yet in the midst of this, in the presence of ceaseless change, what remains is love. For the bonds of love are enduring and cannot be severed by death. This is the ultimate comfort in the presence of death and dying — that the bonds of love can grow roots within the heart itself, and once implanted there, are able to remain forever.

The Challenge of Death and Dying: Letting Go of a Loved One

* Anchoring Light In Challenging Times

*791,514 deaths of beloved fellow Americans
- updated 12/8/21

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 Post subject: Earth Projects: Driving Cars - Planting Trees
PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 10:54 am 

Driving Cars Planting Trees LightOmega.png
Driving Cars Planting Trees LightOmega.png [ 184.8 KiB | Viewed 1824 times ]

To: Those Who Wish to Help the Earth

From: GurujiMa and Those Who Serve the Light

Dear Beloved Ones,
Our initiative Driving Cars – Planting Trees that was created to help the holy Earth in Her time of distress has begun. Some of you have already acted to balance the carbon emissions that automobile driving creates with the planting of trees that sequester carbon. For this we thank you deeply. Others may want to know why to contribute to this effort when there are so many other organizations doing good work in a variety of ways to help the Earth. You may have already contributed to these organizations. Here, beloved ones, is why:  

1. Because everything you do matters. 

2. Because you want to become more conscious on a daily, minute-by-minute basis, of how your thoughts and actions are affecting the Earth.

3. Because when you are driving, you are doing something specific and particular to add toxins to the atmosphere that have a global warming effect. Your deepest heart does not want to do this. It wants to help.

4. Because your driving habits reflect your consciousness, and your consciousness is what needs to change in order for the Earth to be healed. 

5. Because you are part of the Earth and an extension of Her in human form. You are not a separate body. You are part of the Earth’s body. 

6. Because though there is great disillusionment at this time about the effectiveness of any individual action, with many feeling that only governments can act effectively, this is not the case. Everything you do matters.

7. Because the re-greening of the Earth through planting trees and other living plants changes the soil everywhere, and it is this relationship between soil, plants, and the revitalization of the atmosphere that can help the Earth heal in ways that are miraculous.
(See ). 


With deepest blessings — GurujiMa
P.S. For those who would like to be more actively involved with helping the Earth through changing your own everyday consciousness, we invite you to become sponsors of this project. No money is involved in sponsorship, only the willingness to learn how to transform your awareness about driving and other daily activities. Please contact if interested.
Click here to donate or read more. ... ing-trees/

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 Post subject: World Hunger and Poverty Meditation December 9. 2021
PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 2:29 pm 

World Hunger and Poverty Meditation
Thursday, December 9th, 2021

Feed the Hungry Meditation to Relieve World Hunger & Poverty

Thursday, December 9, 2021

5:00 - 5:30pm EST

This meditation is based on the power of love to travel as an energy
into the network that joins all beings where it can heal, uplift, and comfort.

Online Only ... 021-12-09/

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 Post subject: The Heresy Of Other And The Energies Of Contempt
PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 2:41 pm 

The Heresy of Other and the Energies of Contempt

The energies of contempt denied whilst no longer hidden.

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 Post subject: Vision of the Chalice of Malfeasance
PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 2:43 pm 

Vision of the chalice of malfeasance Johanna Raphael.jpg
Vision of the chalice of malfeasance Johanna Raphael.jpg [ 86.77 KiB | Viewed 1794 times ]

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 Post subject: A Generation of Innocence Lost
PostPosted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 11:38 am 
A Generation of Innocence Lost

Who can speak of the suffering that comes from living in fear and the absence of safety?

Excerpt from the poem:
Violence in the Streets
Prayers for the New Earth

Perhaps the latest school shooting and once again, the death of innocent children is troubling my heart more than I was aware of. I say this because of a dream I had before awakening this morning.

In the dream there were school boys speaking to the press. There were perhaps ten or twelve of the boys, young in age, nine or ten years old, in a line with microphones in front of them. Each of the boys wore a head covering mask, hand made, of various animals and cartoon characters. Their heads were covered and all that was seen was their eyes and mouths.

And in the dream I wondered why they were wearing these cute masks. The answer came to me that these young boys were protecting their identities for fear of their safety. The boys were speaking of what the violence which was happening to them and how they were afraid of random rage filled repercussions for speaking out.

I was so sad upon awakening and for some time afterwards. For the dream showed me in a deeper way what was troubling my heart. The loss of innocence of our school children. The lack of protection they feel from adults regarding not only bullying, but gun violence in their schools. When I read after the most recent school shooting in Oxford, Michigan, about how the students train for mass shooting events, and watched video’s students had made of their experiences, I was so very sad, feeling helpless to help our children.

I thought to myself, “Why are some parents as well as politicians protesting often quite loudly, about their children being taught CRT (Critical Race Theory), a college level law training course not taught in any other grade level, or banning books, or are protesting about their children having to wearing masks during an airborne plague and these very same parents seem to be silent on the school shootings and the safety of their children?”

I thought that after the horrifying Sandy Hook massacre of our babies would bring about legislation to help regulate gun violence, instead it brought about school shooting drills. Parkland? Nothing....These drills must be traumatizing to the experience of innocence.

I post this for the future, so that those who come after our generation may know of how our babies, our children, our teens, experienced "the suffering of living in fear and the absence of safety". - GurujiMa Their lives and innocence was not secured by those who had the power to change laws and protect them. Why are Americans collecting and owning weapons of war? Did you realize Dear Readers that there are more guns owned by Americans than there are citizens? Why our those that are elected to govern not protecting the right to not experience random gun violence? Why do some representatives of our government find it necessary to share on social media, family Christmas photos of posing with the guns, with high powered guns in the hands of the children also? (In one Christmas photo a representative is holding a M-60 whilst his family surrounds him each with their own artillery).

Yes, my heart is deeply troubled. My mind continues to find a way to comprehend that which defies comprehension after each mass shooting, especially school shootings, how we the People of the Nation of the Free are not protecting the freedom of our children, our innocents.

Prayers for the innocents, their families, teachers and those who work in the schools.

Prayers that the hearts of those who could bring about the changes needed to protect our children and the public in general - may open.

with love,

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 Post subject: Sudden Loss And The Preciousness of Life
PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 12:10 pm 
Sudden Loss And The Preciousness of Life

“…The teaching in this, if it were to be received by those who are awake and conscious, would be to understand the preciousness of life, both the lives of those that are cut short by sudden catastrophe and the preciousness of one’s own life. This perception underlies the idea that life cannot be taken for granted, that it is both fragile and sacred and one can never know how and under what circumstances things will come to pass so that what was not foreseen, suddenly becomes a reality.”

“…Finally, there is the possibility for compassion — the compassion that extends rays of love out of the heart toward others whom one can feel empathy for. This compassion needs to exist at all times, but especially at times of pronounced suffering for those who are the victims of a catastrophe or disaster, whether natural or man-made.

That there are aspects of learning present in such situations does not mean, on a spiritual level, that the events in question were caused by or originate in a desire to produce such learning, but rather that within any set of circumstances it is possible to extract something in the way of meaning and experience that is forward-moving and that brings the self into both greater wholeness and greater love. This is especially true and especially needed today in relation to the ‘taking of life’ and the ‘taking of life for granted’.

- GurujiMa“

Dearest Readers,

On early Saturday morning December 11, 2021 more of our beloved fellow souls left the Earth plane to return to the Arms of the One in perfect unity.

Some of the souls included those who died in the sudden tornado’s effecting five states in the United States of America, bringing with them not only sudden death, but the losses associated with sudden catastrophic loss.

During this same time period, a beloved niece of my partner Elijah, passed from Covid. She was still, compared to our ages, young, full of life - a woman who loved children, her Church community, and serving others. Her death was so sudden and so shocking to Elijah and his family as well as to my heart.

Blessings to all who are experiencing loss, especially but not only, the loss of those who are beloved to their hearts.

with love,

Quotes by GurujiMa from When Tragedy Happens ... oal-mines/

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 Post subject: A Gift of Life
PostPosted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 12:17 pm 

The Gift of Life - photo by Onatah.jpg
The Gift of Life - photo by Onatah.jpg [ 73.12 KiB | Viewed 1781 times ]

A beautiful soul whom I am blessed to call soul friend is bringing fresh sprouts over for me today. She is bringing me a Gift of Life - both in the gift of the beautiful sprouts she has grown and in the presence of her beautiful self.

Why yes, Dear Readers, I have used the word 'beautiful' three times in this post - because Onatah really is so beautiful - radiating light and beauty from within out to the world around her.

Blessed am I to be her soul friend.

with love,

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