"Energies of darkness become recognizable in the emotional content of rage, hatred, fear, and despair. Though these feelings are often felt to be justified in terms of actual life- experience, they are nevertheless adaptations that represent a need to protect and defend ourselves from painful situations in whatever way seems possible. Such energies which become part of the personality can also be amplified by external energies of darkness and separation so that their healing takes longer and so that there is more difficulty in separating from them."From Light To LightJulie of Light Omegahttp://lightomega.org/From-Light-to-Light.html Acknowledging Paths of Resistance in the Presence of SufferingAwareness and acknowledgement with compassion of resistance is a step towards awakening in the presence of suffering, limitation, pain, and helplessness.
How easy it is to stop praying, meditating, or sitting in silence when suffering is relentless in one's life.
How easy it is to lose hope and stop asking for guidance.
How easy it is to stop praying when prayers are not answered, and even worse, when events turn to increased suffering rather than a respite from suffering.
How easy it is to become angry when suffering, limitation, pain, or helplessness is relentless.
How easy it is to become blameful or feel revengeful when suffering is inflicted by another.
How easy it is to become hopeless and depressed in the presence of the suffering of another.
How easy it is to align with the energies of fear, self-pity, and depression when suffering is relentless and there seems to be no relief in sight.
How easy it is when one is suffering to align with energies which seem to present the illusion of power in times of helplessness, limitation, and suffering.
The ease of these actions and of turning away from the Light, God, the Creator Source, the Nameless One known by all Names, are easy because the ego, at least for a few moments, in the presence of intense suffering, helplessness, and limitation, feels powerful. The ego is able to create within the mind an alternative reality to the presenting reality. The power to feel angry, the power to not forgive, the power to hate and blame and the power to rage against life.
I wrote down this quote some time ago. I am sorry for lack of attribution as I do not know the source and will gladly attribute the quote if anyone is aware of the source. Re-reading this quote has been helpful to me during times of suffering.
The ego as a source of self inflicted pain: "when the ego tells you that the reality you are in is irrelevant to the reality you wish you had."
The truth I have accepted, which I do not yet own in my heart, taught to me by Beloved Julie of Light Omega, which can be really painful to bear and endure, is that everything we encounter in this embodied reality is in God and all is meant to be in the moment. This concept is especially difficult for myself personally as I witness souls who are suffering such horrors that it is difficult for my mind and heart to believe that such suffering is meant to be. This is a source of my spiritual suffering, not trusting that all is held in God, The Creator Source, the Nameless One known by many Names, is another area in which I await greater spiritual Light and growth.
It has been my personal experience that the easy paths, the paths of resistance in the presence of suffering, helplessness, and limitation, are illusory paths which in the end, bring more suffering and pain.Suffering: A Path of Surrender and TrustAwareness and acknowledgement with compassion of the difficulties one faces in seeking to align with the Light is another step one may take towards awakening in the presence of suffering, pain, limitations, and helplessness. Acknowledging:How difficult it is when one has prayed for help, and help does not come.
How spiritually painful it can feel when one prays for guidance and the guidance seems to bring about more pain and suffering, not an end to suffering.
How difficult it is to pray for Thy Will to be done - to manifest, and to find such prayers bring no (or immediate) relief from suffering and pain.
How difficult it is to light a candle and pray, when prayers seems not to be answered.
How difficult it is in the presence of suffering, pain, limitation, and helplessness to feel the presence of Light, God, the Creator Source.
How difficult it is to feel love, when all one feels is the crushing presence of the energies of darkness, despair, and hopelessness.
How painful it is to be overwhelmed by suffering and pain.
How painful it is during experiences of limitation, suffering, and helplessness to not be able to feel beyond the energies of fear, pain, anguish, anger, hopelessness, depression, and despair.
How painful it is to not feel internally - space in the presence of intense suffering, limitation, helplessness, and pain, to not be able to feel or express gratitude or feel the space within one's heart to pray for other embodied souls who are suffering.
Yes, when one experiences relentless experiences of suffering, it is difficult for the heart to continue to trust that they are safe, that a path will be made through the pain, the suffering, and the energies of fear which seem to engulf the mind and the heart. It is very difficult for the embodied soul to believe in times of suffering, that they are not alone, that they have not been abandoned.
How do I know? My life path has been a path of service through experiences of suffering and intense limitation. My suffering may not be the suffering of embodied souls in a war zone, souls who are suffering the ravages of poverty and starvation, the suffering of souls under oppression and corruption, the suffering of souls whose bodies or minds are ravaged by disease or mental health challenges - yet my suffering has been real, relentless, overwhelming, and at times, spirit crushing. Even as this is true, I have remained, albeit at times wobbly, faithful to the Light, to God as my heart knows God. I remain faithful to the Teachings of Julie and the Purification Process. I remain faithful to the journey of my soul.
Perhaps it is not the journey my mind and ego has wanted me to experience, yet this is the journey my soul has chosen for me. In holy service I move forward through events which are at times, so devastating and spirit crushing I wonder how I will make it through the next minute. In retrospect over the years, I have made it through thousands of these minutes, one sacred moment at a time.
There are no magical formulas through experiences of suffering which I can share with you Dear Readers, there is only my journey of faith in the darkest of nights and experiences, and the very challenging task of praying, asking for help, and keeping my mind as quiet as possible. I light candles, which remind me as I walk pass the lighted candles throughout my day, that the Light is with me. As I move through experiences of suffering, helplessness, and limitation, often accompanied by the energies darkness, the light of the candles also remind me that in times of darkness a way will be made.
It is my hope that what I have shared with you Dear Readers is helpful, especially for my planetary brothers and sisters who are suffering and come upon this posting. I am sorry for your suffering. Know that when I am able, I light candles for you.
with love, Johanna