The sadness carried within the heart of one who has been given the gift of visions and prophecy is great. For the heart longs for the awakening of the prophecies of Light and Love, whilst it watches in sorrow and profound grief as the prophecies of the energies of darkness unfolds, it seems, daily.
When the first torture centers were opened in the early 2000's there was a shock to the collective consciousness of the nation of the free that We The People, would be involved in torture and detentions, often indefinite detentions in the name of freedom.
It seems as if an amnesia of the past caused a collective outrage, even as we detained, imprisoned, and tortured Native Americans and Africans brought as slaves, and their decedents, some to this day.
Yet, when it was first uncovered that the government was illegally torturing, detaining, and imprisoning, I remember there was a sense of collective shock that We The People, would be represented by those governing who engaged in torture, that We had become complicit in torture and illegal detainments.And the darkness will look you in the eye…
And you shall know in a moment, in your mind and your heart…
That the darkness cares not one wit for the preciousness of your life.
Its agenda is the agenda of the darkness through the will of the one aligned with the darkness.
Woe. Woe to the innocents. ... -darkness/ These torture centers opened a portal, a gateway, giving a new generation the permission to engage with the impermissible.
Now we house the poor and desperate seeking asylum and relief from their suffering in tortuous like conditions.
We as a nation have been shown reports and photos of adults, teens, and children being locked in freezing cold cages with concrete floors. Locked in cages as we lock up our animals in shelters. The air so cold, especially for those who once lived in very warm climates, is tantamount to torture. Medical care too often denied. The humanity of the suffering denied. Mylar - what looks like tin foil blankets, for warmth in such conditions. No beds, no real blankets, a mat on the concrete floor in the cage for children and adults alike in the euphemistically described 'detention' centers.To the people of the nation of the free and other nations of “freedom”:
How is it that you do not see, do not hear, the cries and sufferings of all My children?
My screams… are mocked.
My cries and pleas… are greeted with silence.
My suffering… is met with contempt.
My dignity… is stripped and paraded before the people of compassion of the nation of the free, who debate, discuss and seek justify the use of torture and secret imprisonments in the name of freedom.
Woe to you desecrated nation.
Woe to the people of the nation of the free… no longer free. ... -darkness/ Word comes forth that children are separated from the parents and care-givers, reasons given often callous excuses to inflict further punishment, often for seeking asylum within the nation of the free. The cruelty is intentional, used as a deterrent to keep away the multitudes of suffering seeking help, seeking a redemption to their lives. In some facilities children are not allowed to touch each other, and those caring for them are not allowed to touch them - often there is no holding of a traumatized child needing to be comforted. Babies, toddlers, pre-teens, teens, are kept in conditions that are psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually, torturous - as too are the adults.
Children imprisoned in squalor, the government which holds them in detention camps, and now an interment camp, arguing in court against giving these same children such luxuries as soap and toothpaste. Babies in soiled diapers or no diapers at all, lice and disease infecting the children, funding recently cut for children for basic care as activities, and classes. Lights kept on 24 hours a day. The list of torturous like punishments hidden still from the eyes and hearts of the people of the nation of the free, the nation of compassion.Greedy nation of idolaters; worshipers in the name of the almighty dollar:
A disease festers in the heart of your nation, in your collective consciousness.
Kindness is being desecrated – replaced – by your self absorption.
Care for the welfare of your brothers and sisters – replaced – by your aggressive greed.
Oh greedy nation – pushing, shoving, grasping – to satiate your insatiable desires;
I weep and anger at this injustice borne upon the backs of the children, women and men who hunger for their daily bread and a safe place in which to sleep.
Nation – The United States of America} ... -darkness/ Approximately $900 a week per prisoner is allotted to the detention centers for if one is detained and not able to move about freely, is on not a prisoner? That is about $134.00 a day for the 'care', and 'feeding' of each person held in detention. And yet word comes forth of food not fit to eat, needs not being met, people and children living in squalid conditions, and children and adults are dying whilst in these prison like camps.
Billions budgeted to the apprehension and detention of asylum seekers, corporations at the helm grabbing the taxpayers dollars for profit - for the imprisonment (detention) of children and adult immigrants seeking what we have been blessed, not all, as a nation to enjoy, the freedom of movement, the freedom from violence and persecution, the ability to feed, house, and educated their children, and the promise of a better life.
Recently, a few years ago, the contempt we were being directed to focus outward towards Other was (once again) the peoples of the faith of the Blessed Prophet Mohamed (PBUH). We justified torture during the first season of hate of Other in the early 2000's because we were informed that "Other" were of the Muslim faith.
Now we are directed as a nation to express our contempt either in words, actions, deeds, or silence, for those who come primarily from south of the United States of America, mostly I believe, are peoples of the faith of Christ Jesus, yes, Christians. We are now as a nation complicit in the torturing of Christians. Even though this is the second time in less than 20 years we have been faced with this horrifying reality - torturous behaviour to our fellow embodied souls it is still difficult to comprehend, for the heart and mind to fully take in, yes?
I point this out Dear Readers because the "Otherness" has nothing to do with religion, even though we have been rigorously conditioned to believe so when it comes to the peoples of the Muslim faith.The King positions himself for the cameras with his Bishops and Knights.
The people* whom he once swore to serve, have become his pawns.
The King, in the end, will crush them. {*The people of the United States of America} ... -darkness/ Nay, we are being conditioned, educated, by the energies of darkness, corruption, greed, avarice, and contempt to name but a few. We are as a nation, are becoming complicit with the energies which continue to justify torture and detainments, in the name of 'freedom', upon families, adults, and children. One day, it will be another group of embodied souls, caught unaware, thinking to themselves, "well it could never be me or my family..."
A last note. When I heard the warnings in the press from the President that raids were coming for illegal immigrants, I had a sense, just a sense mind you, of what it might have been like for peoples of other nations who have gone through the 'purges' by their rulers. The energies of horror were (and are) far-reaching and insidious.
* * *
June 25th, 2019. The children held in the facility have been moved, I have not read where as of yet. Until recently even state representatives were being barred from access to where adults, families, and children were being detained. I long to believe that the exposure of how we are (and have been) holding those seeking asylum as well as those who have entered the country illegally will become transparent, compassionate, and humane.
I did not mention the unjust and illegal detainment of Japanese families, I wish to honour their suffering now.
Second note: I learned yesterday that the late Senator John McCain who endured torture, voted against the use of keeping on the lights - sleep deprivation. Yet, we learned that this form of torture was used in the secret detainment centers and in Guantanamo from our reporters. I mention this to illustrate how insidious the energies I speak of are - these same techniques of leaving on the lights 24/7 are being used on children and adults seeking a life that is not full of poverty and violence. Once the portal to such energies has opened and entered human hearts, it takes great resilience, courage and strength to stand up and oppose these energies. Do We The People have what is needed to stop what is being done, again, in our names? I pray for the awakening of all heart's to the remembrance of who they are, love, created from Love, to express love.
I have also learned that there are groups organized online who are providing help to those in need. There are ways to bring Light and Love to this horrible and ongoing situation of intentional suffering.
with love, Johanna