On Venturing Forward With The Energies of God Or With The Energies Of Fear. Recently, my spiritual journey has been fraught with the energies of fear.
Yep. I have been consciously and unconsciously aligning with the energies of fear and separation.
"How can this be Johanna?" One might right ask.
"How can it be with your gifts, the Teachings you have been given, and the years of spiritual purification you have been through that you can still find yourself vulnerable to aligning with energies separated from the energies of God?"
I will share with you Dear Readers this is a question I ask myself often. I could tell you that the energies I process in service at times are intense and overwhelming. Even as this is true, this cannot be a reason for the alignment with the energies separated from a consciousness of being with God.
I have from my embodiment, forgotten the truth of who I am. My life has been a journey of sacred moments of remembering, awakening, and forgetting. Each time in which I forget the truth of who I am, I become mentally, emotionally, and energetically vulnerable to energies which inform my conscious and unconscious mind that I am unsafe, not good enough, not pure enough, and worst of all alone, and not with God.
After months of encountering this form of spiritual suffering, I was given an insight that each of the trials I have been facing can be "faced with God as an adventure forward into the unknown or with the energies of fear and separation" overwhelming my nervous system with dread and foreboding.
This is not the first time this level of clarity has come forward to me, especially when sitting with Beloved Julie who emanates the energies of God. What was different this time, was that the energies of God, which I perceived with the insight, in the presence of the energies in my gut, rushing through my nervous system and intensifying thoughts of separation in my consciousness came to me as I sat alone in silence and reflection.
In that sacred moment, I perceived the energies of God within my body infusing my nervous system and consciousness.
In those sacred moments the thought came to me carried with the energies of upliftment and strength, "Johanna will you move forward into each of your trials as an adventure with God or with the energies of fear?" I witnessed, in the presence of the energies of separation and fear overwhelming my nervous system, something different in vibrational resonance, from my usual encounters with the energies of separation and fear.
This morning in meditation, the energies of separation and fear once again began to overwhelm my nervous system, as I became consciously aware of the energies manifesting in my body, I also witnessed thoughts forming in my consciousness of dread, foreboding and unsafety. Once again, I had the choice, to align with these energies and the forming thoughts associated with the energies, or to align with the energies of God.
In that sacred moment I choose to align with the energies of God. Even as this is true, this new way of being, this new path of remembering the truth of who I am, will require my conscious participation, awareness, and presentness in each sacred moment, as it is a path through the energies, not a form of magic dissapating the energies. In each sacred moment forward, the choice will be before me, will I choose to venture forward with the energies of God or the separated energies filling my body and mind?
The choice for consciousness is an active an ongoing process as I have been learning and forgetting over the years. On my spiritual journey one question has been with me manifesting in a myriad of forms - am I with God or with the energies separated from God?
As I have shared, the decision to be with God has not been easy, especially in the presence of the energies I encounter on a moment to moment basis which have had the power to fill my nervous system, my sacred vehicle of consciousness. Even as this has been true, so too are the choices I have made which have brought me forward to this sacred moment, albeit wobbly, with God.
One sacred moment at a time, I have, and have had, a free will choice. My awakening is occurring in my embodiment each time I choose to align with God. Nothing is lost, every conscious moment I choose, I learn; this learning, even in times of forgetting, is never lost.
with love, Johanna
What are the energies of God? Although they have been described through all the expressions of religious teachings, the energies of God manifest through all beings, no matter if they have an orientation to religious practice or thought.
The energies of God as far as I am able to know in my limited capacities, are the energies of love, light, trust, innocence, honesty to name a few. I perceive that each of us have a spiritual imprint within us of the energies of God within their souls, so what might be the awakening of the energies of God for me, may not resonate with another embodied soul with their own imprint of God.
For atheists and those who feel uncomfortable with the name or word God - G good O orderly D direction.Supportive Teachings from Julie of Light Omega SPIRITUALIZING THE BODYhttp://lightomega.org/Ind/Pure/Spiritua ... -Body.htmlHOLDING HARDSHIP IN THE LIGHT OF GOD:The Challenge of Purificationhttp://lightomega.org/Ind/Pure/Holding- ... d-God.html