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 Post subject: Why Do I Do These Things? Self Harm
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 4:06 pm 

"Why do I do these things which harm my self or others?"

Perhaps the why is hidden under layers of tears covering wounds long forgotten.


Many emotions typically reside within the human heart that are residues from childhood. Some are experienced consciously and are a familiar part of one's emotional life. Some are relegated to the unconscious, only appearing under certain circumstances. These residues of the past can be experienced as merely 'present', or can become severely disabling, depending upon how immersed one becomes in the layers of feeling.
Purification offers a way of being with these residues of the past that is not conceptual, that is, it does not seek to understand more about why these emotions are there or how they arose – but rather, that makes possible a holding of all feelings in spiritual light so that the process of identifying with them becomes lessened, or is replaced altogether by one's larger identification as a spiritual being.
An important aspect of the process of purification is the fact that initially it does not involve feeling less, but of allowing all feelings to be as they are, understanding that this creates a way of moving forward with a process that is divinely guided and self-regulating. However, at the same time as one opens to this kind of acceptance, it is also necessary to stabilize the self in a place of spiritual truth and light. Such energetic stabilization allows one to 'carry' whatever emotions are present without fully 'becoming' them. (For example, one can 'carry' feelings of anger or frustration without becoming angry, or feelings of sadness and grief without becoming depressed. In such cases, these emotions may be thought of as simply 'passing through'). Spiritual anchoring also shifts one's identity from the historical and biological past to an identity that is defined by one's relationship with God. Through holding feelings in spiritual light while anchoring identity in this larger context, the release of the emotional past begins to take place, until one is free of it altogether.
In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to understand the importance of alignment with God's light and love. The practice of 'alignment' involves a continual turning toward the Divine, with an intention to become one with these higher energies that are part of Divine being. Anchoring the self in light acts as an antidote to the emotional turbulence one may be feeling, and stabilizes the self in a different and higher vibration. Such energetic anchoring creates clarity, and allows the purification process to proceed. The key to making progress with purification lies in remaining connected with the tangible presence of God's light and love, and through this connection, becoming able to be with whatever feelings are being awakened, without denial, and without acting them out.
The practice of 'alignment' can be carried out through prayer or meditation or a combination of the two. For it is often not enough to tell oneself things about the past in order to become free of it. If it were that simple, it would have happened, for most, long ago. However, for the healing of deeper issues, more is generally needed, and so it becomes necessary to create a central relationship with God's light and love so that through this practice, healing can take place.
As an example, if one's childhood has created an unfulfilled longing for love, understanding, or trust, or, a lack of appreciation of one's own worth or value, these emotional issues will surface in the presence of greater light and be felt once again. The earth's present immersion in spiritual light is bringing many such issues to the surface. However, the same light that is fostering greater awareness, also has the capacity to strengthen the self so that it can hold such feelings while remaining separate from them. God's light is the essential ingredient in this process, and reaching toward it on a regular basis is the way of participating with it on the human level.
As one gains a deeper understanding of purification, it becomes easier to know how to deal with past wounds, or, indeed, wounds of any kind, for the experience of light itself is the teacher, and what it teaches is a way of holding emotions until they are forever transmuted into the light of one's larger identity.
As the process of individual and global purification continues and goes to deeper levels, it will become even more important to learn the ways of dealing with emotional residues so that one can fully release all that creates separation from God and so that one's identity as a sacred and precious child of God can be fully lived. It is toward this time ahead that that all of humanity is presently moving.
May the blessings of light surround and uplift all who seek the light during this sacred time of spiritual transition.


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 Post subject: As Realities Unfold - Light Reveals
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 4:15 pm 

As Realities Unfold - Light Reveals

Light reveals the influence of the energies of darkness manifesting in the sacred moment.

When I received this vision I did not understand one of the deeper meanings being revealed until this morning. Whilst listening to the news about a warfare for minds and hearts waged against embodied souls through social media, the following came to me as a revelation concerning behavior modification tactics being employed unknowingly upon the innocent. From my heart I feel this truth which I share with you Dear Readers, it is your soul's choice, aligned with the Light of the Divine Infinite as to when and how your soul reveals itself, this timing and revelation is your divine birthright and your holy song to sing.

"Be not afraid. For that which was garnered in your name is only the image of your persona (mask) and personality, (covering of the soul). Neither of these aspects of the self are in essence, the true self, the soul self. The truth of the soul is held in sacred trust between thy God and thyself. The soul is the truth of who you are, no matter the outer covering observed by the world, you are a soul which is eternal, sacred, and private to thyself."


with love,
March 20, 2018

"Light can only be found in the moment."
Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: The Light Which Is Yours To Shine
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 11:14 am 

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 Post subject: LIVING UNITY - The Embrace of Soul to Soul
PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 10:11 am 

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From the soon to be published
LIVING UNITY - The Practice of Silence

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 Post subject: The Culmination of Light - Visions
PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2018 2:06 pm 

The Culmination of Light

That which was once separated coalesces and shines as One.

* * *

Light Within

Light within once covered over begins to shine.

* * *

That which would seek to distract you may confound and confuse only in the dark.

* * *

Love transcends all suffering.

* * *

That Which is to Shine Bright

That which is to shine bright
in the dark night

* * *

Blessed Is Thou

Blessed is Thou O Holy One.
From Thee I come forth.
To Thee I return.

All is One.

* * *

Feel The Joy

Feel the you as thine eye awakens to truth within.

* * *

I AM Here - The Covenant

I AM here,
with you,
now, within,
I AM one with thee.

* * *

In And Out Of Time

In and out of time
I embody and resurrect.

In and out of time
I AM eternal Light.

* * *

Here Within

Here within I call to thee.
Here within I AM with thee.
Here within you shall come to know Me.

* * *

This Light I See

This Light I see
is for both
you and me.

* * *

Truth Be Known

Truth be known for all to see.
Truth be know the soul awakens in the body.

Truth be know none shall distract.
Truth be known the One acts.

* * *

The Mother Divine - Awaiting In Time

The Mother Divine called to me,
I did not hear Her.

The Mother Divine shines on me,
I did not feel Her warmth.

The Mother Divine embraced me,
I did not feel Her touch.

The Mother Divine with me,
I did not see Her.

The Mother Divine with me,
awaiting in time,
for me to join with Her.

So shall it be.

* * *

That Which Is Hidden Within

That which is hidden within can only be mined by thee.

* * *


Visions received - March 21, 2018
Love Awakens

link updated: 1/9/19

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Desecration of Sacred Trust - Visions and Prophecy
PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2018 10:05 am 

Desecration of Sacred Trust

Quietly, behind the scenes
zealots assemble to dismantle the Nation
and rebuild in their image and likeness.

Arrogance and hubris unchecked
the Punisher punished
by transactional agents.

Men and women who carry the cross
silently in their hearts,
desecrated and destroyed
for this new legion of the
intolerant and zealous.

All manner of shadow behavior
justified for this new kingdom nation
made in their image and likeness.

A great time of woe befalls the Nation.

* * *

The Punisher silent
awaits the punishers
to enact his will upon
the Nation.

* * *

In The Silence - The Beloved Comes Forth

In the silence Your Love
washes over me.

Behind eyelids closed
a great Light infuses my inner eyes.

My heart once heavy suddenly lifts
my heart beating faster in Your Presence.

In the silence You come forth to me
and I am grateful and aware
that it is You.

* * *

Inner Life of the Prophet:

My self of the world and my soul which knows of the Light coming forward.

My self of the world delights in visions
and prophecies of Infinite Love coming forward.

My self of the world despairs of visions
and prophecies of darkness and cruelty coming forward.

My soul faithful inscribes that which comes forth
for it Thy Will not mine which guides thy hand.

Yea, even as I am called to bear witness to the Light,
I too am called to bear witness to the darkness.

* * *

For only Light we once knew.

Then the darkness came forth.

Now with eyes discerning.
Light in the presence of darkness,
Aware, and awakening.

* * *

The Fruitfulness of Thy Word

The fruitfulness of Thy Word thru thy hand
shall be judged by the Light which comes forward.

All is held in Light.


Visions and Prophecies received - March 24 - 25, 2018
Love Awakens

link updated: 1/9/19

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: In Times of Darkness Why Trust?
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:12 am 

In Times of Darkness Why Trust?

Why trust? Because another reality is possible.

A Divine Reality with infinite possibilities.

"If one persists in embracing the unknown, even if fear is also present, a door opens in the heart that is an entry point for the Divine to enter. The Divine enters welcomed by this act of surrender, and takes up residence in one's heart of hearts."

The Unknown
Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: Identity of the Soul
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:40 am 

Identity of the Soul

Who am I?


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 Post subject: Surrender - An Act of Generosity of Self
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:42 am 
Surrender - An Act of Generosity of Self

For WayShowers, LightWorkers, empaths, and those who give their lives in service.

"Our own service as we experience the suffering of limitation is often larger than we think, for many of us perceive primarily our own pain.  Yet, we have often taken this on to show a pathway through it, not only to ourselves, but to others who may benefit from our experience."

From: Tribute - Stephen Hawking, In Service to Light
Julie of Light Omega

When we give of our lives to a Will greater than our own will be it to a Creator Source, Infinite Divine, God (as God is known to the heart), or for the common good of humanity, how Thy Will operates is no longer a function of thy will especially in the early stages of surrender as the ego learns to let go and trust in the unknown.

How the Divine is working through you is a personal journey and sacred process which comes forth as an inner knowing informed by the soul which brings clarity of a deeper alignment of the soul embodied within the self with Divine Will and Intention.

The timing of the advent of this inner knowing cannot be defined by the mind. The mind, wanting to 'know' must wait for inner revelations of Divine knowing.

Many LightWorkers. WayShowers, empaths and those who have given their lives in service have been going through this sacred process of transformation for many years, with times of energetic intensity surging and receding.

Waiting, trusting, surrender, and disengagement from emotional reactions to this sacred process provides for a smoother path forward.

When the process within each will be completed can only be known by the soul and in time, the self in alignment with the revelations of the Divine will come to know the first fruits of faithfulness and waiting.

Recently, Beloved Julie in a teaching moment shared with us that this act of surrender in the presence of situations which can be difficult and challenging calls for a generosity of self.

I asked myself what generosity of self meant and this came to me as my definition.

Generosity of self: The free will gift to God offered in love, of my life and will.

I encourage you Dear Readers to meditate upon the phrase "Generosity of Self" to discover your truth as energetic circumstances manifest calling forth intentional surrender.

with love,

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 Post subject: Birth of the Divine Feminine Within a Time of Contraction
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:48 am 

"This is the time of the creation of the new, the time when the old premises about reality and about ourselves must be taken apart so that they can become servants of the new, so that they can become servants of greater wholeness."

The Shiva Energy and the New Manifestation

Hello Dear Readers,

The actions associated with posting have been unavailable to me recently. A window has opened this morning. I cannot define how long the energies which created this opening shall last, so if I am not posting, know that I long to and that my faithful heart waits for Thy Will to manifest through my will.

This morning in meditation after asking what Thy Will was for me today, I was given signs that indicated with a little more clarity than I have had lately, as to what may be unfolding.

I would like to share the guidance that came through the visions which were given to me.

The experiences I have been enduring have had to do with the energies of Light and darkness. The darkness has been so oppressive, so contractive that little or no insights have come through. So contractive, crushing, and oppressive are the energies of opposition that there is little I can physically 'do'.

At the same time, I have become aware through intuition that no matter how painful this time of lack of expression of my will, Thy Will is at work and I am called to wait until whatever spiritual transformation is occurring to reach completion. Diving Timing, in the presence of the unknown whilst trusting and waiting.

What also came to me was the importance of unconditional love - for God as my heart knows God, and how a "generosity of spirit" is needed. (Generosity of Spirit - Julie of Light Omega).

I intuit that the darkness I am going through will lead to the birth of a new Light, the Light of a new day, and of a new Earth. All being born within me, all being born within all of us.

The Birth of the Divine Feminine Within a Time of Contraction.

This phrase also came to me - the birth of the Divine Feminine within a time of contraction. I am not fully aware of it's meaning. What has come to me is that a path of spiritual rebirth is coming through the Divine Mother. With these intuitive thoughts came "The Divine Mother holds within Her all potentialities and all probabilities of Divine expression."

Lastly, I would like to share that I am learning to accept all spiritual experiences whether contractive or expanding as part of the formation of Divine Breath within. Welcoming these experiences without judgement has been a test of my heart, each day my heart opens more fully and more of who I Am is being revealed.

Until I am able to post again, All Blessings and love,

I am and you are two parts of the same Breath.
There is only one Breath, and it pervades the Universe.
There is only one Voice, and it seeks to express through the many.

“[b]Living Unity: The Practice of Silence”[/b]

Podcast: “Living Unity: The Practice of Silence” ... e-No.1.mp3

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 Post subject: One Voice Expressing Through The Many
PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 9:27 pm 

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 Post subject: The Life Of Love - Acceptance
PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 6:35 pm 

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with love,

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