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 Post subject: Gratitude For The Partners Of WayShowers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:29 am 

Gratitude for the Partners of WayShowers

Blessings and gratitude for the partners of WayShowers who may or may not understand or know the why's and wherefore's of their beloveds sufferings and limitations. Gratitude and love for those who share in preparing the way of the Light with their love and devotion.

All Blessings

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 Post subject: A Time of Silence in the Presence of Suffering
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:36 am 

A Time of Silence in the Presence of Suffering

Recently received:

To be of service to those who are suffering: Cultivate inner silence whilst waiting, praying, asking for guidance, trusting a way will be made.

with love,

The Purpose of Silence

The purpose of silence is to expand individual consciousness so that the human being can be nourished from a deeper source. The source is always there. Without the silence, it is often difficult to hear what it has to say because outer voices are clamoring for attention and are much easier to hear. Avoidance of quiet has become endemic to a whole way of life for people who pride themselves on keeping busy. It has become endemic to a culture that prides itself on getting a lot done and rising on the ladder of outer success, merit, education, accomplishment, fame, etc. But there is an inner ladder of accomplishment that can never be located in this way, for it goes not up, but down - down into the depths of one's being, down into the core elements out of which one is composed, down into the subsphere of thought to the place where thought no longer matters and only 'being' becomes real. This ladder contacts the depths of the soul and brings one closer to the realm of purpose in life, and, indeed, the purpose for which each one was created. This ladder takes us away from the distractions of outer life to the quiet zone of eternity.
Silence needs to be regulated into one's life so that depth can be maintained. It needs to flow like a secret river between one's soul and the outer expression of that soul. Taking time to be silent comforts the heart, enlivens the mind, gives liberty and joie de vivre to whatever actions will be taken at other times, and brings an individual out of a more shallow existence, into a deeper knowing of themselves.
Silence translates the language of the soul into a sense of purpose and direction for one's outer activities so that meaning in all things becomes enhanced, and random gestures or actions become minimized. In this way, silence contributes to the deepening of meaning in life.
There is no way for a society to emerge into a higher state of consciousness without individuals becoming more conscious of themselves - of who they really are, not who they have been taught they are or who they imagine themselves to be. Infusing a time of silence into the atmosphere of one's life is essential to the healthy growth of the total being, just as food is essential to the healthy growth of the body. Both are needed so that the spiritual can be connected with the material, and so that all that exists within as Divine gift and talent can find a means of outer expression.

Until such time as individuals come to value themselves enough so that they preserve an element of silence within their lives, life will continue to edge toward the frivolous and superficial and away from the deep and profound. Silence is the road toward spiritual growth, whether through quiet contemplation, meditation, or sitting by a river and watching the sky, silence reconnects man with his soul and restores the needed balance to life as it is meant to be lived.

Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: Release Fear To The Light - A Teaching by Julie
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:41 am 

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 Post subject: Breathe And Release
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:48 am 

Breath and Release
In The Presence of the Energies of Drama and Conflict

In the presence of the energies of drama and conflict - Breathe

Take a deep breath in and think to the self "God in."

Exhale with the thought, "Drama out."

Continue until energies of anxiety, stress, repetitive thoughts are quieted.

Repeat as necessary.

Learning to breathe into pain helps to soothe it, like a precious ointment that calms the hurt.
With each breath, breathe love into the wound, not only your own love but God's love as well.

Dealing with Pain #4

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 Post subject: Living A Guided Life
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:53 am 

Living a Guided Life

Living a guided life is the inherent birthright of each human being, for each is connected with the Divine origin of their being in ways that are indestructible. 

The soul listens.  It cannot help but listen since it is part of a greater whole which is the Soul of the Universe that is God, Spirit, or the One. It listens for the inner Voice that resonates with the path of truth and light that is the way of the highest.  It follows this way because it is its nature to do so, without conflict, without doubt, without a separated wish to act differently out of its own intrinsic desires.

The embodied self, by contrast, has to learn to listen.  It has to remember how.  For the connection with the voice of the One has, over time, dimmed for many.  Now, it is reawakening. It is coming to our attention as a depth of knowing and a renewed awareness of a reality that lies behind the visible.  This reality is beginning to make a claim on our senses, altering our perception of what life is truly about.

Listening and turning toward the Source of life, toward the Voice that operates as a ceaseless calling within the deepest layers of our being is the essence of a guided life.   It is a life in which the basis for acting has shifted from doing what ‘I’ want to honoring the will of the Divine - adhering to the commandment ‘Thy will be done.’ 

At times, even while seeking it, one may lose the feeling of guidance.  At times it may appear that one has been left on one’s own to do without it.  These are the times of integration when the desire to turn toward the Source is being more completely merged with the human self so that no aspect of consciousness will remain beyond the pale of Divine light.

Longing often participates in such a time of integration.  It draws us closer to that which we long for.  At times of longing and of feeling without guidance, the human self must be content with reaching - each day, each hour, each minute if need be, toward the Source of what it holds to be its deepest truth.  Though the heart may wish for greater clarity, it must also believe in the power of its own intention.

Living a guided life is the inherent birthright of each human being, for each is connected with the Divine origin of their being in ways that are indestructible.  Such a connection allows guidance to wash through the self like a wave that effortlessly becomes part of one’s awareness, not necessarily as instruction or specific information, but as a sense of being in the flow of one’s life, in the right place at the right time.

When guidance comes that touches us on the mental level as words or thoughts, then we have a sense of something particular that we feel we must do.  This arising impulse does not come with a sense of coercion, but as a sense of truth and of rightness that brings joy to the heart because it gives life meaning.  It may, at the same time, seem impossible to do what we have been guided to do, but the sense of meaning, joy, and rightness remains, even in the presence of doubt.

By contrast, a heart that feels guided, yet knows only anxiety and dread about where the guidance is taking it, is often dealing not only with the truth and light of the Source itself, but with other elements, as well, which are overlaying this inner truth.  Light cannot create dread.  It can only create goodness.  Light mixed with negativity of any kind can create a mixture of feelings, however, especially the feeling of fear.  Then, the experience of being guided will reflect a partial truth that contains the Divine breath of love, and another aspect that contains the element of fear.  Because of this mixture, the direction one is being asked to follow can become unclear and lose its original purity.

It is the better part of wisdom to know which Voice to listen to and which to follow, a knowledge that one gains over time and through prayer.  Prayer to be led along the way of the highest light or the highest path of truth is always effective.  Whether known or unknown to the conscious self, prayer aligns the self with Divine purpose so that one’s own will is progressively shaped in accordance with Divine will.  This may not happen all at once, and it may not happen with conscious knowledge, yet the longing of the heart to follow the guidance of the higher self and of God leads the self inevitably toward the light.

For this reason, it is always useful to listen and to pray, not necessarily out loud, but with one’s heart, and breath, and life.  There are many ways to ask that “Thy will be done.”  At the same time, it is important to be free of judgment if one feels that one has let God down by not following the path of truth or by not feeling able to do what is being asked.  Self-judgment comes from the ego, not from the Divine Creator who is always compassionate.  To walk humbly before the Divine is all that is asked, not that mistakes shall never be made.  In the presence of mistakes, to turn again to the Source of one’s being and to ask to be shown the way - this is all that is needed in order to eradicate mistakes: listening and a humble heart.

Some guidance comes strongly to us with a sense of sweeping change that sends us careening in a new and unexpected direction, changing the outer shape of our life altogether.  However, much guidance operates in a quieter way.  It asks us to place each footstep behind the deepest choice we can make to follow the Divine and to be led. 

From this perspective, decisions learn to be made in an entirely new way.  Rather than thinking by ourselves  that something should happen in this way or that, there is more often the initial sense of not knowing how something should happen, or needing to find out.  This may take a minute or it may take a lifetime, for the way of guidance is timeless, assuming direction of one’s life that is both within time and beyond it.  Such guidance depends on the readiness of the embodied soul, and, at this time on the Earth, on the infusion of the planet itself with the higher vibrations of spiritual light.

In the end, the single most important quality of living a guided life is the wish to do so, for this wish more than any other influence creates an orientation of heart which ultimately brings to us the clarity, wisdom, support, and directions that we wish for.  Whether such benefits are perceived by the mind or not, these aspects of guidance touch all that lives within, conveying truth directly to the deepest part of ourselves.  In that deepest part, we learn to listen and we learn to hear.  In this way, we come to live a sanctified and guided life.

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 Post subject: Suffering With And Not For
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:29 pm 

Suffering With And Not For

One of the spiritual lessons I have been learning recently is how to be in right (Light) relationship with a beloved soul who finds containing energies difficult.

Out of compassion I allowed this beloved soul to express their suffering towards me thinking that I was helping them. How? I thought without asking for guidance, that if I took in their energies of suffering that I might help them to create the inner space for more Light to enter their heart.

What took me some time to realize was that this individual in their suffering, was making a choice, albeit without the benefit of believing or trusting another way was possible, and refilling with the same energies in the presence of experiences which triggered helplessness and limitation, thereby creating a cycle of releasing the pressure of the energies through expression, a time of calm whilst the very same energies built again, and then the releasing of the energies causing pressure.

In this instance of truth being revealed, my experiences brought to me new teachings that my soul needed for its growth and awareness. These experiences have helped me to see where my compassion and wanting to help was lacking in guidance and without God.

New boundaries have been set in our relationship regarding the expression of inner energies of suffering without asking God for help.

My abiding love for this beloved soul calls for me to wait in prayer for those moments to come forward which offer opportunities where they might choose to call on the help of the Light. Moments private to them and their God, moments in which their soul in the presence of the embodied helplessness and limitation, might choose to surrender and ask God for help and a new way through their suffering.

I now suffer with this soul not for this soul.

with love

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 Post subject: The Fruitfulness of Waiting
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:32 pm 

The Fruitfulness of Waiting

Waiting can be a time of mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical retreat, as well as a time of rest and silence.

In the will effortful act of waiting, I am better able to observe from my heart, the confluence of energies manifesting and sacred reality unfolding.

Waiting brings insights from the heart, from my soul, to my waiting and quiet mind.

When my heart trusts, then my mind is better able to practice compassion for self, allowing revelations of the realities unfolding to be observed with innocence - detached compassion, whilst continuing to wait for guidance as to how to move forward.

Revelations of the self and repetitive soul patterns reveal themselves to me in a state of waiting in the sacred moment.

with love,

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 Post subject: The Divine Infinite From Which All Realities Unfold
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:35 pm 

Blessed is the Divine Infinite from which all realities unfold.

May each reality come to know love.

Received in love, March 18, 2018

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 Post subject: Connecting With The Divine Mother
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:41 pm 

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The Earth is producing not only food, but love. The Earth is producing an energy of love that we feel when our spiritual senses awaken.

The cells of our body are vibrating with love. Now, your may or may not have felt this, but the cells of our body are made of a Divine core just like the core of the Earth. The inner core of the cells of our body, like the inner core of the Earth, vibrates with love.

Streams of the Divine Mother
Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: Perceptions in Times of Silence - Unity Consciousness
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:47 pm 

Perceptions In Times of Silence - Unity Consciousness

During a silent moment recently whilst lighting my altar candle, I felt the heart of one engulfed in difficult contractive energies and experiences, feel, in the sacred moment, the presence of Love and Light enter into their heart.

I felt this experience as if I were with them.

All Blessings.

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 Post subject: Practicing Self Compassion In The Sacred Moment
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:52 pm 

Practicing Self Compassion In The Sacred Moment

Self compassion in the presence of revelation brings forth new ways of being in the sacred moment.

Self compassion when practiced with the Purification Process can bring forth the wisdom of the soul, the truth of who we are.

 In its essence, we may think of the purification process as initiated by spiritual light and sustained by light in order to carry out the Will of the Divine. This Will moves in the direction of enabling the higher dimensions of one's being to take part in life on Earth. It allows the soul to merge with the personality in the expression of a unified and sacred life. 

I - Purification: The Expansion of Light
Julie of Light Omega ... ation.html

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 Post subject: Whats Going On? In The Sacred Moment
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 4:01 pm 

Thoughts can be wild like an untended garden, or one can cultivate one's thoughts, weeding out those that are no longer of service, bringing them to the light so that the mind can become free.

Reflections of Light
The Journey Home - Day 34

Feeling overwhelmed by energies or experiences?

Open a note book and begin writing.

Write by hand everything you are feeling and thinking. Write about all realities, inner and outer. Write about all your thoughts, feelings, emotions, observations, whatever comes to your mind without judgement or self criticism.

Practice this form of self revelation daily.

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