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 Post subject: The Embodiment of the Divine Infinite
PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2018 11:54 am 

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 Post subject: Holding All Dimensional Experiences With God
PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 11:30 am 

Dimensional Awareness:
Holding All Dimensional Experiences With God

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To experience dimensional awareness is to experience consciously what is unfolding and coming forward, with God. I have recently discontinued writing Prayers for the Suffering posts. This does not mean I have left the suffering. Far from leaving the suffering of my planetary brothers and sisters, I have been deeply experiencing the grief, horror, and pain especially, but not limited to in the last week, the horrors and grief being experienced by the Parkland, Fl., community and the community of Ghouta, Syria.

At the same time I have been experiencing a change which is coming forward. I wrote on Tuesday 2/20/18, a very powerful day of Light coming into the planet the following:

"A change is coming forward. A dimensional window opens and more Light expands into the planetary frequency. Feel the hearts gratitude in the presence of the Infinite expanding into the planetary body."

During that day and well into the night, the Light of the Infinite expanding filled my body, mind, energy body, and spirit. Wisdom, visions, love, gratitude, and joy filled my body. I had mystical experiences which were of a nature I have not previously known. I was able to feel, in the presence of great suffering, the joy of expanding Light. I did not leave the suffering, rather I was with, dimensionally, in an embodied state, the energies of the joy of the expanding Infinite into the planetary body, and the cries, grief, and horrors of those who are suffering.

with love,

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 Post subject: Divine Light Is The Inheritance of All Souls
PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:11 pm 

A time in which the energies of darkness brings forth to the Light that which has been hidden.

* * *

Divine Light is the inheritance of all souls.

No matter how dark in these times of charismatic violence and desecration events may seem, the light within all embodied souls is awaiting conscious awakening.

* * *

Every soul has a spiritual gift to bring forth.

Fear covers this truth for many, yet in the times to come forth, the Light awakening within will heal the effects fear has had and dignity, honor, truth, integrity, and respect for one another will come to the fore.

This will not be at first an easy awakening for many, for the energies of opposition to Love and Light can zap the strength to forebear.

Even so, bear with.

* * *

Anchoring in the innocence of the heart brings forth the purification and eventual clarity of the mind in the presence of the energies of darkness.

* * *

How does one find truth in the presence of charismatic rulership?

In the innocence of one's heart, guided by the wisdom of the soul.

* * *

The harmony of souls comes forth through conscious gestures of the heart - love, cooperation, dignity, and respect.

* * *

How is it that the energies of darkness can bring forth truth to the Light?

The energies of darkness reveal in the presence of Light, that which is separated and opposed to Love and Light so that clarity of what is Love and Light may be revealed, may be 'known'.

* * *

Certainty of inner truth through 'knowing' anchored in innocent hearts.

All hearts are capable of a return to innocence.

No matter what one has done and said, a Path of Return to innocence is available to all souls.

* * *

In the silence of I AM.

In the silence of I AM our intuition conveys the presence of I AM to the heart and mind.

* * *

All spiritual paths, all embodied experiences of the soul lead back to the One.

For from the Infinite we come forth and return.

* * *

The state of innocence of the heart allows the mind to witness what is unfolding with a suspension of judgement so that a greater truth beyond the veils of separation can be gleaned through the intuitive self.

* * *

All Shall Be Revealed:

Fear not for that which confuses, obfuscates, and confounds, will in the end, reveal in the presence of Light, the truth of that which has been hidden.

* * *

In times of darkness embodied souls seemingly fall into a 'forgetfulness of Love'.

* * *

Embodied souls, in the depths of their forgetfulness of Love, far too often, choose to follow the energies of charismatic rulership. A rulership which reinforces the forgetfulness of Love through the energies of fear, violence, threats of punishment, punitive punishing's and petting.

Even so, Love remains as the Path of Return.

* * *

The awakened can provide through their hearts, 'doorways' to those seeking the Path of Return to Love.

* * *

Divine Light is always with us no matter how charismatically dark the actions of those who would seek to separate our hearts from Divine Light and Love.

* * *

There are souls in a state of forgetfulness of Love, who will seek your pledges of faith whilst desecrating faith in all but themselves.

* * *

See experiences as an opportunity to heal perceptions and judgements where the forgetfulness of Love may be present within.

Be not of the darkness.

Lift the veil of your own forgetfulness of Love, lift the veil within your heart.

* * *

First and foremost, find your faith in the power of Love.

Those who would seek to rule your heart and mind know that the suspension of love and dignity are necessary to obtain your faith and ultimately, your compliance.

* * *

From The Beginning:

From the beginning we were created by the authority of Love, made in the image and likeness of Love, and meant to live in the harmonious unity of Love.

So shall it be.

* * *

Truth, love, intuition, wisdom, dignity, respect in the ascendant.

The veil lifts.

* * *

Love stirs the somnolent heart to awaken.

* * *

Deadened hearts shall arise for this is the promise of the One Everlasting.

Received - February 24, 2018

link updated: 1/9/19

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: The New Earth: The Manifestation of the Divine Mother
PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:17 pm 

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 Post subject: In The Sacred Moment - The Cries Of Suffering Souls
PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:33 am 

Within Me - The Cries Of Suffering Souls

Within me, upon arising, greeting the morning sun,
awareness fills my heart of souls screaming.

Where does the sound of
this great suffering come forth from?

Is it Ghouta crying out for mercy?

Is it that which is coming forward, a great suffering?

I have no answers, just the profound awareness of
souls wrenching in agony and crying out.

All Blessings.

Prayers, for the suffering.

with love,

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 Post subject: Visions: March 6, 2018 - The Spirit Rises
PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:43 am 

Visions: March 6, 2018 The Spirit Rises

Yea, the spirit rises in the two,
love and hate, separated, yet one.

Youth, once the promise of a dream
of generations before who fought the darkness embodied,
rise into chaos, the energies of hate embodied,
the energies of souls separated, seeking love and harmony, enraged.

How my heart weeps to see the darkness use the sacred
vessels meant for Light awakening - desecrate and hate.

Woe, nation. Woe.

* * *

Yea, with the promises of power and superiority
the energies of hate, and the energies of desecration
for all who are not made in their image and likeness,
rise up in heart's all too human and all too lost in the darkness.

* * *

See what the fathers of darkness have sown and sow.

See what the fathers of darkness have given unto their sons.

Woe O mighty nation. Woe.

* * *

How is it that it is the children who see and rise in the face
of the dangers emerging in the nation?

Innocence knows not of the duplicity of the fathers of darkness.

* * *

Would that these visions carry forth
more of the promises of the New Earth and Light.

Alas, my work is not yet complete.

Verily, my heart. devoted scribe of the One,
transcribes faithfully what has been given,
whilst awaiting in earnestness and steadfastness,
the Light which is to come forth for all.

Love Awakens March 2018:

link updated: 1/9/19

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: The Shiva Energy and Inner Silence
PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 10:51 am 

The Shiva Energy and Inner Silence
Julie of Light Omega

The Shiva energy is a Divine force of Creation that liberates
the new by bringing about the dissolution of old premises
about reality and about oneself.

We do not often speak of the Divine ‘Shiva energy’ in relation to the experience of inner silence, but it can also be part of this silence, for some more so than for others.
We enter the inner silence through being willing to be empty of thought, planning, remembering, anticipating – in other words, we leave both past and future behind and enter an unknown present to the best of our ability.  Within this unknown present, within this void of both past and future, we do not know what we will find.  We do not know who we will be.  We do not know what thoughts will come to us unbidden, perhaps bringing feelings to our awareness that we have not wished to feel. This is not the goal of the silence, but it is often part of it – a part that alters our perception of who we are and who we have been.  We enter the unknown and may welcome a reality that we have not met before, including emotions that we may not have been aware of, or, we may turn away and close down the silence itself so that things may remain more familiar.
Such willingness to be with the unknown invites the Shiva energy to be present, to offer a different picture or experience than the one we may have had. This is not necessarily a picture involving negative emotions.  It is a picture in which we view reality from a different perspective, a perspective that we did not even know was possible.
The Shiva energy dismantles the old and ushers in the new.  It changes us by removing both past obstacles and past frames of reference so that new conditions can prevail within our consciousness, conditions that are more conducive to the learning we are meant to have.  Within the silence, such new conditions may present themselves as welcome and welcoming, or they may create fear for some.  If fear arises in silence, it is often because one is afraid of what is going to happen or may happen.  One is afraid of the unknown.  Thus, many people are anxious about existing in prolonged silence because it can liberate feelings of uncertainty about the nature of one’s past and one’s future.  The Shiva energy can bring about a breaking apart of old assumptions and premises concerning reality itself, and therefore concerning the large questions we have about how we have been living and are meant to live.
The silence of the soul is always positive.  It is always peace.  It is always love and unity.  Nevertheless, on the way to this goal, there arise, at times, other layers of ourselves that must be met before joining with our own deeper self.  It is these layers which present themselves that offer a choice – the choice to remain with the past and to end the silence and our encounter with the unknown, or to go forward, step by step, into further unknown territory, no matter what we might feel.
The Shiva energy dismantles the old and brings forth the new.  It is the Divine creative force of the Universe operating within time and space to evolve all beings through their consciousness and their life.  In the silence, in the letting go of our structures of thought, we say “yes” to change.  We say “yes” to trust.  We say “yes” to being willing to be led in the direction of the unknown, the direction that our highest purpose and our highest good may lead us in.
When we say “yes” in this way, the energy of Shiva carries us forward from the unknown to the known. Yet, we must wait and be willing to be unknown for as long as this may be required. It is in this way that a new ‘known’ will be found from within the silence itself, breaking free into reality at a time and place of Divine choosing, and liberating our highest potential as it will.



The Shiva Energy and Inner Silence

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 Post subject: Star of the Divine Infinite: New Vision Of An Ancient Symbol
PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 7:49 pm 

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 Post subject: Waiting In The Presence Of Challenging Energies
PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 9:00 pm 

Hello Dear Readers,

I wanted to let you know that energetically it has been a very challenging and difficult time. As such, I have been unable to post. A time of waiting until the energies shift is upon me. I look forward to when more is possible.

Until then, all blessings and love,

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 Post subject: Energies Coming Forward: Desecration of the Nation
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:10 am 

Energies Coming Forward: Desecration of the Nation

In the presence of the increasing Light, the energies of darkness cannot stop revealing itself.

* * *

Apparatus of the desecration of the Nation nears completion.

Woe O beloved Nation.

Bear with.

Fear not for all has been foretold and I AM with you.

All Visions and Prophecies:

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 Post subject: Waiting During Times Of Contractive Energies
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:18 am 

Waiting During Times Of Contractive Energies

It has been my experience recently that waiting, especially during times of energetic contraction, helplessness, and limitation helps to build inner trust and brings forth new revelations to the self.

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 Post subject: Eternal Perspective
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:23 am 

Eternal Perspective

A inner knowing of the eternal life of the soul will help in the understanding of embodied suffering.

Received in the silence.

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