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 Post subject: The Personal and the Planetary: No One is Separate
PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:07 pm 

The Personal and the Planetary: No One is Separate
  10:14" - January 15, 2017

We are here to take part in the unification of the Earth, through love, into a holy planet.  Each of us contributes to this change by the way we hold our consciousness. All thoughts that we think and emotions that we feel expand outward to affect all.

With deepest blessings - Light Omega

Light Omega Videos

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 Post subject: Choice, Intention, Compassion, and Loss of Alignment
PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 8:36 am 

The power to choose alignment with the frequencies of Light can at times, be quite elusive to the embodied soul seeking to contain difficult energies.

My personal experiences have shown me that even as I have become - by the Grace of God - more adept over the years at holding very dense energies of separation and darkness, there are collective moments in time when I encounter energies which overwhelm and saturate me to such a point, that I lose the ability to 'choose' in the moment to not align with the denser energies saturating my nervous system and consciousness.

And whilst in years gone by I would have berated myself for these lapses in consciousness and alignments with the energies of separation and darkness which I was meant to be containing for transformation and healing, I have learned through the love of the Beloved to have greater compassion for myself, to forgive, and begin again, anew, in the sacred moment.

It is not an easy spiritual practice to 'choose' to stay aligned with the frequencies of Light in the presence of the energies of separation and density, even as I really long to do so. Sometimes it has been so difficult to contain certain frequencies of separation and darkness that I have screamed out in sheer frustration and energetic overwhelm. Even as this is true, so to is the truth of my devotion to the goals of my soul, to serve to the best of my abilities in each given sacred moment, and so, for each 'fail' at containing, there is a corresponding longing to become more adept.

Yes, in each moment I do have a choice. I can choose when it is possible for me to do so, to align with the frequencies of Light, and when it is not, I can choose to pray and wait until an energetic opening occurs which clears the pathway once again towards alignment with the Light. I can also choose to make amends.

Personally Dear Readers, I am holding a hope that the expansion of the frequencies of Light helps myself and everyone on this planet to choose to align with the Light with greater ease.

I can, and do express my sorrow to all who have experienced the energies I was meant to contain over the years. I too. forgive myself and know that in each moment my intention is to choose to serve in the most loving ways I can.

with love,

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 Post subject: Energies Of Darkness Recognizable In Emotional Content
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:34 am 

"...Energies of darkness become recognizable in the emotional content of rage, hatred, fear, and despair. Though these feelings are often felt to be justified in terms of actual life- experience, they are nevertheless adaptations that represent a need to protect and defend ourselves from painful situations in whatever way seems possible. Such energies which become part of the personality can also be amplified by external energies of darkness and separation so that their healing takes longer and so that there is more difficulty in separating from them.

Often, in the course of our development, negative energies within the personality become mixed with the purer and clearer parts of ourselves that are closer to our soul, and so a mixture of feelings, attitudes, and motivations characterize the inner state of most human beings, with the mixture being in a continual state of flux and change.

What results from this mixing of the core layer of our being and the surrounding layer which is in need of healing is our personality and persona. The former contains the inner tendencies with which we react to life; the latter is the face of our personality projected outward toward others. Both are a mixture of light and dark elements with the dark elements in varying stages of purification and healing.

Since all of life is a healing, and all of experience fosters the return to our spiritual home, what is true for most people is that the personality or embodied self is a gray area in a continuously fluid state. In relation to such fluidity, individuals vary greatly in the degree to which they are ready to allow change to take place, that is, the degree to which they are willing to allow time and experience to heal them. Nevertheless, the potential for healing is always present."

From Light To Light: pages 61/62

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 Post subject: Energetic Sensitivity In Times of Rage and Despair
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:43 am 

Light amplifies light and activates darkness.
In the presence of God's light, one's own light becomes greater.

As this occurs, darkness is uprooted from its
moorings in the body and set free to move through your consciousness.

Remember as it passes through you, it is not you.

Seeds of Light for Daily Meditation

In recent weeks, with a noticeable increase in the last week, I have been acutely aware of an increase in the energies of rage, fear, and despair being being released, especially in the United States.

It has been my experience that my body and energy body has been overwhelmed and at times, saturated by these very same energies.

I have no advice or guidance to share as to how to contain these energies as each individual embodied soul will have their own challenges which I cannot know nor address.

What I can share with you is that I am seeking to become more consciously aware in the sacred moment, to the energies penetrating my body and consciousness as well as the associated narratives of these energies filling my mind.

Prayer and time for retreat as well as holistic therapies I resonate with has been very helpful. Taking responsibility for strengthening and honoring my body, my temple, in the presence of these dense energies of darkness and separation has helped immensely.

I may add, that these very same energies are saturating those I spend time with as well as those I come in contact with. Oft times, these very same embodied souls have no conscious awareness that the energies are influencing them, their actions, or releasing through their body.

In service to humanity and the Light, I believe that we who are in service thru our physical bodies and energy bodies are being called to contain and transform energies which we have not previously encountered at the levels of intensity we are now experiencing.

I have had in recent times, some success in remembering that the energies engulfing me are not mine, that they are energies I am taking in in service, and at other times I have been so thoroughly saturated and overwhelmed that I too have fallen into moments of despair, frustration, anger, and overwhelm by the releasing energies of Purification I am being called to contain.

One moment at a time I am choosing to the best of my abilities to challenge the constructs and narratives of the energies of anger, fear, rage, and despair being released which courses through my body, mind, and spirit.

As always, as the energies engulf me, I seek to remember in the moment, that I am not the energies coursing thru me. Even as this is true, these are trying times for the energetically sensitive in service to humanity and the Light.

Bear with.
Bear with love.

Before you knew of these sorrows, I held them close to my heart in prayer.
Blessings, strength and upliftment to all who share in this sacred service.

with love,

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 Post subject: The Embodied Redemption of Love
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:48 am 

Embodied Redemption of Love_Johanna Raphael_2017_OEA.jpg
Embodied Redemption of Love_Johanna Raphael_2017_OEA.jpg [ 104.86 KiB | Viewed 6524 times ]

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Checking The Narratives Flowing Thru Our Minds
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:56 am 

I have found that when listening, watching, or reading about current events, that I have needed to check the narrative running, at times, unconsciously thru my mind.

Questions I need to ask myself in the sacred moment - Is this a narrative based on personal or karmic prejudices? Is this a narrative being fueled by energies penetrating my body, my mind, or my spirit?

It has been my experience that if I don't check my thoughts with an open mind and a trusting and innocent heart, based in respect, then I might very well be unconsciously aligning with energies and narratives which are separated from a consciousness of respect, love, truth, and a belief in growth for all.

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 Post subject: Prophetic Visions - January 25, 2016
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 2:08 pm 

The energies of purging coming forward devoid of health.

* * *

Dimensional doors opening within.
Thoughts and beliefs once polarized become nuanced.

* * *

To confound and confuse, to agitate and enrage; the rule of the Punisher(s) dividing the nation(s).

* * *

One of the hallmarks of deception is desecration.

* * *

Cries of the suffering met with impudence and scorn.
Patriots called by the deceived to harden their hearts.

* * *

Cries of the suffering mocked and silenced.
The rise of the iron fist.

* * *

The cries of the suffering calling out for mercy.
The hearts of the One watching in horror and prayer.

* * *

The cries of the suffering downtrodden in fear engulfed by the energies of loathing, cry out for mercy.
The nation of the free complicit in silence.

* * *

"We are one!" Cry out the hardened hearts of the patriots.
Calls to "Harden your hearts, for the 'other' is not of us."

* * *

Bewilderment and sorrow engulfs the nation of the free.
Freedoms lost, the laws of the Punisher a desecration to the sacred held up in vainglorious hubris.

* * *

"See you not?" Cry out the hardened. "See you not that all we do is for you?"
Hearts confused and bewildered cower in fear.

* * *

The soul rises in the dark times to come.
An awakening of truth in the hearts of the awakened of which no deception, no lie, can penetrate.

* * *

Trust. "What am I to trust?" Cry out the bewildered.
Trust the goodness of your hearts. Let your actions be rooted in love.

Johanna Raphael
All visions and prophecies can be found at

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 Post subject: For the Energetically Sensitive: An Inundation of Tears
PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:02 pm 

It you are energetically sensitive to planetary energies releasing at this time, you may be aware of feeling at times, inundated not only by the energies of rage, anger, and fear, but even more so, the sorrows and tears of the despairing, downhearted, and hopeless. If you are as highly sensitive (empathic) as myself, you may also feel your nervous system stress levels are abnormally high. In the presence of hard-heartedness and indifference to suffering, it can be challenging at best, to hold the energies of hope, trust, and Light. Even as this is so, bear with.

For those who are able, an increase of your devotions and prayers, a holding in your heart of those who are suffering is more helpful than your mind may realize.

with love,

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 Post subject: Degrees of Help
PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:11 pm 

Degrees of Help

We have come together to share resources
with each other -
    the air we breathe, the water we drink,
    the gifts of the earth,
    the food of the oceans.
We cannot share resources if we take them
    for our own.
If we hoard them, if we destroy them,
if we interfere with their growth,
if we determine their future thru our own
    action or inaction
    we are no longer sharing the planet with others.
We are claiming it for ourselves.

This is the origin of 'dominance,' the expansion
    of one at the expense of many.
And yet 'dominance' is a thing of the past.
It can only exist when there is a struggle
    of 'me' against 'you,'
when there is a need to believe in the 'survival
    of the fittest.'
This belief belongs to the past and to a
    different reality.

Today, there is no 'fittest' and no 'less fit.'
There are only degrees of help that we offer
    to each other from the same universal Heart
    that offers the gifts of life to each of us.
We live in and through these degrees of help.
And what we claim for ourselves in the way
of being more deserving of life and of wealth
    must concede its place to what we claim for all.
For all that lives is our domain of care.
We have come to share life with all that lives.
And the heart that beats within us,the heart
that is gaining strength in great measure,
    tells us that this is so.

For this is the time of the one Heart,
    the time in which all hearts serve that One.
And we are the instruments of that change,
    the change from individual possession out
    of fear and self-protection,
to non-possession but sharing all with all.
We are a shared life.
We belong to the Earth and it belongs to us
    in the way that deepest love creates belonging.
Let this be our legacy to the future, then,
    that what was raised in fear, and beheld
    itself in separation,
    shall henceforth know itself to be one with the One,
    shall henceforth call itself 'sacred humanity,'
the One becoming many,
the many becoming One.

Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: Moving Forward: A Nation Once United Torn Asunder: Prophecy
PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 11:44 am 

Feelings of helplessness as events move forward without grounding.

* * *

Energies of chaos causing overwhelm of nervous systems, minds and hearts.

* * *

Decisions becoming more difficult to make in the presence of distorted and chaotic energies.
Waiting. Allowing for the passage of time and the subsidence of energies and clearing.

* * *

Truth obscured.
A calling to anchor deep within, connection with the soul in stillness, waiting for clarity.

* * *

The Nation once united - torn asunder.

* * *

Truth obscured.
A calling from the voices of the deceived to hate and desecrate.
Great sorrows in the nation of the free.

* * *

Truth obscured.
Language weaponized to separate the hearts and minds of the people of the nation of the free.

* * *

Anger fueled by the voices of the deceived calling for unholy wars between sister, brother, neighbor and friend.
Categorizations of 'us' versus 'them'.
The language of love weaponized.
The nation weeps.

* * *

Truth obscured.
Hearts and minds distracted, overwhelmed, helpless, enraged - lashout.

* * *

Sorrows and divisiveness.
The avowed saviours of the nation crushing dissent.
The iron fist of the Punisher and punisher(s) loosed upon the nations values and rules of law, a great desecration of the nation to come.

* * *

Woes and sorrows of the needy scorned and mocked.
The needs of the cult of coin and death usurping the generous heart of the nation.
Imprisonment and harsh indictments for those who would dissent.

* * *

A great blessing coming forward for the nation in times of turbulence and destruction.
Look past desecrations and divisiveness. Days of darkness and destruction of pillars of virtue of the nation bring forth unexpected consequences.
The nation of the free united in cause and voice.

* * *

Fear not for I have foretold of these times.
I Am and I will be with you.
The birth of the nation once envisioned and anchored in hope, comes forward.

* * *

All Blessings.

Received by Johanna Raphael

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 Post subject: Moving Forward: Ascendency of Light in a Time of Darkness
PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:44 pm 

The tides of ancient Rome wash unto American shores.

* * *

The iron fist attacks.
Punishers revealed.
The beloved nation reels.

* * *

Wails of women and children.
The cries of men.
A great injustice unto the peoples of the nation of the free.

* * *

Wails and lamentation years old, washes the planet in sorrow.

* * *

Sorrows and crimes attributed to irrelevance and the fake.

* * *

The sting of the Punisher shocking and awing the nation of the people of the free.

* * *

"Who shall bend and kiss the ring?"

"Look," cry the complicit, "behold our modern king!"

* * *

I speak to thee in a time of freedoms not long to be.

The iron fist of the Punisher strikes brutally.

* * *

These events foretold by sages, prophets, and Holy Books of old, warning all who would listen.

A time to stand in integrity.

* * *

Beware the man who would proffer a pious brow and speak with a soldiers tongue.

* * *

The energies of desecration, tentacle like, spread into the hallowed foundations of the nation of the free, crushing and undermining long held virtues.

* * *

Memories once seemingly locked in time, surface.
Horrors and sorrows long held, others now new.
Hearts and minds scrambled - reel.
The wrath of the iron fist of the Punisher.

* * *

The rising light continues to reveal, that which once was, and is, concealed.

* * *

Bear with nation.
Bear with.

All prophecies received by Johanna Raphael can be found at:
The Return of the Christ

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 Post subject: The Capacity to Discern - A Teaching by Julie
PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:09 pm 

"…Our inner sense of truth is the source of our discernment, and we are each capable of going deeper within ourselves to find it when life circumstances become confusing or difficult to interpret. Here, it is not a matter of what the mind tells us, especially when presented with several different versions of reality, but what our deeper self perceives as the vibrational truth of a given perspective. Vibration is a key, that communicates to our inner knowing not only whether truth is present, but whether light and love are present as well. We each have the capacity of discernment as souls created by the One.

Many of us have come to trust our minds more than any other part of ourselves, so that this process may feel shaky. We may have also come to believe what we are told by those who claim to speak with authority, denying our own inner authority to make this determination. Now, we must claim our own authority, registering our inner knowing and allowing it to guide us toward the place of deeper truth."

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