For Where Love Is, Darkness Cannot Be
(Part II) "...We have all kinds of justifications for fear that we can point to outwardly, the main one being the things that human beings are willing to do to each other. In the presence of such fear, the heart must grow larger. Our desire to be inclusive must become stronger, and equally importantly, we must become able to separate the emotional energies that become a source of dark motivations among people, from the true self that has been overcome by these dark motivations. For there continue to be many today whose hearts have become buried beneath false beliefs and darkened energies that cause them to misperceive the true humanity of others. Out of this separation from self and from their own hearts, these souls are willing to commit crimes against humanity. Yet, even while they do this, the equally great crime is against their own humanity which they have been removed from, and for this we may have compassion, even while denying consent to their actions.
To have a heart which beats to the impulse to love all is to be willing to love as God loves, and to be willing to perceive the sacred life within all. It is to refuse to allow any group, population, or label to separate us from others, so that we are willing to deny dignity and respect to that particular cluster of human life. It is time for this calling to become conscious and for us to recognize those we deem 'less than' within our hearts. It is time to determine that we are no longer willing to live in fear but only in love. Only such a courageous commitment of our hearts can awaken us and the world to a new way of life that supports all and that embraces all. And only such a commitment can allow us to live and to express with the fullness of love that is our true nature." A CALL TO AWAKENAn End to the Idea of 'Disposable People'Julie of Light Omega"...The world has not yet come to the conclusion that the inner motivation toward peace can and must be altered. There is not enough hope yet in humanity, and not enough trust in the healing capacity of love.
...Love that arises in the human heart is the only true basis for peace, whether between nations or between persons. When it is recognized that each heart is part of a greater Heart, then peace will prevail." A NEW BASIS FOR PEACEJulie of Light Omega ... Peace.html 0:
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"...The celebration before us is the event of the transformation of consciousness – that which will bring new eyes and new ears to those who have been blind and deaf, unable to see and to hear each other for centuries These new eyes and ears will hear, and see, and feel the presence of love that will make all that has gone before seem trivial and unimportant. It may seem that this cannot be so. Yet, it is so. It is the possibility for a new awakening of mankind’s ability to love, and a new awakening of the heart connected with the spirit that is taking place now and that will take place ever more strongly.
"…In the midst of this, a dark shadow is cast by forces that would prevent this awakening from happening, that would have the earth not be at peace, or free, or in the light. Such forces of darkness operate to counteract the expansion that is presently taking place. They have the capacity to create a great disturbance of that expansion through the promulgation of fear and doubt, and ultimately, through the manifestation of despair which creates a loss of trust that either God or light is real. The events manipulated by darkness that bring great suffering to people can happen and will happen as the expansion of light takes place ever more forcefully within the earth’s sphere, and it is up to each consciousness to know how to hold onto the truth of what is taking place. It is up to each consciousness to feel the truth of love, to cherish it, to nurture it, and to remain faithful to it. Darkness cannot exist in the presence of love. It can only exist when love has been tossed aside or submerged in the presence of doubt or despair. It can only exist when love is undermined within ourselves so that we no longer believe in it. In the place of love, darkness has nowhere to stand."THE INFLUENCE OF DARKNESS ON THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF MANJulie of Light Omega "Forces of light expand the properties of love and unity. They seek to build bridges where none may have been possible before. They seek to find common ground among groups or peoples that have divergent cultures or beliefs. Forces of darkness seek to create disruption, to erect boundaries between 'us' and 'them,' to portray the world in terms of friends and enemies, and to create an atmosphere in which unity is difficult if not impossible. All that is of the light brings consciousness into greater wholes, into greater inclusiveness based on the principle of love, even when apparent differences or conflicts continue to exist. All that is of darkness brings consciousness into greater fear, fear that requires the building of more defenses and barriers, fear that leads to exclusion rather than inclusion. …Terrorism, and the horrific acts it has given rise to, is the outer expression of forces of darkness that have found means within susceptible souls of justifying the abandonment of the heart's deepest orientation toward love and unity, replacing these with the pursuit of division and destruction. In addition to the great tragedy this brings into the lives of multitudes of people, it is also a tragic loss for individual souls who have subscribed to the manipulations of darkness. For these souls are also tragic, having lost touch with their own hearts and with their own humanity. This does not justify their actions. It adds to the tragedy. In relation to the presence of light, wherever there are situations in which common ground is sought even in the presence of fear, suspicion, and distrust, there, too, will love have the possibility of growing and eventually of joining what may seem like it cannot be joined. We, as a people, One within the One, are being called, today, to stand for the principle of bridge-building as an affirmation of light, even where distrust and fear appear to predominate. We are being called to this not only within our world view but within our individual lives as well. We are being asked to be courageous, to side with that which is more difficult but truer, to place our faith in the invisible rather than to side with that which is easier because it is more apparent. We are being asked to believe in the potential within any situation for the good of all to manifest."GLOBAL PURIFICATION - Light and DarknessJulie of Light Omega ... ation.htmlInspired by the vigil with Beloved Julie on November 24, 2107. Title: For Where Love Is, Darkness Cannot Be - Julie of Light Omega