Hello Dear Readers,
This year, millions of American's, mostly rural, as well as some cities, are experiencing devastating floods and tornado's. Tornado's as far north as Alaska and Nebraska.
Whilst looking up who has been impacted by climate changes I can across many a story headline which resonated along this line of falseness - 'spring severe weather season.' The warnings of what is unfolding in the present, came for decades, and now the truth comes forward in tornado's, flooding, flash droughts, wildfires, and soon to come, super intensified hurricane's.
Yet, I write this not as a doomsayer, more as a compassionate fellow American, and planetary sister, for the USA is not the only nation suffering from severe flooding and climate related disasters.
I write this post as a prayer for all who in a moment, lose everything they have built for a lifetime, and generations. Whose lives are changed dramatically in a moment. And for some, many who moved to Texas, especially the Houston area, who are suffering from flooding related disasters once again after Katrina.
This is just a partial list of our neighbors who have encountered such recent events of devastation and loss. Wiki has a page on the tornadoes of 2024, I am sure someone must be collecting a list on the flooding.
A partial list of flooding and Tornado related devastation and sufferings:
Prayers for the peoples of:
Houston, TX New Orleans, Baton Rouge California Kentucky Florida (Lyn Haven, Pensacola, Tallahassee) Wisconsin Mississippi Oklahoma Tennessee Michigan Iowa, (Greenfield) Kauai Kansas Nebraska South Carolina Illinois (McNabb)
It really is devastating to lose everything you held dear, which gave your life meaning and joy, through a climate related disaster.
From the shock of going through the event, the shocks of beholding what has been destroyed and lost, the cleanup, engaging with the insurance companies, finding a temporary place to stay, finding food and shelter, the list goes on, and for many, the only help available are fellow neighbors who are often going through the same and local religious groups.
Observing and listening to our representatives in Washington, oft times, loudly bleating on about this and that of dubious consequence or relevance to their constituents, with abject cruelty as a form of political spectacle and camera time, their job requirements seem less and less about serving the people who elected them to office. There was a time Dear Readers, when those elected to serve the people, would rush through bills and be on the scene to help and bring help to their constituents, uplifting them and helping them rebuild. Sure, there is the occasional, 'look what we are going to do for you", but on the whole, it seems to be all about the politics of the spectacle of cruelty.
Sorrows and woes. Sorrows and woes befall the peoples and their leaders careth not.
with love and prayers for the suffering, Johanna
Update: May 27, 2024. Sorrows increase for those who have been hit by tornado's in Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. At least 21 embodied souls including children died as a result of the tornado's. Prayers for the living, prayers for the dead, prayers for humanity as we have entered, fully, into the first stages of climate related disasters.
Update June 6, 2024: Destructive tornadoes in Michigan Gaithersburg MD, DC area with damage, injuries, and one death of a beloved.