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 Post subject: New Visions For 2024
PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 8:46 pm 

Hello Dear Readers,

Here are the two new pages for the Return of the Christ and the Daughter of Light visionary pages.

This is such a beautiful time for my soul, even in the presence of the immense suffering unfolding, as I can be with the sacred in both instances, not leaving one for the other.

This is what has come to me as I both mourn and hold in love all who are suffering, especially Palestine and her peoples, as I receive visions: Much change will be coming forth, a lot of growth personally and as the human collective, increasing energies of Light, and in the Presence of Light, many energies which oppose both growth and Light. This year we will each experience life in ways that will open our eyes, expand our minds, and bring forth truths that have been cloaked in energies which have held back all of us - humanity and all Earth life - from fully expressing and being, the truth of who we are.

I will return on the 11th.
with love,

Freedom-To-Be-As-I-AM-Made-Thee-Return.jpg [ 33.16 KiB | Viewed 6121 times ]

Transformational Awakenings:
Illusionary Power Dynamics In The Divine Matrix:
A dispelling of the power of darkness coming forward.
A recognition of the fallacies of darkness for what it is… illusionary power.

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The Mountain Of Adonai:

Love - the Alpha and Omega:

As it was in the beginning – Love,
 so it shall be in the end – Love.

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 Post subject: WEDNESDAY'S WORDS OF LIGHT - Becoming One
PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 8:58 am 
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Light Omega



January 3, 2024

~ a weekly offering of light from GurujiMa ~

Becoming One

If there is a way of looking at the world 

that divides everything up  

into pieces, and numbers, and titles, 

and names,

with borders, and barriers, and protections,

 and gatekeepers,

then let us choose the other way,

the way of melding,

of nothing being truly separate,

of rejoicing with full measure of breath,

that there is only one life, 

and it is not 'your' life, or 'my' life, 

but 'our' life,

into which one divine Sun shines,

one Breath breathes,

the holy light of Creation.


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 Post subject: Light Omega Newsletter Update - December 30th, 2023
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 4:17 pm 

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Message for 2024 - Newsletter Update - Dec. 30, 2023

Message for 2024

May Love Prevail

May love prevail!
May light eradicate all darkness!
In the times that are most difficult,
when doubt and fear assail you,
May you know that the Center will hold.
May you know that love is that Center,
that it comes from God
and shall be returned to God,
and all beings shall become One
upon a holy Earth.


Light Omega Newsletter

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 Post subject: Light Omega Newsletter 2024 - Awakening from Slumber
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 4:25 pm 

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January, 2024
2024 — Awakening from Slumber

Dear Beloved Ones,

The year of awakening from slumber is upon us, and many new things will happen that will create this awakening. Open your eyes, beloved ones, and see what we need to awaken to. It is to the preciousness of each day of life and our responsibility to be fully here within it. It is to the preciousness of each individual life, and our responsibility to preserve and uphold it.

You have heard the spiritual advice: "live as if each day were your last," and this is the advice for the new year. Live as if the values that you hold most dear must no longer be hidden or concealed. Live as if you no longer are willing to believe that you do not make a difference to the fate of the world. Live as if your life matters and as if all of your words and actions matter.

Live as if the Earth is on fire, and we need to address the emergency of the time we are in.

The Climate Summit in November did not do this.

The calls for ceasefire in Gaza for a number of months did not do this.

Live as if the house is on fire, for it is.

Waking from slumber is both a choice and a necessity, beloved ones. It is what we urgently need to do in relation to the climate crisis that is already changing the face of the Earth and our relationship to the rest of life. The Climate Summit of November did not produce the changes we need. It was not urgent enough.

Wake to the need to root out from your heart those places where anger and fear reside, especially fear. Those are the places that create separation, and the time is already upon us when the attitudes we hold that increase separation and decrease a caring for the wellbeing of all must not be tolerated.

Wake to the need to carry peace in your heart and an end to judgment. For the judgment you hold can lead to violent emotion, and violent emotion is often self-perpetuating, creating an absence of peace and love. Monitor this closely, beloved ones, for it is love that the world is in need of, and not violent emotion.

To create a world in which peace can manifest, We must think of the world we wish to leave to our children, and have enough hope so we can help to create that world. If you think this is not possible, it will not be possible. Instead of a generous gift to the future, we will bequeath the future a path of obstacles and a liability.

There have been many who have raised their voices about the killing in Gaza, many who have wept tears of sorrow and helplessness who wished to do more. We can do more, beloved ones, but we must do it together. We must institute a new ethic in our relations with each other that can then become the new ethic by which nations can also live. We are not there yet. We are not in the place of unconditional caring, but we are moving in that direction. We are beginning to see that unity is the only way forward. All other pathways lead backward.

There is a need now to awaken from the justifications we give ourselves for remaining distant from each other, the justifications which allow the global community to do the same thing, permitting massive inequality, and maintaining a world in which many have more than they need, and some have little with which to survive.

The time is here, beloved ones, and although we may have doubts about the possibility of unity with others who act and think differently from us, we need to awaken to the capacity of our own hearts to love all and not to focus on beliefs, but on beings.

This is the transition of this new time, one in which we recognize the being of each other and the oneness from which each has come. We are the world. We are the children of the Earth and of the Divine. We are the hope for the future and the legacy of the past. We are responsible for guarding the future and cannot do this while we are yet asleep.

2024 is the year of awakening from slumber. May the cobwebs of sleepiness be brushed from our eyes so that we may each see what we need to heal and where we need to walk in order to take our place more fully in life.


Light Omega Newsletter.

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 Post subject: Video Teaching-The Practice of Purification:Teachings 5 - 7
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 4:40 pm 

The Practice of Purification: Teachings 5, 6, and 7

Feb 15, 2023 Understanding Energies: The Process of Purification

Topics: The World of Divine Guidance; Letting Go of Outcomes; The Soul's History and Purification:


There is a world of divine guidance that is available to you. It can take many forms, so it is important to have a broad perspective about what is possible for you. The way of guidance is a progression. The more you are attuned to the current of divine will, the more seamless it is. The more surrender, love, and humility are present, the more certain you can be about what you are receiving.

Fifth in a series of five classes "Understanding Energies: The Process of Purification" with GurujiMa October 12, 2022 Village of Light Ashram

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 Post subject: Healing Into Light
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 4:44 pm 

Healing Into Light —
The Purification of Individuals and of the Earth


Today, many people on the planet are in need of healing and are suffering through difficult times — some physically, some emotionally, some due to what appear to be external circumstances.

In reality, the earth itself is undergoing a global purification which is causing many to experience an upsurge of both emotional and physical difficulties. We are not yet accustomed to thinking of everything that is physical as having a spiritual root, and yet this is what is taking place as purification advances upon the planet. Many nations, as well, are experiencing a similar kind of upheaval related to planetary purification. The purpose of this movement and, indeed, of this turbulence, is to free the self of formerly blocked negative energies and ultimately to create greater freedom for each self and for the planet as a whole.

The purification of the individual and of the planet operates according to similar principles and the healing that is made possible through both is the same. Light intensifies in its potency, creating a separation between energies of light and darkness. The darkness, once separated, moves from a dormant state into the light of awareness where it can be seen, and felt, and released into the infinite light of God. During this passage, things that were held in the body because they were too painful to feel — things that may have manifested as longstanding physical or emotional symptoms — may intensify in their level of activity while at the same time becoming available to our awareness again. On a planetary level also, things that were latent within human consciousness are now more readily acted out upon the world stage because what was hidden is now revealed, and what has become more conscious has a greater possibility for becoming active in its expression. The purification that is taking place in a general sense means that people will feel more — that things will come up more frequently and with greater intensity on all levels in order to be healed. This is the result of the greater efficacy of light upon the earth, and though its immediate result may be disturbing in certain respects, it is simultaneously creating the possibility for greater freedom of people everywhere to live in love, in peace, and with a sense of unity with all of life.

The increased possibility for dealing with formerly concealed or dormant energies that are now making themselves known, creates entirely new possibilities for healing at this time. This can include physical, mental, and emotional difficulties that are acute, or those that may have troubled us for years. The power of light that is now more available on the planet is already infusing our physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Through understanding the process and through working with it in a conscious way — in a way that focuses on the incorporation of greater light into the body and consciousness — greater healing of pain and suffering that relate to the time we are in can take place, and discomfort and distress can be alleviated.

Read the entire Teaching here:
Healing Into Light — The Purification of Individuals and of the Earth ... -by-light/

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 Post subject: Archetypes And The Collective Unconsciousness
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 5:25 pm 

Fear Of Divination - Fear Of The Unconscious Self:

Before I begin this post, this note is for Readers who might have a fear of any forms of divination not sanctioned by their church, minister, pastor, or religious leader. Whilst it is true, that many forms of divination have been used and misused by those whose intentions were aligned more with ego, and not necessarily aligned with inner light and truth, the form I will be discussing - tarot - has been around according to some teachings, since ancient Egypt and, if reflected upon with a pure heart and open mind, can assist the conscious self access to the unconscious self.

If you have a fear of the archetypes found in tarot cards, I would recommend that you stop reading now Dear Reader.

with love,

The Archetype Of Swords

Iron Swords

Iron swords wielded upon man, woman, child, and babe.

No one spared from the wielding.

At the point of the iron sword, no one spared from siege, starvation, thirst, cold,
disease, pain, profound suffering, torture, forced displacement, and torments.

Iron swords wielded upon nature, buildings, life, anything which moves.

The sorrows and despair reigned down upon the innocents as the iron swords
braggadocios, slaughtered, maimed, destroyed, mocked, and claimed its right to wield, suffering.

Collective Unconsciousness, The Soul Of the World - Carl Jung

The consciousness within this post has been within me for weeks, yet it was upon arising today, January 7, 2024, that I began to type out what has been coming to me. The slaughtering,(there is no holy word for these actions), in the Holy lands, on the Indigenous Peoples has been so intense, so brutal, relentless and violent, that the embodied aspect of my being has been deeply affected by these energies separated in the extreme from the energies of Light.

Genocides are not a new phenomenon.

In the past, humanity learned of these collective forms of punishing and slaughter through the ‘rumors’ of war and slaughter. Most of humanity became aware, oft times after the fact, through the word either documented, (often only accessed by scholars, religious entities, and the wealthy), or the word spread verbally throughout communities, and shared with communities often through travelers. Reflecting on my ancestors migrating to America in the late 1800’s, I may dare to imagine that they read in newspapers of the Indigenous Peoples being slaughtered en masse, yet as it is today, the Indigenous were portrayed in the collective narrative as the savages and uncivilized, whilst those committing uncivilized acts of savagery are portrayed as the hero and savior making the lands pure; whilst bringing in peoples (like my ancestors) to upend the Indigenous populations through population seeding and settlers. So how would the massacres - the genocide of the Indigenous population been portrayed? As it is today. The ‘our’ team is good, and ‘their’ team is bad colonial consciousness of perceived divine righteousness.

Even as there has been a concerted effort in creating narratives (propaganda) to feed to the collective consciousness of humanity, there are some truths or memories, which transcend propagandizing narratives. These collective soul memories transcend what is written in archived documents, and live in the collective hearts of humanity - the soul of the world, even as time has passed in centuries or epochs. In some instances, these memories are more regional, some memories are literally held in the soil, some memories are more fleeting in times of prosperity, yet, ever remaining in the collective soul of humanity. And even as these memories are not mentally remembered or recalled, the energies of the memories unhealed, are oft times repeated and projected again, and again, and again, until a collective awakening and unified - through the soul of humanity - consciousness is realized.

I perceive we are in such a time.

Multiple Timeline Purification Issues.

I perceive that we are as a collective of embodied souls, entering - what Beloved GurujuMa identified through one of the visions I have received for this year coming forward - multiple timelines.

The Purification Process:

In its essence, we may think of the purification process as initiated by spiritual light and sustained by light in order to carry out the Will of the Divine. This Will moves in the direction of enabling the higher dimensions of one’s being to take part in life on Earth. It allows the soul to merge with the personality in the expression of a unified and sacred life.

The action of God’s light illuminates consciousness and purifies the body where hidden emotions are often held. As a result, attitudes, motivations, and feelings that were formerly concealed are now exposed to the light of awareness.

What is Purification, Part I: The Expansion of Light
GurujiMa ... ings-free/

Whilst I have observed myself going through the purification process over the years, I have realized a converging of timelines, as my conscious mind became, and becomes, more permeable to my unconscious mind, and soul.

I perceive that we are collectively, experiencing (it will become more visible - knowable) multiple timelines of purifying energies being released as the Earth is transforming. Our sacred planet can no longer contain these denser energies and is releasing them into the Light. (Unfortunately, through free will, humans can perceive these energies and often, consciously or unconsciously, act them out again.)

There is a vision relating to this process anchored in 2011, about energies releasing from the Earth:

…A transformation is in process by which our Beloved Mother is transforming the suffering, the blood shed on Her. She has held this history of violence, suffering, and greed for so long within Her and Her travails have ended.

The souls trapped here are being released from their torments and prisons. (Praise be.)

They are being redeemed, transformed. They are letting go – moving now, moving towards the Light, transformed. Many different dimensions of trapped souls are being redeemed.

I see them. They are leaving the Earth plane. I see them locked at one time in many different dimensions, locked in their torment and pain – rising into the Light.

2011 - Faith

Energies Of The Consciousness Of Darkness

The way in which I perceive the collective unconsciousness is through energies, thought forms, memories, experiences separated from Light and Love which humanity holds, unconsciously, in their DNA, in their spirit, in the collective of unconscious minds. When not consciously transformed, healed, or redeemed in Light, these energies can be acted out and projected onto ‘Other’. Meaning when a person (family, nation, tribe, planetary collective), does not purify or heal that which is in a separated state within themselves, individually and/or collectively, then these same individuals and collectives of humanity will oft times as history has shown, act them out or project them out rather than contain them.

In the genocide of the peoples of Palestine, we are witnessing multiple timelines and experiences, being acted out and projected out onto an entire nation of peoples. That which was 'done unto me' consciousness, left unpurified and unhealed by the collective, is being acted out, and without inhibition it seems, verbally projected out. Multiple timelines of energies were being released for healing are now being acted out and reenacted. Energies from the collective memories and experiences related to ancient Egypt, to Rome, to Europe through the centuries to Germany and aligning nations, to the Holy lands. Which brings me to the archetype of swords.

Sitting in silence one evening, I was perceiving an energy which was agitating my spirit. An energy of which I was unable to access, nor identify. I knew it was related to current events as my heart is deeply connected to the historical, Holy lands in the Middle East. So I asked myself what is this energy which is disturbing my heart? And I randomly opened a book and these two images came up from the pages.

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I mediated upon these two images for some time. Dear Readers, as I am not a diviner of tarot cards and need to reference books to form a mental comprehension of the historical or spiritual interpretation of the archetypes. So in a state of not mentally comprehending, I looked upon these two archetypes of humanity in inner silence. The first thing I noticed was of course, the swords. There is a resonance. During this embodied journey of awakening of the last thirty years, visions of swords have come through in either visionary art or visionary words. And of course, this latest course of action to collectively punish and murder a people imprisoned in their own lands was called, operation Iron Swords.

When I looked more deeply into the images a word started coming into my conscious mind. The word betrayal, stabbed in the back, the ten swords in the back of the unarmed person. I saw sorrow and suffering in the person on the bed crying. On the coverlet of the bed, I saw in each square which went on into infinity, the faces and portraits of the peoples being slaughtered and murdered. The swords themselves told me a story also. The swords above the person crying were pointing in the direction of the man with the swords in his back. Those energies of violence from the swords of iron, coming towards those unaware, with their backs turned, perhaps whilst fleeing. All that dark, cold, iron-like power and energies of extreme separation from Creation and Love, which we collectively have been unable to stop even as we cry, protest, and beg for a ceasefire were pointing at, and filling the backs of, the innocent, without a sword in their hands.

Personal Multiple Timeline Purification Issues.

Now Dear Readers, I share these perceptual experiences with you as I rejoin it with my spiritual journey. For that which is happening to my embodied self, is happening in its own unique way, for many an awakened and awakening embodied soul who has come to this planet in service to humanity. I have observed in and through time, that we as WayShowers go through many purification events first. Creating space and light, yet not the complete transformation, for the journey of the collective soul of the world will go through this process also, as at the soul level of being, there is no separation between us.

As well an acceleration of receiving prophetic visions, I am entering a new phase of my Purification Process having to do with the multiple timelines of purifying the fear, horrors, torture, and torments of the line of prophets and visionaries. I felt these energies coming forward to me in late 2023. A time is coming forward for me, and perhaps for others created like myself, in which I will be experiencing through the Purification Process both the history of prophets, visionaries, and the gifted, as well as my own history through linear time of these energies.

Time Accelerates.
Be not afraid.
For I AM.

2011 - Faith

There is a time coming forward where the purification of the collective, as well as the purification of individuals and their soul histories can become manifested in such a way, that unconsciousness self and the self in denial will discover how difficult it is to maintain the illusions. There is nothing to be afraid of. For far too many embodied souls, we are living in a time of collective mass murder, multiple genocides, poverty, famine, weather events, and a planetary body transforming. We are already collectively going through this purification process.

I witness this process unfolding in the Holy lands most acutely for reasons that have not been revealed to my mind. I feel as if there was something initially anchored cosmically which was so sacred in these lands, that that which was not of its origins of holiness, has brought forth through the centuries, immense suffering. It reminds me of the story of the Ark of the Covenant, in which only those pure of heart, and I assume deeply humble of heart, could carry it, bear near it, or touch it without suffering.

I witness this process of purification unfolding in this nation, the United States of America. The multiple timelines of genocide and wars of attrition and hidden motives outwardly expressed as divine right, then expressed as compassion, bringing forth democracy, and human rights, rising into the awareness of the collective consciousness - the soul of the world, revealing duplicity and darkness. Hard to hear, right? Yet, to hear, to comprehend, to embrace these truths is to provide a conscious path both individually and collectively to healing, transformation, and redemption.

That which has been concealed in the collective of humanity - the soul of the planet, the soul of nations, the memories of nations, as well as within individual soul embodiment’s, is rising into the consciousness of everything on planet Earth. For many, this awakening is at the door, or already through the door of their conscious self, expressing the truth of who they are* in the collective or creating a longing for the same.

For others, the unconscious self is waiting to come through, rising in the individual heart and collective heart or soul of the world, as an unease, a sense that something is out of balance, something which cannot be corrected or transformed by money, politics, religions, or war.

I perceive that embodied souls who have been faithful to their transformational healing processes for many, many, years will be realizing the longings of their souls and serving in ways which will bring forth great joy. Other embodied souls, manipulated willingly and/or unconsciously will align and project and/or act out these energies, revealing that which was and has been hidden/concealed, this coming year, again, and again, and again until it is made conscious and transformed.

Bear with.
Bear with love with each other.

with love,

*Truth of who you are - GurujiMa

Photo: The Waite Smith Tarot 9 and 10 of Swords.
The Tarot, History, Symbolism, and Divination
by Robert. M. Place

Update: 12/13/2024 - Here is a photo of a vision circa 1990's with the sword symbology in it.

Laying-down-of-the-sword-in-presence-of-darkness-JohannaRaphael.jpg [ 67.03 KiB | Viewed 5876 times ]

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 Post subject: WEDNESDAY'S WORDS OF LIGHT - rophesy for This Time
PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 9:03 am 

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Light Omega



January 10, 2024

~ a weekly offering of light from GurujiMa ~

Prophesy for This Time

How beautiful on the mountaintops

is the House of the Lord that is being created

upon the Earth,

and all nations shall flow unto it,

and all hearts shall flow unto it,

and the suffering of humanity
has arisen out of the darkness
hall be no more.

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 Post subject: An Archetype Of The Energies Of Ascension
PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2024 5:03 pm 

An Archetype Of The Energies Of Ascension

Hello Dear Readers,

This postings has been coming forward in my mind’s eye today.

It has to do with an ancient archetype of the energies of Ascension.

For centuries, for those who grew up within the Christian traditions, the predominant interpretation of the Crucifixion had to do with death and resurrection. This is not a post disputing this interpretation. There is another impression of the symbology which has been coming to my mind’s eye which is also connected to the visual interpretations of the Sacred Human.

When I look upon the symbology of the Crucifixion I see the body of Christ Jesus, His arms opening in surrender, his heart exposed, vulnerable. I see surrender, but not the surrender of the Light within to the energies of darkness, rather the surrender of the human heart, trusting the Will of The Creator.

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I perceive this embodied symbology as a sacred archetype of Ascension expressed through trust, an open heart, and the willingness to give. Most especially, the willingness to give one’s life for something greater than the will and demands of the ego.

“Well isn’t this also the symbology of Resurrection?” Yes. Yet in this posting, I am writing in resonance with the frequencies/energies of surrender, trust, and Ascension. Which is also known as Resurrection. Yet, I am not perceiving a resonance with the term Resurrection as I write.

Ascension means to rise. Christ Jesus, in my readings of His Teachings and the symbology of His Earthly embodiment, was rising above the rigid, corrupt norms and policies —the dictates of the rulers of the time, be it within the political, financial, or religious realms. In my readings of not only the Aramaic Christian Bible but other sacred texts*, I perceive a Sacred Being who descended-incarnated into embodied in time, to manifest through word, action, and deeds, the path of Light, the path of Ascension, and the path of redemption of the soul within the embodied self within the confines of the dimensions of embodied time.

In the symbology of the Crucifixion, I see a Sacred Being who was willing to give everything from His heart in the short amount of time He was embodied on the Earth. These expressions of the Sacred have led to billions of embodied souls over the centuries to take up the cross in their hearts. Not as a soldier, or to be weaponized as a cudgel against others. I am speaking to a taking up of the cross of Ascension within the human heart, which for some, can be a path of suffering on the behalf of the upliftment of all no matter tribe, nation, ethnicity. Taking up the cross of Ascension can ask whether the embodied soul is willing to endure and consciously experience suffering**. Even more importantly, a question arises, is the embodied soul willing to give ones life in service towards alleviating the suffering of others? I am quite aware that this is not a new concept, but perhaps it is time collectively with or without religious connotations, to revisit this important aspect of love for one another?

As I close out this post, I would like to share with you Dear Readers, that I can not explain to you why I am being called to write more about my beliefs/thoughts/meditations concerning the religion of Christianity, nor why I am being drawn to texts written about the origins of Christianity, medieval Christianity, kings, the law, and the sufferings brought about by the theo-politicalized spread of the crusades in the holy lands. If I were to assume, I would say it may have something to do with the multiple timeline purification events unfolding - soon to unfold. As has been the path of my sacred life, more will be revealed as the Creator Source wills it.

Thank you for reading this post Dear Readers.

with love,

*Texts not sanctioned by those who sat on the council which decided which books/teachings/texts would be included in the Bible as we know it, and into the teachings of the incorporated churches.

**Not self-inflicted sufferings as was practiced, and can be practiced, as a form of suffering which can be self-indulgent and focused harming the self through self chastisements and punishing.

Sacred Human - the natural nature of the sacred human reflects the innocence and transparency of humanity before the separation of consciousness in an embodied state.

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 Post subject: WEDNESDAY'S WORDS OF LIGHT - You Came from God
PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 7:24 am 

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Light Omega



January 17, 2024

~ a weekly offering of light from GurujiMa ~

You Came from God

I see you, beloved.
You are beautiful, and holy,
and came from God.

Do not think less of yourself because

of the mistakes you have made,
or the places within you

that are not yet healed.

You came here to learn.

That is all you need to do.

Just learn.


Wednesday's Words of Light' will be publishing less frequently following this week's message.
Thank you, beloved ones, for sharing in it as deeply as you have.

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 Post subject: New Visions: January 19, 2024
PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2024 12:45 pm 

Opportunities Arising:

Healing Longstanding Wounds

Multiple Timeline Purification Event:

A turning against wisdom and knowledge.

* * *

The rising energies of the collective past, filled with the energies of paranoia and fear, weaponized by those who crave power over the people, seeking to circumvent that which cannot be circumvented, the awakening of humanity through the Force of Creation.

* * *

Perceived fears consciousness rising for purification for the enlightenment of humanity as those unwilling to release their hold upon the control of humanity, align with shadow energies of the past related to accusations of the heretical, demonic, evil, and blasphemous, all previously held beliefs and cultural traditions of autocratic rule.

* * *

A purifying of the consciousness of the energies of control. Hubris beliefs imposed upon the peoples of nations indicating falsely in the minds of those who seek control, that if only the thoughts and beliefs of humanity can be controlled, then those who are in control, can safely remain in control.

* * *

Brutalities Of Colonization:

The brutalities of colonization exposed in its breadth of destruction to humanity and nature alike.

The historical desecration’s of life revealed in fullness.

Awakening In Time:

What Has Humanity Learnt?

What Has Been Learnt?:
What has been learnt and internalized from previous revolutions of inequity?
A choice coming forward – inequity or democracy.

* * *

Shall the Nation of the Free embrace or reject monarchical rule?

* * *

Will the energies of mass paranoia be once again weaponized against perceive enemies of the state?

* * *

Will the energies of mass paranoia be used as a weapon against the consciousness of the Nation of the Free from a nation which is neither one’s own nor of one’s constitutional origins?

* * *

Utilizing a facade of democracy in service of the energies of autocracy.

* * *

Recipes For Death:

Plagues arising from the lands Holy.

(Viral, bacterial, mental, emotional, political, religious, and technological.)

View all the visions:

Light Of Your Light

As the Light of Creation expands a choice comes forward.
Shall you rebel and flail deeper into the energies of shadow
or embrace the Light of your light?

* * *

Rising Awareness Of The Cosmic Collective:

Burgeoning awareness’s of the life of the human collective and its deep connections
to the life of the cosmic collective coming forward.

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 Post subject: Consciousness As An Energy
PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2024 2:43 pm 
Consciousness As An Energy

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credant.”
“Men will believe what they wish.”
- Julius Caesar

Hello Dear Readers,

Humanity will believe what they wish to believe.

As I perceive it, this conscious awareness, this level of knowing, was an aspect of what kept the Caesar’s in power, and eventually, this consciousness - energies of cynicism, also played a role in the fall of the Roman Empire.

This energy is also an aspect of political savior consciousness. There are many people who sincerely and earnestly wish that something would change, oft times for good reasons. Along comes that special someone telling them repeatedly that will indeed bring about the change that they long for, if they would voluntarily give credence to what they are telling them.

There are leaders, for instance in our own country, who innately are aware of this, and adapt this energy - this consciousness, against the very people they are seeking to gather together, so that they might garner more power.

The word volunt is the root of the word volunteer. Credant for credence. Voluntarily giving credence to that which is incredible, or in most cases, not credible at all.

This is a meditation I hope that you Dear Readers, might explore deeper. Who is asking you to give credence to that which is separated from the energies of integrity, respect, compassion, truth, upliftement of all in service to the country, the planet, as well as the well being of all humanity in general?

And it is not lost on me Dear Readers, that I am someone who is posting prophetic visions in the 21st century which for some, is beyond credible. I get that. I was wonderfully taught years ago, that what others believe or disbelieve about me is none of my business. An important spiritual lesson of which I am grateful for.

with love,

The Oxford Dictionary of Quotes
3rd Edition

1/22/2024 - grammatical edits

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