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 Post subject: September Offerings from Light Omega
PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 2:09 pm 

New Earth Meditations with GurujiMa
Weekdays, 8 - 8:30 am, (ET) Mon., Wed., Friday. ... 023-07-31/
Online only

‘New Earth Meditations’ extend the earlier series of Morning Meditations that GurujiMa offered from 2020 to 2023, raising their vibration and giving them a focus that responds to the urgent need of this time for alignment with the forces of light and love, especially in the presence of oppositional energies. In addition, these Meditations are meant to help bring about the ‘new Earth’ through increased contact with one’s soul knowledge of unity and love.

“What is Democracy?”

Tuesday, September 19, 2023
7:15 – 8:15pm EDT ... 023-09-19/
Online & Village of Light Ashram

This study group/seminar will discuss some of the central aspects of the democratic process as we understand it in the United States of America, and will address the historical discrepancies between the noble ideals of democracy and its actual practice. Meets for four Tuesdays through October 10. There will be a reading list as the basis for discussion, and some exciting ‘homework’ to help awaken those who take part. Sign up for the series which can be attended online or in person.

Sunday Satsang
Sundays, 10:30 – 11:45 am ET
Online & Village of Light Ashram

A weekly online and in person community gathering of souls desiring to deepen their experience of loving service and knowledge of self. A time of intimacy and of joy in the Divine revelations that are being brought forward by GurujiMa, as well as the deep sharing of the personal journeys of those taking part. Satsang is formed by a community of seekers, and what is being sought is one’s own deepest truth and one’s own freedom to be.

Check the Light Omega Calendar of Events for all offerings:

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 Post subject: WEDNESDAY'S WORDS OF LIGHT - Become What You Have Never Been
PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 2:21 pm 

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Light Omega



September 6, 2023

~ a weekly offering of light from GurujiMa ~

To Become What You
Have Never Been

There is a seed of life
that waits to be ignited
within each self.

Within this seed are the hopes and dreams

of the possible,

the imaginings of a longed-for future,

the wishes of a hungry heart.

Within this seed lies the

certainty that you can become

whatever you wish to be,

for the seed contains it all.
The seed must be planted within

the fertile soil of hope.
It must not allow itself to be defeated

by memories of the past,

but instead, to know that in each moment

it is undefined.
This is the grandeur of each human being —

that it can become what it has never been, 

overcoming the fear of failure,

plunging ahead with the fearlessness

of a young child,

ready to strip away the pas
like a suit of clothing that no longer fits.
All that you have ever wished to be

lives within you,

a 'you' that you have never seen before

that has waited for your welcome.


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 Post subject: Focus On The Light Within You
PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 2:26 pm 

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 Post subject: New Teachings From GurujiMa - The Sphere of Mirages
PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 2:30 pm 

The Sphere of Mirages

 by GurujiMa

"There are spiritual energies operating upon the Earth and within individual consciousness that influence thought, motivation, emotion, and the physical body in all its functions. Yet, many people do not know of these energies, and of those who know, many have difficulty distinguishing light from darkness.

It is the purpose of this writing to help articulate some of the factors that can allow one to discriminate between the presence of light and the presence of darkness. Such discrimination allows a choice to take place more easily and with greater clarity about which direction to follow, using what has been written as a criterion for discernment. In a time in which spiritual awareness and energetic sensitivity is awakening, this discernment becomes even more important."

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 Post subject: Energies of Light Rising Within
PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 3:02 pm 

The urgency of this time is through attunement to Light and Love.


Hello Dearest Readers,

Well, the energies of Light are arising within me bringing forth old issues which I was previously unable to consciously process and heal as well as hints of something coming forward in my life which may create and opening to my being able to participate more fully in life.

I have been following recent Teachings from GurujiMa in regards to being with the physical limitations manifesting and not fighting them.

Do. Rest. Wait. Recover. (Repeat)

The gifts of the manifesting limitations is that I am learning how to be in life and respond to life in new ways. When I can 'do', I do. When I feel myself beginning to process energies of fatigue or overwhelm, instead of 'pushing thru', I am learning to stop and rest. Whilst resting, my mind is learning that pressure and energies which may attack my mind for not being able to do more - are just that - energies. Limitations can teach the mind (ego) how to wait, with the accompanying awareness's of the negating messages, creating space for allowing my the self to be where it needs to be without internal pressure. My body recovers, and the quieted mind becomes a bridge for the voice of my soul which guides me as to what my heart wants to do rather than my mind's will.

Some might worry, "What! Following your heart??? The mind is the organizer of life's activities and tasks!" Actually, I am finding that this sort of messaging takes me further away from my truth, increases experiences of pain and/or fatigue, bringing forth a forgetfulness of why I am here.

with love,

Light reclaims the parts of self that were not recognized earlier.


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 Post subject: In The Presence of Rising of Authoritarian Energies
PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2023 10:13 am 

Disillusionment is a perspective.

How do I view what is happening?

Authoritarian = enforcement of the values of the past.

Access energies that creates trust.

Longing is being created on a collective level for change.

Satsang with GurujiMa notes: August 20, 2023

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 Post subject: Energetic Basis For Unity
PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2023 10:16 am 

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 Post subject: New Visions - September 9, 2023
PostPosted: Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:50 am 
New Visions
Uploaded September 9, 2023

One Family Tree:
Racial pride cometh before the fall.


Vengeance Justice As Retribution:
Punishing the innocent for the crime of ‘Other’.


As the energies of cruelty rise, remember love in their presence.

Ask yourself “Who is calling for my blood to be shed? Who is calling for another’s blood to be shed?”

Who is coercing violence and cruelty into the political mindscape of We The People and most importantly of all, why?


Anything For The Win:
False sacrifices in order to secure righteous domination.


A Sorrowful Tale Of Misbegotten Loyalty:

The king, wise in all manner of emotional choreography,
did cry out unto his true believers:
“For I am your justice, Punisher of the wicked, a remedy for
your woes, a nemesis for your foes.”

And the kings true believers cried out in response:
“For we are your justice, we shall punish the wicked in your name,
we shall send you remedies for your woes,
we shall be a nemesis for all your foes.”


A guiding energy in which embodied souls who have lost trust in God’s Plan for the Earth, deem it necessary, and godly, to control God’s Creation’s.

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 Post subject: Deeply Perceived
PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 10:18 am 

Prayers for the Suffering:

For the peoples of Morocco experiencing the profound sufferings and sorrows of the originally reported 7.2 earthquake which has brought forth death and calamity. Update: 9/10/23 - As of this update, 2000 embodied souls returned to the Oneness. All blessings.

9/12/23 - Prayers for the people of Libya whose suffering is immense after storm Daniel released "eight months of rain" within a day and brought much suffering to the peoples of Derna, Shahhat, Sarsa, and Marj as well as other villages. The resulting flooding broke dams bringing devastation and destruction, when I last watched Al Jeezera there were 3000 embodied souls who returned to the Oneness, with 10,000 still missing. All prayers and blessings.

Prayers for those amongst us in the United States of America who are dying, unseen and mostly under reported, from re-surging Covid viral infections. Covid infections are not over, however politically inconvenient saying this may be. Our collective health and well-being is of utmost importance. Prayers for those who may be confused by political guidance in regards to concerns relating to their safety, precautions, and well being. A virus has no political alignments.

I find my body/soul/energy-body deeply perceiving these sufferings.

with love,

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 Post subject: "What is Democracy?" You are Invited! 
PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 10:35 am 

You are Invited! 

"What is Democracy?"

~ the spiritual ideals that lay at its foundation ~

Four Tuesdays - Sept. 19, 26, Oct. 3, 10

 7:15 - 8:15pm

in-person and online


(Sign up on the Light Omega Calendar)

“Come to prepare for the future"
led by GurujiMa 


Each meeting will involve a short talk by GurujiMa, followed by a discussion. To take part, sign up in advance, then just arrive and enjoy the conversation.

For a deeper learning experience and in order to help create the future, read “Message from Those of the Light” attached below, and take part in the reading and writing opportunities that the Series will present. 


Week 1:  A talk and discussion of ideas expressed in the  Declaration of Independence.  Please read the Declaration beforehand. It is easily accessible online.

What is Democracy?
Part 1. The Declaration of Independence: A Divine Template

Week 2 - A look at the great compromises that were needed in order to create the Constitution as a document that would last. 
Week 3 -
A focus on the Articles themselves as they define the structure of a government created more than two hundred years ago, and a look at how this structure is functioning today. 

Week 4 -  Envisioning a future that would take the founding principles and  make of them something more , something that would elevate them to the highest ideals of humanity, corresponding to their divine origin and heritage.

* * *

"What is Democracy?"
~ the spiritual ideals that lay at its foundation ~

Message from Those Who Serve the Light

This study group/seminar is created for those who have dreamed of a society in which democracy as they understand it could flourish, but who have been, at times, bitterly disappointed by the capacity of present-day society to put the ideals of democracy into practice. Such a society would elevate and be capable of manifesting the highest nature and capacity of human beings, and would, at the same time, provide a home in which a way of life that nurtured all people could be fully developed.

In today's society, such ideals have often become tarnished, and it is for this reason that we need to take them out again, to insure their preservation within our hearts, and to disavow the widespread disillusionment that prevails about whether a true democracy is even possible.

We, of the Realms of Light, wish to state that it is not only possible, but achievable in this time as light becomes more fully embodied upon the Earth, and as the hearts of mankind and womankind turn toward the ideals that are part of their basic nature. Such a society is the expression of the fulfillment of humanity's greatest potential, and its incipient stages are happening now.

We present this offering of "What is Democracy?" as the opening of a door to the consciousness of what can and will be.

The study group will involve some reading of the founding documents of this country, and will also ask of its participants that they think deeply and write a short essay, if possible, about what they feel about democracy as they know it today and as it will be in the future. Such an essay can be written more than once, at the beginning and end of the series.

This essay is not for the purpose of external evaluation or grading, but only for the purpose of clarifying the relationship between the individual and the democratic process. For many, today, this relationship is murky or even hidden, and it behooves those for whom the welfare of this country and its people is an important goal, to remove the barriers that have kept them feeling separate from the common life of a nation. Such barriers have not been self-imposed, for the most part, but rather are part of the cultural milieu that exists today, in which individual responsibility to a greater whole has been displaced by a preoccupation with personal freedom and the rights of the individual. It is time, today, for these two to come into balance, and it is for this purpose that some additional thought and writing (if one chooses) is invited so the relationship of the individual to the greater Whole can be clarified.

We thank those who are willing to open the door of their consciousness to the new relationship that is coming into being between the individual and the greater society in which they live, and bless all efforts that are being made in this direction.

Those Who Serve the Light

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 Post subject: Visions of the Inlfiction of the Energies of Darkness
PostPosted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 7:19 pm 

Dearest Readers,

This vision came to me yesterday with other visions posted at

The infliction of the energies of vengeance, trauma, and fear upon The People.

Experiences of trauma have been with us for many years now. As this new level of the release of the energies of separation ramp up, i would offer as guidance that you find ways to still your self. Take care of your self - body, mind, and spirit. Step away from the energies of chaos, projection, and separation, anchor your self in stillness. This is a passage we are all going to go through together and it is going to unfold for some time to come.

"Remember Love." - GurujiMa

with love,

"The return of truth can take place through the reemergence of the heart's love, and through the vibration of spiritual light which is stronger than all forms of darkness."

The Sphere of Mirages

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 Post subject: Prayer Circle for Morocco and Libya
PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:23 am 

Prayer Circle for Morocco and Libya

Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023

7:30 - 8pm

In person and online ... libya-red/

Dear Beloved Ones,

Thousands are dead in Morocco due to earthquake. Thousands also in Libya, with ten thousand still missing in the face of massive flooding. 

Please join us in person or online to help uplift the deep sorrow of this present time so that even these events may be held in light. 

I hope to see you then. With blessings, GurujiMa

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