New Visions Uploaded September 9, 2023One Family Tree:
Racial pride cometh before the fall.
Vengeance Justice As Retribution:
Punishing the innocent for the crime of ‘Other’.
As the energies of cruelty rise, remember love in their presence.
Ask yourself “Who is calling for my blood to be shed? Who is calling for another’s blood to be shed?”
Who is coercing violence and cruelty into the political mindscape of We The People and most importantly of all, why?
Anything For The Win:
False sacrifices in order to secure righteous domination.
A Sorrowful Tale Of Misbegotten Loyalty:
The king, wise in all manner of emotional choreography,
did cry out unto his true believers:
“For I am your justice, Punisher of the wicked, a remedy for
your woes, a nemesis for your foes.”
And the kings true believers cried out in response:
“For we are your justice, we shall punish the wicked in your name,
we shall send you remedies for your woes,
we shall be a nemesis for all your foes.”
A guiding energy in which embodied souls who have lost trust in God’s Plan for the Earth, deem it necessary, and godly, to control God’s Creation’s.