“High Off The Thrill” The Manufacturing of the Energies of Dehumanization 0:
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At first, the energies of dehumanization came forth and enthralled - the thrill, the rallies, the costumes, the merchandise, the new friends, the rhetoric, the promises of the salvation of war and vengeance against other. Once these energies were anchored in the heart, the energies, through repetitious enforcement, sought through enticement, to express themselves, a fervored desire to do "God's will", in an effort to save themselves, their children, their religion, their beliefs, their politics, their nation, their identities, their way of life.
Johanna Raphael
Hello Dear Readers,
This weekend, I found my self reading snippets of speeches, witnessing a photo of middle class women enthralled whilst taking photos of former President Trump as he gave a political speech in a religious-political gathering.
I witnessed the gleeful cheers, applause, and chants of attendees in response to the speeches which were given by two of the political front-runners at this faith and freedom rally. This morning, intuitively, I began to read the transcripts of these two front runners, which then led to another intuition calling me to research more about the Rwandan massacres, which then led again, intuitively, to a paper on the dehumanizing of the Iraqi and Afghani people during the illegal invasions Iraq which began in 2003.
I believe what started this meditation on the dehumanization of “Other” was the sight of the adoration and enthrallment, and the sounds of the gleeful cheering and chants of “USA” by Christian evangelicals, a deeply faithful community within Christianity. It was the sounds of clapping and joy which disturbed my spirit whilst witnessing a front-runner speaking to religious folks about the justifications of bringing war upon fellow citizens.
What followed an experience of shock. I was shocked that there is the widespread rhetoric of a war promoting a ‘Us versus Them” theme being circulated within our nation. This rhetoric is quite violent and I did not realize that there were citizens within this nation who believed we were at war with each other - that their leaders, religious and political, were the agents of the rhetoric. I was shocked at the emotions of joy and glee in the presence of such violent rhetoric, and I was shocked, that after thousands of years of violent and vengeful rhetoric being used to bring harm and destruction in the name of “God” through the marriage of political and religion, that these energies are back, they are here, in the United States of America, and they are being anchored in hearts and minds in an effort to create foot soldiers of vengeance within families, circles of friends, religious environments, work environments, and political and media environments.
Yes, even I, as someone who has been given visions of what is coming forward, still registers the energies of shock as I witness the energies of hatred, violence, and 'Othering' manifesting in hearts and minds, in the humanity, of Americans who are being called forth to destroy a nation and create a new nation in their image and likeness.
Bear with each other with love. Johanna Ripping Out the Woke“I can promise you this on day one, as Commander-in-Chief, we will rip the woke out of our military, we will get its focus back on the mission and we’ll make sure that it is something that people are proud of again. (Applause)
“…We’re not going to sit by and let them mobilize power against people of faith, with people with whom they disagree, for far too long this bureaucracy has imposed itgs will on us. It’s about time we impose our will on it and that’s what we’re going to do.” (Applause) From the speech given by candidate Ron DeSantis - June 2023https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5075853/ ... conference"Our Enemies Are Waging War""As we gather today, our beloved nation is teetering on the edge of tyranny," Trump told the Road to Majority 2023 event Saturday night in Washington, D.C., which aired live on Newsmax.
"I believe that, and you believe that, our enemies are waging war on faith and freedom, on science and religion, on history and tradition, on law and democracy, on God Almighty himself. They are waging war.
"That's not a war they're going to win."
“…"The radicals are setting fire to our Constitution, abolishing free speech, attacking religious belief, erasing our borders, corrupting our elections — and we have corrupt elections — and trying to impose their blasphemous creed and woke communism on every American man, woman, and child," Trump continued. "And that's what they're doing, and they're trying so hard. We've never had a situation like is going on right now in our country, but the people in this room will never let them do it. They'll never let them get away with it."Trump: Our 'Nation Is Teetering on the Edge of Tyranny'https://www.newsmax.com/newsmax-tv/dona ... d/1124804/ “Us versus Them”The perception of “us” versus “them” was transmitted through generations and became institutionalised. Solutions suggested by one group to resolve mounting tension were considered by the other side as a way for “them” to gain more power over “us”. In the decades to follow, these perspectives, strongly influenced by the colonial period, became reinforced and deeply entrenched in the fabric of Rwandan society. The seed for protracted social conflict, leading to the eventual genocide, was sown and the Rwandan media was well aware of how to use it to its advantage.Exploiting Division With Hate Speech Propaganda“…These media sources portrayed extreme ethnic distinctions, defining Tutsis as ‘the enemy’ and Kangura published the infamous Hutu ‘Ten Commandments’, a widely circulated, militant ‘Hutu Power’ doctrine. Sometimes popular music was mixed with incitement to murder. Propaganda fuelled hysterical fear of Tutsis and blurred the line between the RPF and domestic Tutsis. Consequently, Tutsis in general were identified as an ‘invading force’ and in emphasising the ‘alienness’, cleverness and deceitfulness of Tutsis, propaganda established them as a ‘permanent threat’.”
“…Propaganda played an active, supportive role in facilitating the atrocities, as well as an influential role in establishing the pre-conditions for mass-killings. The lessons for the international society are twofold. Whilst a free press is sine qua none to hold those in power accountable and represents the very foundation free societies rest upon, it needs to be emphasised that freedom comes with responsibility. The abuse of the freedom of speech to create division through hate speech that in turn leads to large scale violence is an indicator of an arising conflict. Such hate speech needs to identified and acted upon. Increased pressure by the international society is required to halt such speeches and resources need to pour in to solve tensions between groups.” The Media as a Tool of War: Propaganda in the Rwandan Genocidehttp://www.hscentre.org/sub-saharan-afr ... -genocide/ "Too High Off The Thrill"“…Investigating the rhetoric used to dehumanization led me to question what to call a person or persons who endure another person of depriving them their human characteristic and dignity: and metaphorically, perhaps, physically too, casting them outside of a community, ultimately denying them membership. My investigations leads me to that a person who suffers dehumanization is reduced [to] only pieces of them self that are hated, feared, misconstrued, or in advertising, lusted over.” Dehumanization in War and Combat: Rhetoric and Practice Olivia Ann Oliverhttps://oaktrust.library.tamu.edu/bitst ... sequence=1In the Times to Come:
Many shall weep and say, “Why us? What have we done? Our children are innocent, our mothers are innocent, our fathers are innocent.”
And this I say to you:
They shall not see that as a nation, their integrity and innocence had been lost, that they had allowed the blood of innocents to cover their hands and contempt to enter their hearts. https://returnofthechrist.org/a-time-of ... suffering/