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 Post subject: When Energies Are Rising
PostPosted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 2:57 pm 

anchor-in-Divine-Light-vision-JohannaRaphael-OEA.jpg [ 148.35 KiB | Viewed 2506 times ]

The Very Fabric of Reality is Changing:

Everything within the known and unknown conscious and unconscious multidimensional realms of perceived existence will begin to vibrate within a higher frequency range.

* * *

There is a reality waiting to be perceived which is greater in scope than that which we are perceptually aware of in the now.


In these times of chaos, anger, rage, fear, violence, manipulations, predatory practices, and desecration – trust.

All is not what is presented to us as reality.

Paradigms are collapsing, illusions are falling away, revelations are arising.

That which has been dead within the collective embodied shall now – awaken.

with love,

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 Post subject: Ethereal Gifts of Grace
PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2023 12:33 pm 
Breathing in the Light of the Universe
Morning Meditation 3/7/22

Noticing and listening are tools of awakening.

GurujiMa - Morning Meditation 2/8/22

Hello Dear Readers,

I was reflecting last night as to why I was feeling so overwhelmed and agitated by energies throughout the day, including the energies of chaos. Gosh, even the dogs were picking up on the energies, and were unable to calm down. I asked for guidance when I recognized that I was experiencing great difficulty anchoring my consciousness in time. It felt as if time was accelerating within me and my consciousness, wide open - was trying to come to grips that there was a seemingly embodied separation within my physical body.

Then I found out a G4 solar storm was bringing intense waves and particles of light into the Earth's atmosphere. The light waves being seen from England to New England.

My energy body and cells within were so open yesterday. I imagine that this is perhaps why I, and even the dogs, felt overwhelmed and over-stimulated. Grounding light within the sacred vehicle of consciousness, whilst living in a time of growing energies of separation, is a challenging, and yet, in time, an achievable task. It takes time, and by Grace, time is one thing we all share in this inhabited reality.

There will be even more cosmic events unfolding as five planets align as Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 28, 2023 as another asteroid visits, flying between the Moon and the Earth.

with love,

NickBullpictureexclusive-g4-solar-storm-March-2023-Stonehenge.jpg [ 62.84 KiB | Viewed 2496 times ]

In the presence of darkness, darkness is never all that is, look to the Light.
Morning Meditation 3/6/22

Can you imagine Dear Readers what it was like 5000+ years ago, as solar storm energies were coming into the atmosphere and human beings gathered near the sacred stones?

We come from afar in time and space to experience this reality.
You come from afar to have this life you are living.
It is up to you how much of it you embody.
What a wonder you came here as you.


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 Post subject: New Visions - March 2023
PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 8:30 am 

A chronicle of visions documenting the energies of separation manifesting through the fabric of embodied reality, seeking to separate souls from their divine destinies.Visions brought forth to strengthen and enlighten, for we, as embodied souls, are never alone, the Divine is always with us.

Generation Complacency:
Moral injuries abound.

* * *

A time rising of pious political calculations.

* * *

The new master a law unto Himself.

* * *

A rising in time in which The People speak their will and those who govern defy their rights.

* * *

Algorithmically Yours:
The mapped human brain.

* * *

Gilded Giveaways:
A diminishing of the treasures of We The People.

* * *

90 Years On:
A redefining and re-rising of the energies of evil.

* * *

The perceived scorned tormenting, torturing, and persecuting women for defying theocratic legislation.

* * *

Faithfulness in the presence of historical odds.
Bear with nation. Bear with.

* * *

Hidden from the eyes of humanity, recorded in the cosmic records.

* * *

Denizens of the Energies of Darkness:
A time of embodied no-limits amorality, mired in a sea of sarcasm.

* * *

Deep Fake Reality:
The for-profit purloining of authenticity.

* * *

Authoritarian Green Lighting:
Repercussion free finger wagging diplomacy

* * *

Veiled double dealing’s of the Neo-liberal, acquiescent king.

* * *

Woe, the arbitrariness of authoritarian rulers.

* * *

Demoralized Reality:
Imagine a morality in which one is compelled to the share of the dismantling of the nation, whilst not bearing aloft, the ideals which built it.

* * *

The Void of the Energies of Separation:
The energies of separation guaranteeing to shock, entertain, and eventually, drain.

* * *

Authoritarian Rule:
Regulating legislation of the behaviour’s, morals, and personal responsibilities of The People whilst simultaneously de-regulating and dismantling the responsibilities, actions, and choices, of the private equity and the corporate sector. Now with bonus bailouts!

* * *

Acts of Vandalism:
Forrest trees sacrificed and downed for the corporate equity crown.
A new city of armed training for safeguarding the plutocratic when the sorrows begin reigning.

* * *
20 Years On – Lessons Not Absorbed:
Private contracting and government obtrusion’s in the Middle East.

* * *

Frosty Hearted Legislation:
“Why it’s your right as parents to know your children are safe in their classrooms!”
A banning of books these we shall shun, yet the dreaded killer of the young – the AR-15 gun – becomes a political fashion pun.
O how dark these times have become, so many sorrows facing the young.
Yet do not despair for all is not lost, for awaiting you is a future of Light not of frost.

* * *

Neo-liberal conservative politics wrapped in a warm hug.

* * *

Shanty-Tent Towns, USA:
As Americans strive to survive in shanty-tent towns, record breaking billion dollar profits with nary a windfall profit tax in sight. After effects of the precision management of the American dream.

* * *

Kings of Malfeasance:
Mad kings, acquiescent kings, corporate kings, propaganda kings, private equity kings, theocratic kings, and media kings, competing to remake the Nation of the Free in their image and likeness.

All visions can be found at:
These visions can be found at:

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 Post subject: Prayers for the Suffering - Climate Sorrows
PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 8:32 am 

Prayers for those suffering from climate related sorrows and disasters in Mozambique, Malawi, and Mississippi.

Compassion means we are aware of others suffering.

Bring compassion instead of judgement to the world.

Bring it to those in pain or challenges they can’t meet.

You can serve the world by loving it,
bringing your love instead of judgement, this is why you are here.

Notes from Satsang, January 2023

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 Post subject: What Comes To Us
PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 11:10 am 

What comes to us is meant to interact with us.
We are called to respond.


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 Post subject: Words of Light by GurujiMa
PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 4:19 pm 

I Am with You in Pain and Joy


Do you think you are alone with your pain?

You are not, for I Am with you.

I Am the Heart of the universe that holds

all hearts within itself.

Do you think I do not know what you feel?
I do.

For I Am the one Consciousness that holds

all consciousness within itself.

You may feel that there is no purpose to your pain,

that you are just suffering.

Yet, my divine goodness is in everything, 

including in your suffering that brings you

to a new place within yourself,

a place closer to truth,

a place closer to your own deeper being.

I weep with you, my beloved one, 
when you weep.

I smile with you when you feel joy.

I Am as near to you as your own heartbeat,

for I Am everywhere and in everything.

Do not seek to see me outside you

but look inside you,
for I Am there.

I Am you.

Blessed be your awakening to this

sacred knowledge of your great beauty,

your divine being.
Blessed be you always, beloved of my Heart.


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 Post subject: Words of Light by GurujiMa - The Welcoming Heart
PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 4:23 pm 
The Welcoming Heart
 March, 2023

"Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

 —Emma Lazarus
Statue of Liberty pedestal, Ellis Island, NY

From the mighty lamp of Lady Liberty, the light of love goes forth announcing the presence of welcome. Each of us has that same welcome within us, the same 'golden door' that the Lazarus poem speaks of. Each of us has the capacity to hold our lamp high, to let our light be visible so that those who need a safe harbor and a ray of light to guide them can find their way.
Most do not know that they can do this, that they are the light that can shine in the distance, letting the weary traveler know that there is a home for them that awaits them. You are the light that can signal safety and love to those who are afraid and who have experienced hardship or travail. It is a matter of believing that you are this. It is a matter of releasing self-doubt. It is a matter of being unafraid to live with a welcoming heart, a heart that does not send people away because they are deemed to be unworthy.
We think that our hearts are not large enough to express in this way or to be a lamp for all. We think this is for saints and other holy people. We think that because we have personal troubles and unhealed places within us that we cannot shine our light. We think because we have made mistakes in the past that we are not worthy of being the light in the present. None of this is true. The light within us is not diminished or extinguished by past mistakes or wrong directions taken. It may be covered over, but it remains pure and untouched.
There is much suffering in the world, and many who feel forgotten. There is much that needs changing in the world, and the motivation needs to be found to create this change. When we look at the world with eyes of love and lift our lamp high, we do not focus on what is lacking in others or in the world, or even on the suffering that exists in the darkness. We only see the possibility of being of help. We only want to lift our lamp higher, to let our light become stronger.
The welcoming heart embraces all. It says: "Come, my friend. I wish to help you grow and thrive and be all that you can be. This is the message that the welcoming heart offers, not only to its family, children, or friends, but to all whom it meets. This is the message of Lady Liberty, and it is also the message of your own deepest heart.
Buddhism has a name for the wish to free all beings from suffering. It occurs in one whom we call a 'bodhisattva,' an enlightened one whose compassion is brought into service to the world so that all beings can be set free. In your deepest heart, you are that. Your mind may be concerned with smaller, more ordinary things. Your feelings may be focused on your own needs and the needs of those closest to you. Yet, your deepest heart contains an open door to love and wants to help the world.  It has come here to do this. Your deepest heart is a 'golden door.'
When you consider the message that was written on a plaque at the base of the Statue that guides travelers to our shore, know also that they are being guided to you, to your open heart, to your capacity to welcome them. When you can feel this and become this, there will no longer be a need to lift a single lamp on high to indicate safe harbor, for each person will be a safe harbor for every other. This is the destiny of each of us upon the Earth, even though it may be less than visible at the present moment. This welcoming heart that lives within us is the future of the Earth as well.

Note: This article originally appeared in the Greenfield Recorder, "Faith Matters" section, February 18, 2023.


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 Post subject: Sanctioned Suffering
PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 11:46 am 

Sanctioned Suffering:
Returning the suffering to the origins of their suffering.

Imagine Dear Readers, the agony of our brothers and sisters, desperate to escape their sufferings, being sent back to their origin of suffering.

Can your heart bear to imagine, how much pain an embodied soul must be experiencing to be willing to risk drowning in the sea, suffocating in shipping containers, experiencing torture and abuse, and now, the risk of dying in a fire in a detention center in response to the fear of being be deported back to their origins of suffering?

Yesterday, 39 embodied souls died in a fire in a detention center, set initially as a protest, on the US-Mexico border, hours within the new agreements and laws between Canada and the United States to close off means of migration and asylum.

The policies remain the same, the financial and political sanctions continue to create more sufferings and sorrows, and the innocent continue to pay the ultimate price.

Prayers for the Suffering.

Prayers for the opening of hardened hearts and for the administrators planetary wide sanctioning the suffering of the least amongst as a means of political expediency and/or popularity.

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 Post subject: See Yourself As An Agent of Change
PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 1:00 pm 
See Yourself As An Agent of Change

See yourself as an agent of change.
Not by what you do, but by how you are.

…We have the choice of looking at violence with distress and feeling we are here to do something about it - create a new vibration in the face of fragmentation and violence.

…If you don’t give power to fear, if you have courage without worrying about what people think of you, you become a force of light.

…Perception based on smallness is not the truth of who you are. What am I being called to? How can I help? Where can I find the inner truth to become?

…We each have a part to play. We must choose it with courage.

Satsang January 2023 - (notes)

New-York-Post-March-27-2023.png [ 308.71 KiB | Viewed 2478 times ]

“I couldn’t even fully process it,” Beasley said. “What do you say? Because only in America can you survive a mass shooting and go and make a friend who is the victim of a mass shooting and then meet that friend for lunch …and end up in the middle of another mass shooting event.”

Survivor of Highland Park gunfire crashes Nashville shooting news conference
Brittany Shammas
Washington Post 3.27.23

“The gun industry relies on a sense of powerlessness to maintain its deadly profiteering. But Americans do not have to accept the lies that justify inaction.”

Now Is Not the Time to Lose Hope on Tackling Gun Violence
John Nichols, The Nation
Print edition June 27 - July 4, 2022

Dear Readers,

There are two images which are forever seared into the memory of my soul. One was from the early aughts, of a young Palestinian boy crying as he lay across his Mother's body who had just been shot. This photo, of a child weeping after another mass shooting is the other image. The grief I feel for the suffering of children is so deep.

Don't look away Dear Readers. Resistance to the darkness is found in the willingness to be aware, to hold the suffering in your heart and finding the humility to ask for the strength and courage to be an agent of change. Rage and anger are easy to feel in these situations of seeming helplessness, yet, these energies will only feed the cycles of violence and death.

As GurujiMa has reminded me when I shared the pain I felt manifesting as anger as a result of witnessing the energies of darkness being acted out..."Remember Love".

Prayers for the Suffering.

with love,

Update: A correction. 3 images are seared into my soul memory. The third, which was the first, was of the frightened Vietnamese children running after a napalm attack.

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 Post subject: Course Correction?
PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 6:37 pm 

To Those Who Govern - Shall You Change Course?

The children, they are aware of your silence.

The children/young adults, they are witnesses to the online and t.v. bullying of those in power. They are witness to the desecration of those deemed ‘Other’, the name calling, the corruptions, the blatant racism, the lying.

The children/young adults, they are aware of the destruction of their planet, their future home.

The children/young adults, they understand the hypocrisy of their platform being deemed dangerous and a security threat whilst they witness U.S corporate media companies inflicting stress, projecting dysmorphia, inflicting harm, data monitoring and monetizing their privacy.

These children and young adults have come here for the future, they are the future. They are aware, awakening to the realities whilst most, not all, adults are somnolent.

These children and young adults are aware.

Shall you change course? Shall you stand up to the political mobs, the corporate monetizing of the planet and its inhabitants? Shall you stand up to the bullying, the lying, the corruptions, the bans, the destruction of the planet and its natural resources, the legislating against them?

Shall you change course? Will you come forward and stand for the children, for the future?

Shall you change course?

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 Post subject: Crossing The Rubicon - Good Guys with Guns
PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 8:43 am 

Good Guys With Guns:

Glorifying stories and photos of enforcement take-downs
of mass shooters as a panacea for the frightened masses.

Hello Dear Readers,

I posted this vision yesterday after seeing a photo of the officers identified as hero's, standing by the lifeless body of the school shooter in Nashville, TN. After much reflection seeking to identify what was troubling about the release of the police body cam footage for public consumption, the following has come to me.

The horrors of innocents dying from mass shootings is at times, beyond bearing for the heart. So too, is the silence of those who could change the course of events regarding the purchase of military grade weapons to the public. Yesterday, was the first time I remember Dear Readers, photos of the death of the mass shooter and the police seeking the shooter being made available for public consumption.

What concerns my heart is that we are crossing a spiritual rubiccon. Instead of indicating to the frightened and weary public that those who can bring peace and well-being to the people of this nation by changing the laws which make military grade weapons so readily available in states such as Tennessee, we are in essence, setting a precedent of glorifying as hero's, or as in the case of Uvalde, TX, vilifying how a mass shooter is killed/stopped. It is reminiscent of the Iraq war hero worshiping culture, as well as the Vietnam war and the proliferation of death and destruction through images. Neither incidents reflect the true nature of what is needed to bring unity and harmony to this beloved nation.

Our children are frightened, parents are frightened, the public is frightened, Media usage of hero worshiping images of good guys with guns whilst leaving intact, the freedom to buy military grade weapons as an open option for further mass shooters, is only a panacea, and a dangerous one. It seems to me Dear Readers, that those who have a death wish, and are willing to kill others before they leave this planet will not be dissuaded by the release of body cam footage after their deaths. It seems that for some, it will be their glorifying media spectacle exit, and this too, is deeply troubling.

with love,

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 Post subject: Hope For Humanity
PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 12:53 pm 

Hope for Humanity

We have come here establish within ourselves the heroic gesture of holding an ideal in the presence of all that would contradict it, of holding trust in the presence of all that would invalidate the basis for trust, and of holding love in the presence of all that would diminish its importance.

Energies of negation swirl around us today, brought about by sacred light that reveals all that has been hidden. Such revelation shall set humanity free from these same energies which shall dissolve in the greater light of the Divine.

We do not know this. We often see only the energies of negation — those that veer away from love and unity toward separation, suspicion, fear, contempt, judgment, and anger. We are swept into this tide unless we are able to make the effort to disavow the reality of the current that seeks to capture us, and to affirm the reality of our soul’s deeper truth.

In the presence of energies of negation, love must be chosen even when it cannot be felt. It must be chosen as the basis for action, and it must be chosen as our primary truth, even in the absence of its feeling true. If one is a soul, then only love is real. The rest is a creation of energies that would distort perception to remove love’s presence.

What is it to affirm our soul’s deeper truth?

It is to trust the presence of the Divine in the present moment, without our mind’s having a basis for such trusting, or our emotions having a feeling of this presence. Such trust takes place not in the mind or in the emotions, but in the deeper strata of the heart, the heart connected with the soul. This heart says: I am not this current of darkness. I am not the thoughts that pass through me. I am not the disillusionment, despair, or hopelessness that seems to be always in the fringes of my awareness. The deeper heart says: Beyond all feeling and thinking, I am love. I am always love. I am forever love.

In the presence of energies of negation, love must be chosen even when it cannot be felt. It must be chosen as the basis for action, and it must be chosen as our primary truth, even in the absence of its feeling true. If one is a soul, then only love is real. The rest is a creation of energies that would distort perception to remove love’s presence.

How have we come to this need — the need to believe in things that we can neither acknowledge with our mind or feel with our feelings? This is the question for our time in history, a time when the revelation of darkness shrouds the truth of the heart, representing itself as that truth and denying any other version of reality. It is the age of invalidation of the truth of the heart, the truth of our common humanity, even while our heart increasingly cries out to have this truth reinstated, and longs to be this truth.

We did not produce this era of the manifestation of energies of negation. This upheaval is the result of a Divine unfoldment, brought about by forces of light that are stronger than all energies of negation, forces that would redeem the Earth from all darkness and liberate all beings to the consciousness of their Divine oneness. This Divine plan is manifesting now for us, both individually and collectively. We are caught between the opposing forces of light and darkness and must choose which path to follow. The energies of negation may seem stronger but are not stronger. They gain their power from our relinquishing our hold on the truth of our soul and of our own inherent goodness and love.

Anger is not love. Judgment is not love. Contempt is not love. Ridicule is not love. Exclusion is not love. Fear is not love. We are pulled toward these negative emotions by forces, both inner and outer, that would have us believe that this is all there is. It is not all there is. It is never all there is. Such forces rely primarily on the doubt held in our mind in order to gain fuel for their continuance. To disengage from the mind, then, becomes both a human and a Divine imperative. In the presence of darkness which is the energy of negation, we must believe in our own love and lovingness, whether we feel it or not.

We have come here to do just that, to establish within ourselves the heroic gesture of holding an ideal in the presence of all that would contradict it, of holding trust in the presence of all that would invalidate the basis for trust, and of holding love in the presence of all that would diminish its importance.

Some would say that this is a task that they are not made for, that it is too big and they are too small. Yet, this is never the case, for our soul has embodied at this time to accomplish precisely this task, that is, to overcome darkness through the power of light and love. May we believe in our own capacity to do so, for it is not the capacity of our separated self that accomplishes this task, but the capacity of our Divine being that accomplishes it, our being that has brought us here at this time, that has set the task before us, and that shows us the way of accomplishing it. This way is nothing less than the affirmation of our spiritual identity and our oneness in God with all of life. When we can affirm this, we can also know that light is and shall be victorious over all energies of negation, and that hope for humanity is based on this truth.

Hope For Humanity ... -darkness/

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