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 Post subject: The Vastness of Life Perpetually Expanding
PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 8:10 pm 

The Vastness of Life Perpetually Expanding
Satsang Teaching by GurujiMa

Our view of life is often so circumscribed by the healing issues that we're facing inside ourselves, or the difficult circumstances that we're living with, or the nature that the though the world of society and politics and global issues are presenting us with. And there are so many of them that are so compelling, of emotions of distress, and depression, and disappointment and wondering how things are going to be straightened out.

We have all of these swirls going on around us and in us of things that are trying to be healed, and trying to change and trying to find a new way of being in all of it's in motion. That's the nature of the time that we're in, that everything's in motion, the inner process of you, and your own journey and your own healing is actively in motion. You may not feel it's going fast enough. But it is actively in motion. And so it is with the world, and its own purification and its own momentum, it's coughing up all these things that need to change, all these things that we look at and say, how can how can this still be going on? Why isn't it different? Where is it going to come from that we can have something be different. And that applies across the board, to violence, to climate change, to injustice to discrimination, there is a whole long list of things that we are wishing to change and that are being coughed up by the momentum of the time that we're in…

I want to talk to you about the nature of the universe. Because there is in the midst of all this, a stability and a wonder, and a magic that's going on at the same time. And we just don't see it often enough to know that the underpinning of all the commotion that's going on all of those things that were so greatly in need of change. …The underpinning of that is this vast, quiet space of reality that vibrates with the expression, the emanation of love, and of harmony. Now, if you look at the world, you're not going to see it with your physical eyes. Love and harmony are not what you're going to see for the most part. But if you look with your heart, or with your deeper knowing, you will see something else. Because that vastness of creation, that unchanging, this is going on, right now.

When we look at the Earth, for example, we see and know how many things that we wish were not happening are happening to the beloved earth, we see pollution of the oceans, we see an over abundance of refuse tossed into streams, rivers, oceans, lakes, we know about the detrimental effect of small plastics, going into fish and being coming part of the food chain. We know all this. But we don't know that life, that is of the Divine Mother is ever present, renewing itself, all of the time.

When you look at the Earth, you can see all that needs to change. And you can see all that has come into existence. So let me tell you about existence. Not something we think about so much. existence means that you are alive. It means that anything that we notice, or a call by a name, that has movement and breath is life. But the universe didn't start out that way. Life was given. It didn't start out that way.

If you want to picture magic, divine magic, you know you need to extend yourself into beyond your personal concerns. So that you can experience wonder, wonder comes from knowing that everything is gift, and that life is gift. The Universe didn't start out with life, it started out with consciousness, it started out with thought.

Now, I know that that is a very large idea. And you don't perhaps know how to grasp it. Because in order to know that everything is thought or consciousness, we would have to be out of our bodies, and in some other frame of reference. So let's just say hypothetically, that we accept this. And then you could picture a vastness that has no form, no shape, no name, no thing in it, no thing outside of it, because it's infinite. It's just a vastness with a capital V. This vastness is aware of itself. You could say that it's aware of its own Being, its own, its own life, this vastness is an analogy.

…if you stop talking and stop thinking, you could be aware of your own breath. When you stop, if you become silent inside, you could be aware — "I’m in my body. I'm just breathing". So that's not a perfect analogy. But it's like that, the existence of consciousness was breathing in itself. Nothing outside, just awareness, breathing. And even breathing is not the right word. Because that's the doing of something. And this isn't about doing but let's say we call it breathing. So, that which is consciousness that's everywhere, is the capital, is a vastness with the V capital V. And nothing is defined and everything is all one mixture all together. And then a light comes into their consciousness a thought and something happens that awakens it to think, what could I become? If I wanted to have more, more of myself? What could I become, so that I could feel more of who I am.

This is consciousness thinking, but it's based on a light that goes on consciousness thinking, “I would like to become more of myself”. So the thought, gives rise to the way of becoming, but there was no becoming, because there was no life, there was just consciousness. And yet this light went on this magical light, that is the source of creation — went on. And that Breath that was inside of the vastness started extending outwards. Now, there was no out. So, there is no such thing as in and out in an Infinite unified situation. So the Breath extended outwards, and began to define Itself into those beings that could reflect back to it, what it was like a mirror, the Breath went out, and the mirror became the beings of creation. There was no creation, there was just Breath, just awareness. And then the Breath went out, and looked back at Itself. And all of the beings were the vessels in which that which wanted to see Itself and know Itself and extend Itself could do that. And all those beings were the extensions of the breath.

So that was the beginning of life, there was no life, you have to understand there was no life until the Breath, went out from the vastness and said, “I want to know Myself, I want to find a way to see more of My Being”, there was a light that went on. So that life then went into all of these beings, human beings, and angels, and four legged creatures, and the hierarchy of spiritual beings that are not in bodies. In all, all of Creation, it's multiple dimensions, we're all Eyes. Eyes to see the One Vastness, every consciousness that became a life form, where a pair of eyes even if it didn't have eyes, even if it didn't have physical eyes, it was reflecting back to the Vastness what it was. And then things began to crystallize, develop a form, they didn't even have a form, they just had a shape an identity that was more or less the thought behind it.

You are a human being, that's your shape, or you are an angel. It's your shape, the consciousness, gave rise to these different strata of life, within the Spiritual Hierarchy of dimensions. And all of those dimensions had eyes, not physical eyes, but reflections. And so life began to take shape. And the Emanation from the Infinite was what we call the Mother of the Universe. The Mother of the Universe, is the capacity to give birth to life. That which we call the Father of the Universe, is this the thought of the intention to do it, but the Mother of the Universe is the way of giving birth to life.

Vastness-of-life-perpetually-expanding-GurujiMa-sacred-vision-Johanna-Raphael.jpg [ 142.89 KiB | Viewed 2399 times ]

She is the Life and when and If you think about it, your own existence, or the existence of animals or plants, inside of everything that lives is the Mother of the Universe, because She is the life, there was no life before it was given birth. It didn't exist, you didn't exist, nobody existed. And that's the magic. That's the magic that's in everything, while everything else is going on, that we feel distressed about — is that life is that life continues. And if we can tune into life continuing in the presence of everything else, then we will know that that purpose is being continually renewed, and continually being fulfilled, and continually expanding the purpose for each life came into being.

There are different ways we can look at a plate of food, nourishment, something looks good, and we're looking forward to tasting it. We look at it in relation to our bodies, mostly, or in relation to our taste buds, both. But there's something else that's magic about food. Because the Infinite came into life as existence, and came through the body of the Earth and gave the Earth existence, and then the Earth's existence, gave rise to the plants, that we're going to be for nourishment, for everything. We're all the beings that are connected with the Earth. This is a Stream of Life that came from the point of Creation. And that went into first the planetary body, and then the Earth, giving rise to the form of plant life. And then the plants becoming food life, and then the food life becoming our life. And it's all the Mother. And it's all live. That life is renewing itself, even while we are distressed, about everything else that's going on. And we need to look for it. Because it can be hidden behind the distress. We need to look forward, especially in our own life.

Now, you may think that's a paradox. And perhaps it is that in the midst of a very challenging time, in which much healing is needed, and much healing is taking place. That you could celebrate your own life. Celebrate your own life that you exist, there was a period before which you didn't exist. You didn't exist at all, you came into being because you were created individually, to exist, to the life to the life of the Mother, and the thought of the Father, and then both One.

These are just names. There was a place before you existed, and then you were given life, and that life is breathing you and it's renewing you and it's making you grow, just like a plant grows. You may think that you're involved with difficult healing issues, and you are, and most people are and the world is, yes. And in the meantime, while that's going on, and what is bringing those difficult healing issues up is the life of the Mother trying to bring everything into greater wholeness.

So everything that you see that is distressing, is simultaneously moving through life into greater wholeness. You are doing that, everyone is doing that, the planet is doing that, the solar system is doing that, the universe is doing that. It's all moving into greater wholeness, because it was given life from the Mother. And because it was created as a reflection by the seed of light or the light that went on in the mind of God to extend to Breathe out and make forms and give them existence. In a way, what I am saying to you is encouragement, to not get lost in your own difficulties, to not get lost in your own sense of what remains to be healed in you, in the world. Because that is not the foundation of what's happening. The foundation of what's happening is life is the movement of expansion of life, moving into greater life. And we can also say, in this context, life producing greater consciousness or greater awareness in you, in the Earth, in all beings, consciousness is expanding.

Beloved ones, I wanted to bring to you this picture of the Universe of Creation, because it exists all the time. And it's an anchor for hope. And it's an anchor for joy, in the midst of all that needs to change — in the midst of that, this is what you can turn to, the principle of life that was given as a gift to you. And that is perpetually expanding, even through even through times of difficulty, and through the difficulty. The difficulty is part of the expansion. The difficulty is part of what brings more life into being.

Perhaps, you will hear my words and feel that you can take a deeper breath into your own joy, into your own joy, with all the problems you may have, or all the problems that the world may have. There is still the possibility of joy. And the reason is simple. It's because you exist, you exist, and you exist as an expression of this extraordinary gift of life that has brought you into existence. May that be your awareness, beloved ones, no matter what challenges you're facing in life that you exist and that therefore joy is possible.

Sunday Satsang 2/5/23
Transcript edited by Johanna Raphael

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 Post subject: Deadly Traffic Violation Encounters
PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 8:46 am 
Deadly Traffic Violation Encounters

About a week ago during a deep freeze, state troopers pulled over a young man for a traffic violation. The young man ran from the police, they chased him, and he died alone, freezing in the woods.

Thoughts of him - he is still with me energetically through remembrance - brought me to a continuing reflection on the many dying from deadly encounters over traffic violations.

No drugs were found or anything incriminating. The young man was terrified of what could happen to him during the encounter and he ran, as so many Black men and women as well as people of color run.

This next group of reflections may not seem related but in my heart they are. Sometimes, I reflect on the whereabouts of all the men and women who served in Guantanamo, at Baghram and at black sites during the Iraq and then Afghanistan invasions. I remember similar scenes reported on of those shot, often in disorienting pre-dawn raids, laying on the ground in pain, dying, as soldiers stood around and talked. I remember the brutal torture, the beatings, the use of electricity in torturing (now tasers) which occurred and the military police were witnesses as well as, involved. I remember the free expression of torture and beatings framed as being legal and patriotic. What happened to all of those involved with the expression of these energies? Is what we are witnessing not only an outcrop of slave catching consciousness but also of a consciousness which says “we believe that we have a right to take the law into out own hands”? "We believe we have a right to execute you right here in the streets?"

I remember those dark times aligned with torture. I also have witnessed that there was no accountability. When there is no accountability then won't these behaviours morph into the fabric of society?

Prayers for the suffering.

with love,

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 Post subject: Book Banning - Felonious Punishments Awaiting Teachers
PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 9:02 am 

On Book Banning and Felonious Punishments Awaiting Teachers:

Knowledge itself is Power.

Francis Bacon - 1597

The mindset (energies effecting consciousness) of the new book banning craze sweeping our nation of freedom and democracy causes me to wonder if there was a consciousness shift and we are living in a 1400’s - 1500’s mindset again? Or perhaps the 1600's? Or even the 1930’s and 1940’s?

Index Librorum Prohibitorum ... ohibitorum

PEN Educational Gag Orders

The Obscene and the Innocent: Book Bans in Schools ... n-schools/

Nathaniel Hawthorne's “The Scarlett Letter” has been banned. Oh, the irony.

Anti-Knowledge Legislation:

Book banning.
Course banning. (Especially African American historical and contemporary courses).
Transgender Teen Shaming and Banning
Felony charges for teachers having prohibited teaching materials in the classroom.

May G.O.D. protect us from well meaning zealous missionaries of state legislating to ‘protect us’.

G.O.D. - Good Orderly Direction (Wise Atheists taught me this phrase).

What Does It Mean To Awaken - Why Be Conscious?

Consciousness Transforms Reality:
Consciousness bring choice, and choices brings empowerment.

To the spiritual ethics of creating circumstances through legislation of dependency (of embodied soul's), upon the religious and/or authoritarian good will and powers, deprives that soul of the gift of knowledge. It imprisons souls for life in ignorance. Doing so leads to the embodied soul who will struggle harder and have less time to participate in a democracy.

with love,

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 Post subject: Soul Collectors
PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 9:09 am 

Soul Collectors

I heard of a new advertising campaign for Jesus which will be airing during the Super Bowl in America. It sounds at first, to be a gentle, straightforward and inviting slogan, “Jesus gets you.”

Something troubled my spirit when I heard the word ‘get’, then the amount of money which will be spent for a religious campaign seeking to advertise to football watchers, their families, and friends.

I would never want to be the holder of such large sums of money. I believe I have not been financially wealthy in this life because, well, I would give it away. Then again, maybe some would then know in their hearts, that “Jesus has them. Jesus got them.”

I wrote down the following words which came to me as I reflected upon what was troubling my spirit about the slogan.


Fetch. Acquire. Gather. Collect.

Of course there is always the dictionary to explore further associations.

I believe it was Beloved Christ Jesus Himself who warned in essence — to be aware of the actions of those who would preach to them, not just their words. He also walked His talk.

From Atheist to Theist every embodied soul has their own relationship with that which Created the Universe or relationship with the Universe.

Finding out, "the truth of who we are"*, beyond the former illusions of now falling paradigms, is a part of this awesome embodied journey of Awakening.


With love.

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 Post subject: Prayer-Meditation For The People Of Turkey and Syria
PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 3:44 pm 



Sunday, February 12th, 8pm online

Light Omega Calendar link to join -

Dear Beloved Ones,

At the time of our first prayer-meditation on behalf of those suffering due to the earthquake in Turkey, the death toll had been between three and four thousand. Now, it is over twenty-five thousand. This incalculable loss cannot be measured in numbers alone. Its effect spreads to the millions throughout Turkey, Syria, and beyond whose lives have been affected.

Please join me on Sunday, February 12th at 8pm, so that we may continue to pray and meditate together to send love, hope, and upliftment to those in great need. What is there is here, beloved ones, and we need to hold the grief of those who are grieving, and the fear of those who are frightened within the divine heart of love that lives within each of us. Please add your divine heart to this effort. GurujiMa

Note from Johanna - If you are reading this at anytime after this posting and event, your prayers and focus of your heart will still be powerfully uplifting. It seems to me that this level of suffering involves years of struggle and growth, and years for the sorrows to dissipate, yet never disappear from grieving hearts.

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 Post subject: Guided Meditations With GurujiMa
PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 3:56 pm 

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Guided Meditations with GurujiMa

Guided meditations with GurujiMa are both a sharing of stillness and of wisdom. They can be joined by anyone of any spiritual background or of no background at all with benefit to both body, heart and mind. They come from the light and transmit light through the power of sound, so that even if the words are not absorbed fully, the sound vibration can help to heal, uplift, soothe, and comfort.

In addition to these archived recordings, GurujiMa offers a new Morning Meditation that is broadcast live each weekday from 8-8:30 am ET.

Guided Meditations with GurujiiMa

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 Post subject: Soul Friends
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 9:36 am 
Soul Friends

Remember the truth of who you are.
- GurujiMa

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Soul friends catch soul friends before they fall into the abyss of self pity and despair.

They help them to remember that they are not the energies of darkness moving through their consciousness and emotions.

Soul friends help each other to remember that they are love and of the Light.

with love,

This post was created for both holding the Light for our teenage girls and youth who are experiencing more hopelessness, suicidal ideation's, and rape.

Suicidal Ideation and Behaviors Among High School Students — Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2019

And for the WayShowers, Energetically Sensitive's, and Empaths who are transmuting and holding these energies with love and devotion.

All Blessings.

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 Post subject: Removing Violence
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 9:40 am 
Removing Violence

Beloved Ones,

Since the beginning of 2023 there have been 67 mass shootings
recorded in this country, more than the days of the new year.

To do your part in eliminating mass shootings, eliminate anger
from your heart.

One can protest against injustice without becoming angry,
It involves embodying a truth that you hold as an ideal and a light.

It involves standing for something not against something.

Remove violence. Your help is needed.


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 Post subject: 7000 Eyes - Beyond The Balloons
PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 6:50 pm 

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Hello Dear Readers,

This vision came to me in regards to what I have been reading regarding satellites in space. My curiosity was stirred as there was so much focus and trending energies in regards to the balloons, some with surveillance technologies onboard. I was astonished by how many satellites are in space orbiting the Earth, how much space trash there is, how dangerous it is, and by the time you read this Dear Reader, I may have underestimated what the current count of orbiting satellites may be.

How might someone from another age interpret this vision?

with love,

2/16/23 - So Dear Readers, I have been reflecting on this post and have returned to answer with my imagination, the question I posed.

If I was someone living 11,000 to 1000 years ago, I might interpret this vision let's say, if I saw it painted on a wall as either the Ancestors watching, or God(s) or god(s). For some it might be a vision which is origin related - those who hold a memory of their coming from the stars.

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 Post subject: Individual Purification — How to Recognize Its Presence
PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 1:05 pm 
Individual Purification — How to Recognize Its Presence
GurujiMa ... ification/

Purification is a process that takes place on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. It represents the means through which each embodied soul can recognize and return to the divinity that lies at their core. The process is initiated and maintained by spiritual light, and by the efforts of those who choose to align with the divine Oneness that exists within all.

Though each individual process of purification is absolutely unique and unfolds in its own way, there are certain common pathways and indications that can be observed in many individuals. As the light of God brings forth healing and transformation, certain common aspects of the purification process are revealed. In reviewing this list, it is to be remembered that one’s own sacred process is unique, held in the wisdom of divine Intelligence for each soul, and so there may be some aspect of purification occurring that is not listed here which must be validated in its own terms.

Recognizing the Process

1.The presence of intense feelings, often of a negative quality, that arise suddenly and without warning, sometimes without any apparent external cause

2.New physical symptoms that have no explanation or cause that can take on the appearance of a medical condition but are based on unique energetic changes

3.Increasing sensitivity to people and environments and the energies emitted from these

4. A significant change in outer life conditions which requires an adaptation to the new and a letting go of the old

5.The arising of old emotional issues that one thought were healed and let go of, needing to be dealt with on deeper levels

6. Greater access to inner guidance than was present before, creating a sense of being ‘led’ or a sense of ‘rightness’ in relation to certain decisions

7. A growing hunger to make more sense of life, to pursue a direction that has ‘purpose’

8. Light-headedness, dizziness, or ungroundedness, or, the direct experience of light-energy itself

9. A sense of inner turbulence or upheaval that can be present without knowing why, as if much was happening inside

10. An alteration in one’s sense of values or priorities so that what seemed desirable or attractive before is no longer so. For example, a change in eating habits or food preferences that conform to the changing needs of the body.

Purification is both individual and global. Though it is an inner process, its effects can be seen in outer life as well, especially in the area of relationships — between people, within communities, among nations, and in relation to the Earth itself. It is not a process based on one religious or spiritual orientation, but rather belongs to all spiritual orientations. The purification process is the pathway through which each human being returns to an intimate experience of relationship with God.

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 Post subject: Polarized Energies of Helplessness
PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 1:12 pm 

Polarized Energies of Helplessness

Compulsiveness- the experience of too much undirected energy moving through the body and consciousness.

Limitation - the experience of too little directed energy moving through the body and consciousness.

Both are states of embodiment that call for surrender, prayer, waiting, and right relationship with sacred reality. Try to be mindful of the energies of shame and worthlessness which interfere with the purification of these polarized energies of helplessness.

The reality of helplessness is what it is, until the moment it isn’t.
Bear with.
Bear it with God.

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 Post subject: Prayers For The Suffering - Saftey For Those In Palestine
PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2023 1:18 pm 

Prayers for the safety of those living in Palestine.

Both in Ohio, United States and the Middle East.

with love,

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