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 Post subject: Pathway of Unfoldment
PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 7:20 pm 
A few months ago I was made aware that my past spiritual knowledge was irrelevant, and with inner eyes was shown my pathway where there was a small gap before stepping into something new.

There have been many steps along the way, some quite frustrating. Not being able to recall memories immediately; a feeling that they had been compartmentalised and I couldn’t find the key. Speaking, and in the next moment losing my train of thought. Looking for something that I didn’t know I was looking for, and staring into space where nothing around seemed tangible. There was also a feeling of light headedness as if I was floating around the ether, although at another level I knew I was in alignment and living a very normal life. I felt I had been unplugged from one reality and waiting to reconnect to another.

As life is unfolding I feel that I am living between two different realities, and at times simultaneously. On one level I live a very balanced life with not too many excesses, and the other a disconnection from earthly time/reality where my body clock feels totally out of sync. I still continue with meditation and relaxation, but my energy levels are at times very high, so sleep becomes intermittent, I also start eating to excess (my body feels it needs it at this time), but all this is making me feel agitated and restless, as I cannot focus or relate to anything or anyone.

I am wondering if others on the forum are having/had the same experiences, and how they manage to blend with these different energies as their consciousness is being raised.


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 Post subject: Re: Pathway of Unfoldment
PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 8:14 am 
Hello Jeannie,

In my experience, although the Purification Process may feel confusing and at times leave one feeling ungrounded and unsure, a wonderful sacred process anchored in Light is occurring. A sacred process by which Light infuses the body and a new deeper relationship with the body and the intuition is being revealed through as life unfolds within the moment.

My experiences, which are similar in some respects and different by the very nature of our different soul paths, have brought me into a deeper relationship with my body and that which once caused me to feel nervous and unsure has been solidified in trust as the awakening process at all levels of consciousness has unfolded.

I hope this is helpful.

with love,

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 Post subject: Re: Pathway of Unfoldment
PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:00 am 
Dearest Jeannie, I am grateful for you sharing your experiences. From me a resounding, “Yes!”

What you’ve described is something I have/am transitioning through as well. While our symptoms may be similar or different, I have chosen not to put too much emphasis on them because it has become an indication for me that I am not using my heart but my mind which seeks to ultimately serve & justify the ego.

It is as beloved Johanna has written. This is the sacred process of purification and awakening. New life, new choices are being revealed in each moment. Regardless of one’s level of awareness, everyone and everything on Earth is going through this.

Truly, Jeannie, this is a time in which I have felt more like my true self than ever before. When I am going through a period of waiting and cannot feel or hear my soul’s wisdom, I lean heavily on Beloved Guruji-Ma’s teachings and blessedly, am always led to what I need.

Living as a human and becoming increasingly aware of a world in duality is an invitation to surrender and deep trust. It is also can be a time of great joy and relief, as well, for it is a signpost that one is on the road to wholeness.

In this time of great change and healing on the Earth there will be confusion, doubt or fear for all of us. Let us bless the Wayshowers who have learned, through all the hills and valleys of becoming, to turn away from the well-worn path of the mind, surrender the ego and seek God’s will. With blessings and love, Meg

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 Post subject: Re: Pathway of Unfoldment
PostPosted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 11:08 am 

“We look into the unknown of Time
before us,
and feel afraid of seeing nothing
but our own reflection,
no certainty, or image, or guideline,
or path to follow.
“I shall lead them by a way they know not”
defines this moment of suspension,
this ancient declaration of a way
through fear when the past has ended
and the future has not yet begun.
This is the time of revelation,
in which the invisible hand of the
Eternal reaches out to our inner knowing,
waiting for us to grasp it,
to abandon the mind and its fears
and to side with the heart and its eternal
This is the safe shore of our existence,
the knowledge that the heart carries
that defies reason and the illusory certainty
of the visible,
to rest entirely in the Invisible,
the truth of our soul.
We cling to this truth,
and bring to it every breath that we take,
that our breathing itself may be
infused by the messages of the Invisible,
and the voice of the Invisible,
this voice that tells us that we will be brought
safely home.”

Julie of Light Omega

“Moment of Suspension” from 'Poems for the New Earth'.

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 Post subject: Re: Pathway of Unfoldment
PostPosted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 6:46 am 
Dear Johanna

Thank you for your enlightened thoughts; sometimes we need to seek reassurance from those of like mind when we are expanding and moving from linear time lines.

It has been a gradual process of unfoldment over the past months, but I am becoming more conscious of the fact that we are all multi-dimensional and exist on different levels of consciousness; our earthly life is waking up to that reality.

As you say the changes can be uncomfortable until the energies become more grounded. Even as I am writing this I feel in a different place and space; quite disorientated, but will sit quietly and continue with the practice of alignment.

With love


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 Post subject: Re: Pathway of Unfoldment
PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:54 am 
Dear Meg

Thank you for your post, and Guruji –Ma’s teaching. It is good to know that someone else resonates with having similar experiences.

Although I follow Guruji-Ma’s teachings; on an earthly level I do sometimes feel out on a limb, although this is my soul’s choice. I have had to learn to have total faith and trust in my inner guidance at all times, so for the most, all fears and worries have been dispelled.

My posting was because I did have a slight wobble or concern especially as I have to drive quite a bit, but have since realized my concerns are unfounded because I am guided and looked after. Anyway, it was a good reason to re-connect again with everyone on the forum.

As you say for all who are following their inner path, life does become so much lighter as you let go of those aspects of self that no longer serve you. For many years I have felt I was trudging through treacle with a rucksack on my back, but now I feel lightness in my step and in my heart.

Love, Jeannie

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 Post subject: Re: Pathway of Unfoldment
PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 10:18 am 
Dearest Jeannie,

All blessings to you. I thank you for opening this thread as I feel there is help for many in you having done so. I’ve just gone through something where I could not feel the rightness of the next step concerning physical experiences I was having and thought it might be helpful to share further. While the details of the medical experience is unimportant, how I was led might be helpful.

Knowing already that all physical/mental conditions are energetic and many karmic in nature are coming forward now with lessons intended to move us forward, the question of whether or not to seek outside (medical) advice has always been challenging for me. Guruji-Ma (who is available to everyone who asks her) recently reminded me that when I feel something has been uncovered and I’m questioning whether medical intervention is needed, not to be afraid of going to check it out.

So based upon the urgency & depth of the physical experience & having brought all to God and still not feeling the direction to go, I usually chose an alternative practitioner first, as it is where I am drawn. However there are times, like recently, where that was not possible. So here was my opportunity to take the sum of my learning and consciously bring who I am in the Divine to listen to the medical advice offered.

My experience was that it was good I went to see someone, although not needing intervention, I needed to be aware of the possibilities of further change and that in time the symptoms of my experience should diminish. After the visit, I gave thanks for what was given and asked for Divine will to be done and for further guidance, which I feel I have since received.

There are some experiences where I have great difficulty in feeling what the right course of action is. This is because I am in a constant state of purification (as is everyone) and energies, not of love, are constricting/limiting my ability to feel the light. I instead experience the opposite of light. Here the door opens wide to Trust in the Divine above all else and it is here, when I feel tossed in the depths of darkness, that I wait with prayer on my every breath asking for help, holding no expectation. Help does not always means the root cause of distress will disappear but rather that restrictions and limitations are diminished to where I can feel/see what my next step should be. Most often it is to wait and pray and endure until the time of greater light which comes at any time.

Asking for prayers and help from those you love and feel drawn to goes a long way in feeling supported in difficult times. It is time for all people to awaken to this for we are not forgotten, isolated individuals living on a spinning rock in space. We are all intimately connected to each other, breathing the same sacred breath, being of the same divine material whether we know someone’s name or not. May all on Earth at this time come to know they are not alone. May all grow in light and experience the guidance of their inner Being, always loved, always safe in the arms of the Divine Beloved.

With all blessings, love and gratitude, Meg

*** For those who may wish to seek advice from Beloved Guruji-Ma, no matter where you are, please visit:

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 Post subject: Re: Pathway of Unfoldment
PostPosted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 5:38 am 
Dear Meg,

I went through a similar experience where I felt I had to turn to the medical profession because of the severity of the condition in that moment; I was given antibiotics. Unfortunately, (maybe due to my sensitivity) I suffered extreme side effects which had a domino effect creating other problems that ended in surgery.

This has led me to research the side effects of prescription drugs especially antibiotics. I have highlighted these findings, relaying them to others so that they can make informed choices, while advocating the benefits of alternative advice.

I also had to forgive myself because I felt the emotion of anger arising, because I put all my faith in conventional medicine, and did not look within to be guided to seek an alternative solution.

I questioned why I had/decided to take this path, but in hindsight realize that it was part of my spiritual growth, and have come through it with a deeper awareness and understanding of physical discomfort. It has been quite a difficult journey as I am normally very active, but when we need to listen we are stopped in our tracks. I found that being present, and mindful of the fact that I was not the pain has been a blessing.

With love


Self-forgiveness involves several things: first, freeing oneself from identification with past mistakes with an intention, held in God, that the root causes of these mistakes be healed with God's help.

Secondly, self-forgiveness involves a willingness to walk humbly before God, knowing that past errors may crop up again and again and must be met with a new intention to become pure and light-filled so that all can return to the natural state of one's deepest being.

Thirdly, self-forgiveness involves letting go of the dichotomy regarding being deserving or not deserving of God's love and blessing. This is often the most difficult shift to achieve. Guruji-Ma

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 Post subject: Re: Pathway of Unfoldment
PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:45 am 
Dearest Jeannie, I am sorry that your experience was a painful, difficult one. I am grateful a deeper meaning has been made known to you. Learning to continually trust while moving forward through a state of unknowing is something we learn over many lifetimes. Life continually reveals what we need and the learning is widened and deepened as we grow.

One of the great blessings of living in this time is that more possibilities for healing, for receiving Divine guidance is available to every soul now through the opening of the heart in trust to Holy One present in and upon the Earth.

How each soul is led to receive divine guidance in the most perfect timing of its needs, is one of the beautiful mysteries that continually brings forth awe and gratitude in me. I am grateful for your sharing. With all blessings, Meg

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 Post subject: Re: Pathway of Unfoldment
PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2019 10:03 pm 
Dear Jeannie,

So glad you wrote about your experiences, I have had similar experiences of not sleeping and having to be extra attentive to time and space. I have been interviewing Guruji-Ma to have a deeper understanding of this passage we are all making into greater Light and wholeness. Guruji-Ma is publishing these interviews in a series under the name of “Conversations with Guruji-Ma” and some of the books are available on Amazon.

One of the recent conversations with Guruji-Ma was about Light and the New Spiritual Senses. It starts with me asking Guruji-Ma the following:

Diana: I was hoping we could talk more about unusual experiences and how people are changing in response to the greater light that is coming in. I feel that even for people who are not involved with a conscious spiritual life, they're still affected by this increase of light, and I was hoping you could speak about how that happens.

Guruji-Ma: It happens on several different levels, but I wouldn't call these new experiences 'unusual.' I would say that they are 'usual' because they're part of the way a person feels their identity changing. What you feel about who you are changes from birth until death. No one has a static view of who they are. We grow, and so our view of who we are changes. What we didn't think of before as part of the central aspect of who we are, in a new stage of life becomes a core part of the new identity. This is how it happens with the expansion related to light as well. Only it happens more quickly. There's a shift in the sense of identity so that the heart which was in whatever state it was in prior to the expansion of light, begins to have new perceptions of what is real. What is real emotionally, what is real in terms of values, and what is real in 10 terms of purpose. The heart begins to expand in its sense of itself because it is infused by the light of the soul, and with that it begins to desire more of life in its life. It wants more meaning, more love, more depth, more truth. All of these desires are part of the energy of the soul coming into the heart so that it feels more of its deeper self.

There is a longer answer Jeannie but if you are interested the book is on amazon - Conversations with Guruji-Ma- Light and the Spiritual-Senses. Let me know if you would like to talk more too. I have such appreciation for all of the dear and devoted souls that keep reaching for greater truth and love in these times.


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 Post subject: Re: Pathway of Unfoldment
PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 9:16 am 
Dear Diana

I am sorry I have taken a time to answer your post, but like others I have been going through a major shift in consciousness. I have had to retreat into the quiet or take myself to the beach to be near the sea, to re-energize.

I do agree with Guruji-Ma, as we continue to rise and expand to our deeper truths our perception of self and life change. On my journey I have found moving from linear time lines to merging with the quantum field more peaceful and harmonious with my true self. I feel a freedom of detachment and a knowing that in every moment am able to choose my reality.

I am frequently having new experiences; it is obviously part of the ascension process and comes with the increase in light within the physical body. I have been to the spirit side of life in my dream state seeing those who have gone before; a beautiful experience and so vibrant. That higher consciousness stayed with me throughout the next day, and felt like heaven was here on Earth. I have also been in a different state of consciousness where I felt I was a star in the heavens looking down on planet Earth. These are some of the unusual experiences I think you mean.

We are going through a process of adjusting and anchoring these higher states of consciousness as the expansion of light continues to change our energy from carbon to crystalline. Sometimes it can be a little uncomfortable as these changes occur, but I am always reminded of Guruji-Ma’s teaching that we are not the body, and continue the practice of staying in alignment and mindful in every moment.


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 Post subject: Re: Pathway of Unfoldment
PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 10:50 am 

Blessings, dearest Jeannie. I read your post and wanted to thank you for sharing your experiences and your heart here. In this time of sacred transition there are many who resonate with what you have shared though specifics may be unique to each soul depending upon need.

The reason I am writing is that during this time of great unknowing there are some experiences that are of darkness and of an intensity that has the ability to cover over one's previous knowing of the light. For some this has not been experienced before and it can plunge one into feelings of being entrenched in darkness. I wished to share what Guruji-Ma wrote recently about those going through these painful or unusual experiences which can create separation from Divine light. She said, "Hold to the light, and never think because you cannot see or feel something that it is not there. Your inner being knows that it is." Guruji-Ma

When energetic challenges occur, which is part of this sacred time of unfoldment, may we remember her blessed words. Whether in relationship with those of the animal or plant kingdom, those between families, or in work environments, in governments or even the briefest exchanges between strangers, may we hold the light, may we be love. May we pray for all who do not yet believe the evidence before them. May we pray for all those who feel alone, all those who suffer, all who are afraid. May we pray for them as we pray for ourselves.

Om Namo Bhagavate, Om Namo Namaha.

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