Dearest Jeannie,
All blessings to you. I thank you for opening this thread as I feel there is help for many in you having done so. I’ve just gone through something where I could not feel the rightness of the next step concerning physical experiences I was having and thought it might be helpful to share further. While the details of the medical experience is unimportant, how I was led might be helpful.
Knowing already that all physical/mental conditions are energetic and many karmic in nature are coming forward now with lessons intended to move us forward, the question of whether or not to seek outside (medical) advice has always been challenging for me. Guruji-Ma (who is available to everyone who asks her) recently reminded me that when I feel something has been uncovered and I’m questioning whether medical intervention is needed, not to be afraid of going to check it out.
So based upon the urgency & depth of the physical experience & having brought all to God and still not feeling the direction to go, I usually chose an alternative practitioner first, as it is where I am drawn. However there are times, like recently, where that was not possible. So here was my opportunity to take the sum of my learning and consciously bring who I am in the Divine to listen to the medical advice offered.
My experience was that it was good I went to see someone, although not needing intervention, I needed to be aware of the possibilities of further change and that in time the symptoms of my experience should diminish. After the visit, I gave thanks for what was given and asked for Divine will to be done and for further guidance, which I feel I have since received.
There are some experiences where I have great difficulty in feeling what the right course of action is. This is because I am in a constant state of purification (as is everyone) and energies, not of love, are constricting/limiting my ability to feel the light. I instead experience the opposite of light. Here the door opens wide to Trust in the Divine above all else and it is here, when I feel tossed in the depths of darkness, that I wait with prayer on my every breath asking for help, holding no expectation. Help does not always means the root cause of distress will disappear but rather that restrictions and limitations are diminished to where I can feel/see what my next step should be. Most often it is to wait and pray and endure until the time of greater light which comes at any time.
Asking for prayers and help from those you love and feel drawn to goes a long way in feeling supported in difficult times. It is time for all people to awaken to this for we are not forgotten, isolated individuals living on a spinning rock in space. We are all intimately connected to each other, breathing the same sacred breath, being of the same divine material whether we know someone’s name or not. May all on Earth at this time come to know they are not alone. May all grow in light and experience the guidance of their inner Being, always loved, always safe in the arms of the Divine Beloved.
With all blessings, love and gratitude, Meg
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